Reconciling Contradictions

243.07Question: Why is my group suffering like I am?

Answer: No, you just see it this way in your distorted perception.

If your thoughts (from morning to evening in your free time from work where you are free to think and feel, or even at work) were about spirituality, and if you also helped the group think about it and advertise this lifestyle to you, you would soon be able to feel all this.

Question: Why is it not only me but also my friend from the group who are shown that we cannot come to this feeling for quite a while?

Answer: In order for him, too, to mobilize all his strength for this.

Question: If the problem is in my perception, why does a friend suffer from this?

Answer: It is in your perception that he suffers; there is nothing other than you. This group and everything else is in your perception.

Comment: But you are constantly under some pressure.

My Response: I feel no pressure. I am in a state as if I am throwing myself into cool water that engulfs me on all sides and feeling myself dissolving in it. It is such a wonderful feeling!

Question: Even if you don’t look at it on the outside?

Answer: Externally, this is my animal body. It can suffer. It feels heaviness, age, and so on.

Also on the inside, I don’t feel the way I described, i.e., in a state of perfection and joy because I am included in everyone else; I depend on them and they depend on me. There are some other factors that force me to do various things.

What’s the difference?! Neither you nor anyone else will be able to understand it until everything is revealed to them.

It is impossible to reconcile the perception of the world in each of us that we all exist: me, the group, and everyone and that I depend on them and they depend on me, and at the same time say: “No, they exist only in my imagination. And all these are my properties that I see before myself.”

A person cannot reconcile these two concepts within himself, nor in general all contradictions pertaining to the perception of the spiritual universe and ours, because he does not yet consist of the spiritual quality. Once he acquires both properties—ours (the property of receiving) and the spiritual (the property of giving)—he will be able to perceive everything correctly.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Root of Success” 3/6/11

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