Manipulating People

273.02Comment: In the world there are some people who manipulate others. For example, when a thoughts are introduced to people in order to sell them products, etc.

My Response: These are ordinary, usual PR techniques.

Comment: Essentially, as long as there is egoism, it will always sell something and buy something.

My Response: Yes. As long as there is something to buy and to sell.

Question: But there is still a level where someone enjoys manipulating others. How can we avoid creating circles that deceive themselves?

Answer: You can’t do anything. Naturally our selfishness unites us into various power structures where a group is organized that seeks to push its own opinion, its own will, to lobby. That is also lobbying. There are all sorts of lobbyist groups in the government. These are so-called influence groups that seek to change public opinion and everything else.

Question: Why do we need it if these are all just toys?

Answer: But they don’t know that. They still believe they can change something. On the one hand, everything is controlled from above. On the other hand, the government puppets at the bottom believe that power is in their hands and they can do anything. They are even shown how they can act: “I’ll take you and do this and that.”

In the end everything originates from above and the rulers only implement it, even though what they do harms them and their own people.

We think we are doing something. It would be better if we sat and did nothing. If you don’t want to change yourself, then at least don’t try to change others.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Brainwashing!” 5/14/11

Related Material:
American Brainwashing
The World Where You Are the King
Noam Chomsky: “10 Strategies Of Manipulation” By The Media

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