American Brainwashing

962.4Question: America has built an image of the American Dream through propaganda. At some point it was revealed that their authorities were listening to their own citizens, which was followed by a lot of  scandals. This gives an example of how much you can build a system of brainwashing, but in the egoistic sphere.

Can it ever be the other way around that a person is told about the importance of opposite systems, of bestowal, which Kabbalists are trying to convey to the world? Is it possible to build such a system?

Answer: Of course, it is not only possible, but also necessary. This is a system of integral education.

But I think that this system will be built not from the top down, but rather from the bottom up when people receive information about us in an accessible and correct form suitable to them through the Internet and through television channels, in the form of series, engaging games, and so on. This will educate them. They will participate in workshops, groups, and roundtables.

Otherwise it is impossible to reach millions and even billions of people. First it will go to the people with the lowest income level, from the middle class and below, and then higher. We will have to do this.

Comment: But the Americans have built a system in which people have no choice. They are just brainwashing them.

My Response: It’s already falling. The people are changing. We are evolving; we are changing. Today we are reaching a level when this system is breaking down. Therefore problems arise. And at the same time, other systems of human society are failing: economic, political, social, cultural, and familial.

Therefore, the American propaganda of their way of life: “we,” “we,” “we”—stops working. A person from the inside has other demands that Hollywood will not satisfy.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. American Brainwashing” 7/3/13

Related Material:
The End Of The American Dream – Death Of Democracy
The Empty American Dream
The Collapse Of The American Dream

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