The Deep Sleep of a Kabbalist

549.02It happens that people fall asleep in the lesson because they are not ready for the load. If they have not studied or do not keep in line with the subject, if it is too early for them to hear such things, then they sleep. It is hard for them.

Kabbalistic information does not add up in their head because there must be forms in our brain prepared in advance, which we associate with each other. After all, behind every word there is some concept, and our brain links them together.

What if we do not have them? Moreover, in addition to mental concepts there must also be sensory ones since we think with feelings and not with the mind. Pure mind is an absolutely abstract concept.

When people encounter this they become overwhelmed with fatigue. It is impossible to put together understanding, knowledge, sensation, the flow of thoughts, the process, and the formula that is given in a sentence from beginning to end (subject, predicate, adverbial phrase), and all of that together. It does not fit within them and they do not understand what they are dealing with.

The body creates a block, a kind of protection, and a person falls asleep. This is good. This is the blocking system, the protective system.

Question: Does a person in this state absorb information better or miss it?

Answer: There are people who can neutralize themselves so that everything flows through them. But this is completely irrelevant to Kabbalah. They can sit and meditate, but still they have nothing left.

If they do not have an internal preparation for Kabbalistic technology, if they have not prepared their tools, then they will not have anything from this. Let them squat or meditate, that is their business.

As a rule, two categories of people study with us: those who are ready for this and therefore they absorb the material, each at their own level; or those who are not ready, who turn off, and fall asleep. It is hard for them.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Deep Sleep of a Kabbalist” 7/26/13

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