Our Life—Repeating Past Mistakes

49.03Question: Let’s say a person wakes up in the morning and sees his world has turned upside down. There is nothing left of what was there yesterday. There is a completely different reality to deal with right now. What should one’s attitude be? How can you accept this correctly?

Answer: Close your eyes, go back to bed and sleep. 🙂 This is the healthiest, most correct thing you can do. What else is left to do? You do not know the new world, what is happening, or even if it is reality or a dream. Moreover, what’s next?

Question: In fact, fear and the desire to hide under the blanket are natural. Must we overcome something, see it from another side, or keep going with our eyes closed?

Answer: That’s what we usually do. Why do we constantly get into all sorts of gambles, wars, or problems? Because we close our eyes and do not want to make the right sound conclusions. Therefore, our whole life we keep repeating past mistakes, only at the next level.

Question: Let’s say yesterday I went under the blanket and today I’m tired of lying in bed. I want to make the right conclusion. How do I approach it?

Answer: Sit down and write all your problems for today—what you think about them, how you see them, or anything else. And then write the answers as far as you can make sense of it; write what you can do about it and see what follows.

Comment: For example, I see that I don’t understand anything. There are a lot of problems and I can’t figure anything out.

Not to mention some global problems that I have no effect on at all. The whole sheet is crossed out. Nothing works. Everything has turned upside down. Even yesterday cannot serve as experience.

My Response: So you’re a free man now! You realized what kind of life is before you and that you can’t do anything about it, but only, like yesterday, run on auto-pilot today, too. Now you’ve come to the right conclusion.

Question: So changes in feelings lead a person to freedom?

Answer: What kind of freedom is it? This is freedom from making the right decisions.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 9/23/22

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