Audio Version Of The Blog – 9/15/20

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Should We Open The Kindergartens And The Schools?

592.04Question: Currently there are preparations to reopen the schools and the kindergartens. Parents are afraid that their children will get infected and bring it home. Teachers are afraid that children will infect teachers and they will bring it home. Do you think that perhaps it is really possible not to open the schools, not to open the kindergartens?

Answer: I would not open anything now; I would just transfer all classes to the Internet. Children take it very easily. They browse all sorts of virtual pages all the time anyway.

Give them assignments and teach them via the Internet. There are great materials, whatever you want. Give them assignments, and at the same time prepare these assignments together with them. Have tests every day and so on. In short, everything depends only on us.

Question: What about the physical communication of children with each other?

Answer: Physical communication of children can be exactly like that, in order for children to meet and communicate physically with each other. They do not need this for the classes. Each one studies on his own with a notebook, with a blackboard, and with a teacher. All this they have on their computer.

Question: What should we do with kindergartens and nursery schools? After all, mothers do go to work.

Answer: It should be done very simply: teach children to exercise via TV or computer, to do some kind of homework, to communicate with virtual animals, people, and so on. That is, cultivate skills of virtual communication in them.

Question: Would you also put the children of kindergarten age in front of the screen?

Answer: Of course. Imagine a boy who you put inside an airplane! He sits in front of these switches, and the pilot sits next to him and teaches him how to operate them. What prospects opens up for him! Do you have any idea what you are doing for a child?

We can do the same with a ship, with submarines. This is not a movie that you show them about other people, but he, himself, interactively participates in it. He can even become a surgeon if he wants: he listens to the heartbeat and how it all happens.

Make it all interactive, make it so that it becomes his life! Then when he becomes an adult, he understands what this is all about.

Imagine yourself as a boy, how it would capture you!

It is up to you to choose what profession you want. You can go with them through all the professions this way. Show them everything there is! Make it interactive, as if they are in the forest running after a wolf or catching something, communicating with someone.

Question: Would you replace all these games of killing and capturing with the positive and educational ones?

Answer: Of course! You develop a person! He goes through all this and learns from this.

Question: Would you cancel all these wars that fill the Internet?

Answer: Absolutely! Absolutely everything that existed before today.

Question: Do you think that their effect is terrible?

Answer: There is nothing good about them! We need to make only interactive programs for children so that they would feel that they are entering life. These programs would have to be correct.

Then you would raise people the way you want them to be. I would show the girls how to take care of a baby, with diapers, and so on. How to take children for a walk. Here she goes for a walk with a baby, and she looks at herself from the side. Or even not from the side—she looks as if from within herself and sees all this. This is life!

Question: Then let us touch on the third factor, nursery school. Up to what age  should a mother stay with a child? Should she be paid for it, not to go to work, not to be sent anywhere? We usually send a child to a nursery school from the age of six months, if not earlier.

Answer: To the age of 12 to 13 years.

Question: Should we pay the mother to be at home with the child until he turns 12 or 13?!

Answer: Yes.

Question: To be with a child who is already an adult?

Answer: Yes. If it is a girl, she will be with her mother, will be helping her, and will know how everything is done. Then, when she becomes a young lady, a bride, a woman, she will be fine, she will know what needs to be done and how it is done, and she will not be calling her mother, “Mom, how do I make porridge?”

Question: Is it the same for a boy? Should he also stay with his mother until a certain age?

Answer: There will be a little bigger problem with a boy because he has to learn a profession.

Question: But it can be done interactively?

Answer: Interactively, yes. However, he should devote most of his time to this.

Question: Still would you also keep a mother with the child up to 10 to 12 years old for both boys and girls.

Answer: Yes. But they would still have, say, three days or even half-days allocated for walks. It should be when a person comes along and picks up the boys and takes them for walks, to a museum, or a sports field, etc.

Question: Should it be a coach, an instructor, or a teacher who picks up boys from an area and takes them to show the real, corporeal world? Does he also teach them how to communicate with each other?

Answer: Yes. Once a day, a walk for two to three hours, and another two to three hours of some games at the sports ground, and so on.

Remark: You have just painted a beautiful world.

My Comment: Why can’t we do that? What is there?! We do not need to build anything for this. We just need to reorganize ourselves and that is it. It is easy!

Remark: What you have just painted is so beautiful! But I do not think it is easy.

My Comment: It is not easy because of our character, because of our egoism, but it is in our hands.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/25/20

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The Last Day Of Summer

243.07The last day of summer has arrived. We are entering the autumn-winter period, and of course, the coronavirus pandemic will continue. It’s good that day by day we realize more and more clearly that the virus will not leave us that fast. The pandemic brings not only illness, but changes our entire existence: work, home, our communication with each other, and a person’s attitude to life.

There has never been an epidemic that has been so wide, so deep, and so long lasting, and has made such qualitative changes in a person. Humanity still finds it difficult to understand what changes are required of us, but in the next two or three months we will feel that this blow obliges us to change, to change our attitude to life and society. The coronavirus changes people, and it will be easier for us to understand what kind of people we should be.

Autumn begins, and people return to work after summer holidays, children return to school, students to universities. Everything begins to return to the usual framework, and here we will feel how unable we are to return to it.

We have nowhere to return! We will no longer be able to support the systems that we had before. For now we do not have an understanding of how to continue the previous course. What should be our attitude to work, to study, to all of life in the new conditions that are revealed to us as a result of the pandemic. We will have to figure it all out again.

We will feel that we want to fight against these phenomena less and less, but we need to understand their inner essence and change ourselves accordingly.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/31/20, “Work With Faith Above Reason”

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The Last Day Of Summer
What Adults Can Give Children
How Genius Children Lose Their Abilities

How To Stop Suicide Among Young People

283.01Question: Currently, suicides among young people are becoming more frequent. Against the backdrop of mass layoffs, income decline, and social isolation, young people suffer greatly. They feel very strongly the growing pressures on the family. Scientists say that after the pandemic ends, there will be an increase in suicides.

What is the reason for such a rather desperate step—ending one’s own life at a young age—for a generation that is just entering life?

Answer: We live to feel pleasure. The moment we do not feel pleasure, that very second seems as dead to us, worthless. If these moments continue one after another, we simply do not know what we exist for.

If we stop receiving pleasure, we do not know what we are living for.

Therefore, it is quite easy for us to understand people whose connection with good times, with a profession, with pleasure from some actions, people who could create, build, be in the circle of friends, loved ones, and ones who love them, and so on, is broken. Then indeed, if all this is lost, what is there to live for? After all, the very essence of our nature is yearning for fulfillment, for pleasure.

It turns out that there are very few pleasures in our life today. There are no fulfillments. That is why so many young people are just trying to end this life. Why should they suffer?

Question: How can they compensate for previous pleasures when social contacts, connections, and communication were one of the main tools for releasing energy?

Answer: And today there is none of that. Do not make a comparison with the youth from 20 to 30 years ago. They were much more primitive than the youth of today that has a huge number of connections around the earth. Modern young people understand how everything works and see not only on themselves, but on the young people around the world such examples in life because of which they do not want to live. What is the point?

Our egoism goes through the roof, it asks for some new, special fulfillments, but we cannot give them it, and thus emptiness appears. But you have everything! Take an interesting book and read it! He does not even want to open it: “What book?” Who has read a book lately? He would check some things on his computer a bit, nothing interesting either. And so on.

In other words, people are overfilled with opportunities, but these opportunities are not the ones that can fulfill them.

Question: Youth is the age when nature pushes a person to constantly develop. That is, the driving force from within pushes a person to develop. Why does this movement stop abruptly now both from within and without?

Answer: We are in a transition period between two very serious paradigms, phenomena, periods of human development. Until our time, all of humanity developed by the growing egoism. This growing egoism pushed everyone forward. It was interesting to grow, there was something to grow for. My innate egoism accompanied me all my life and pushed me further and further. Therefore, there were very few suicide attempts.

Today, our egoism stopped pushing us forward. It does not show us a bright future in its development. Therefore, I do not see what I should live for.

Question: Then what is man born for?

Answer: This is the question! Have you ever thought about it?

Question: Could it be that the lives of young people are interrupted exactly at the moment when they ask themselves this question and do not find the answer?

Answer: And do not find the answer. This is absolutely right.

Remark: Extreme games are actively developing among young people today.

Answer: This is because they do not feel satisfaction in ordinary life and they still need to feel themselves. A person has a feeling of himself when he is on the brink of something. When he reaches the edge.

Question: How can you not bring this borderline you are talking about to a critical outcome?

Answer: But they want it.

Question: Isn’t the aspiration for the extreme, for reaching beyond the boundaries of ordinary life, an aspiration to find something more?

Answer: I do not think that it is just because of that. They just need a feeling that they are alive. Living! And it does not exist in ordinary life.

Our life is over; our world has reached its limit for us. A person comes to a state called “reaching the edge”; he has reached the boundary. What is beyond it? Nothing!

If he does not end up with us where we will teach him how to get to the next level of the universe and not through death or some games, if he does not come to us, then there is nowhere to go. Then they resort to suicide.

Remark: I still want to find the rails on which a person, despite the fact that he is now in quarantine during the pandemic, when everything is collapsing and he feels that his life is also collapsing, would see these rails, stand on them, and go forward like a train.

Answer: No, For this he must come to us to study. You cannot just ride a train. There is a train, but you need to board it, hang on to it, and ride forward together with the others.

Question: How can people pass this tipping point?

Answer: They will not pass it until they discover the meaning of life, which is not in this egoistic life. Otherwise, there is no need to exist. They will kill themselves more and more.

Question: And where is this meaning if not in this life?

Answer: It is above it. You do not have to die for this, but you must rise above this life from our egoistic life into the altruistic one.

Question: Doesn’t that also mean death, in a way?

Answer: No, we do not kill anything. On the contrary, we are developing. Therefore, we need to talk about it a lot, explain a lot, gradually enter this area with our feelings and minds. However, in general, it is what gives us the answer to the question of the meaning of life and how to continue this meaning from our small egoistic world to a huge, open altruistic space.

Question: British social services say that in April, about half a million calls were received from teenagers and young people who were on the verge of committing suicide.

What would you say to young people who are just starting to live now? What do they need to do? Where to turn in order not to hit a dead-end, a limited path that ends after a certain amount of time, but to walk an eternal, endless road?

Answer: We need to convey to them as quickly as possible the method of revealing the upper integral world. Then they will understand what is worth living for. That is all we can do for them. They do not need anything else.

Question: What will they receive in this integral world?

Answer: Eternal meaning. Eternal existence in eternal attainment, in eternal fulfillment in unlimited form.

Question: Will they not feel stressed or lonely then?

Answer: Not at all! On the contrary, all this stress, loneliness, everything they have experienced, everything that has formed in them, this vacuum, this emptiness will be filled with the real meaning of life.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/12/20

Related Material:
The Eternal Question About The Meaning Of Life
Out Of The Impasse
Do Not Condemn, Rather Understand

New Life 1278 – A Summary Of The Jewish Calendar Year 5780

New Life 1278 – A Summary Of The Jewish Calendar Year 5780
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel

The coronavirus has introduced a new era for all of humanity even though we are still unable to grasp its meaning or support its purpose. We understand that we are getting blows, but we don’t know why or from whom. We are like helpless, crying children who need to grow and mature in relation to the new world in which we have found ourselves. We need to realize that the coronavirus is an educational tool that has come in order for us to recognize how evil we are and that we must change our attitudes toward one another such that we are more in sync with nature.

We live in a round, integral, global, interconnected system and it wants all of humanity to be in equivalence of form with it so that we will live in mutual harmony along with it. This requires that we have good, benevolent relations between us according to the principle “love your neighbour as yourself,” and become as one man with one heart.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1278 – A Summary Of The Jewish Calendar Year 5780,” 8/31/20

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“How Can We Stop The Spreading Of The Coronavirus Around The World?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: How can we stop the spreading of the coronavirus around the world?

In order to stop the coronavirus’ spread, we first need to accurately diagnose the disease itself. That is, our progress to a better and healthier state depends on our correct diagnosis of our current state.

Moreover, in addition to an accurate diagnosis of the disease, we would be wise to stop expecting that the disease will simply disappear, or that a wonder medicine will appear, and then everything will be okay.

If we could peek deeper into how nature functions at its causal levels, then we would see how it acts toward us, and what it wants from us, through this pandemic.

The pain, anguish and long-term discomfort afflicted upon humanity through this virus is in order for us to wake up to the discovery of the disease’s cause at the level of human relation—that our very detachment and estrangement from each other is behind the virus.

The sooner we understand that our divisive attitudes to each other spawn every agony that we suffer, including the coronavirus, then the sooner we would be able to focus our sights on fixing such attitudes.

I still see, however, that we have learned nothing from the pandemic: we continue expecting the solution to come through a vaccine, and we also keep trying to revive our pre-coronavirus egoistic-consumerist lifestyles that we had, pitting ourselves up against each other in an ongoing competition for narrow individualistic visions of material well-being.

However, the longer we fail to revise how we relate to each other, then the more the coronavirus (or other viruses queuing up after it) will gnaw away at us. The pandemic will remain because today, nature is obliging us to upgrade our attitudes to each other.

Therefore, stopping the spread of the coronavirus first requires understanding how our hatred of each other is its ultimate cause. When we relate to it in such a way, then we have already made a significant step to treating the disease, as half of a disease’s cure is in its correct diagnosis.

This is why those with a deeper understanding of nature exert a lot of effort in explaining this message to humanity, because they understand that the more humanity hears this message, the quicker it can heal from the pandemic, and progress to a better world with more harmonious relations.

We don’t need coronavirus vaccines. Also, if we look at the intention behind the countries and experts in the race to be the first to release the coronavirus vaccine, then we find no pure intention to heal humanity, but an intention convoluted with egoistic motives for wealth, pride and power. We can thus expect no positive progress to emerge from anything made with such egoistic motives, vaccines included.

Instead of spending millions of dollars and hundreds of hours to look for a vaccine to inject into our bodies, we would be wiser to seek the vaccine that already exists inside us—that if we realize positive, kind and loving relations to each other, then we will stop the spread of the coronavirus, as well as myriad other diseases and problems that pollute our lives today.

We have such a “vaccine” in our hearts, and we are given an opportunity to inject it into each other at every moment. Either we let our divisive attitudes involuntarily act through us and inject poison into each other, or we each accept our mutual responsibility upon each other, and thus inject the antidote to the virus into each other by aiming to care and love each other above our divisive attitudes.

Love, unification and togetherness above division is the antidote to all disease. We could test this solution similarly to how we setup clinical trials for vaccines, i.e., by creating labs that focus on leading people who are alien to each other into a newfound internal closeness and heartfelt connection, with the objective of witnessing how they would become immune to the virus.

We have yet to internalize the extent to which we have entered a new era, one of much tighter interdependence and interconnectedness, and that no treatments outside of our attitudes to each other work to fix anything in this era.

From today onward, we will experience more and more blows in order to illuminate precisely this point within us—our attitudes to each other—which needs changing.

Therefore, stopping the spread of the coronavirus requires diagnosing the cause of the virus in our egoistic attitudes to each other, and that positive attitudes hold the remedy for the virus and for all other problems in our lives.

Such knowledge already acts to heal us.

Positive relations are the source of all that is positive in our lives, and the lack of such relations is the source of all that is negative in our lives. Likewise, the coronavirus is a phenomenon that has appeared in order to teach us this principle.

Whether we agree or disagree, it costs nothing to try it out, since it already exists within us. We need not spend money or efforts doing anything with our hands or legs in order to try and find the virus’ cure. I am certain that the moment we implement an upgrade of our attitudes to each other, then we will see the coronavirus’ spread come to a halt.

Above photo by Thanos Pal on Unsplash.

“Influencers And Generation Z” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “Influencers and Generation Z

It used to be authors, thinkers, philosophers, and highly educated people who inspired us. Now, vloggers, reality show stars, sparsely dressed Instagram models, and YouTube celebs are people’s role models. We rarely read anymore. People become influencers according to the number of subscribers and followers they have on social media, and they don’t garner them with words, but with pictures that are usually provocative, evocative, and exude an air of entitlement.

We should look at the role models of today’s young not with disapproval, but with alarm that we have let them come to such emptiness, that we have not given them goals that would make them truly happy. We should look at them and change ourselves, so they will change as well.

Yet, for all the shallowness of Generation Z, it is not necessarily bad that people have stopped reading because there is a good reason for it: They are far less naïve than we were. They don’t believe in people’s good will; they want clear-cut answers, and they are very sober about the life ahead of them. They are disillusioned, and this is good. They will take what helps them and reject what doesn’t, and it is up to us, who built the world they now live in, to provide them with helpful answers and solutions.

Young people today have little respect for academic titles, politicians, or powerful and super wealthy individuals. For the most part, they have no aspiration to be like any of them. They want to have fun today and they don’t believe that titles or social status make one happy. They are right, and they are clever.

However, they are also depressed because they see no future. If all there is to look for is some fun today, then why not get high on something and forget about tomorrow? But when they come down, they come down to hopelessness.

Although they suffer, this pain produces questions, real and deep questions about the meaning of life. Perhaps the best testimony of the intensity of this question is the increase in suicidal tendencies among young people. According to an essay published in Business Insider, “Suicide is Gen Z’s second-leading cause of death, and it’s a worse epidemic than anything millennials faced at that age.”

It is our job, the millennials and Gen Xs, to provide them with answers. We are the ones who must introduce to them the benefits of human connection, the confidence and security that we can find only among people that we trust. We are the ones who must show them, through our own example, that it’s more rewarding to raise our eyes from the cell phone screen and look at each other.

We, their parents, must demonstrate how communicating and conversing about social unity creates a strong and solid community where socializing is fun. We are the ones who must realize that the tensions we are feeling today, the hatred between rivaling camps, and the anger we are venting freely do not contribute anything positive to us or to our children. On the contrary, they are destroying our society, and without a strong society, we and our children have no future, not even on the physical level.

So we should look at the role models of today’s young not with disapproval, but with alarm that we have let them come to such emptiness, that we have not given them goals that would make them truly happy. We should look at them and change ourselves, so they will change as well.

We should teach them that a person who disagrees with me is not my enemy, but an inseparable part of the fabric of society, and that only disagreements help me understand my own ideas and feelings. We should lead by example, and show that only when we embrace the different and cherish our diversity do we build a united society that is a thrill to live in and a solid basis for the future.

“Survival Of The Fittest Is A Lie We Tell Ourselves” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “Survival of the Fittest Is a Lie We Tell Ourselves

With each passing day, we have to realize that despite the growing tensions, we hate the wrong enemy. We think the enemy is that man who supports the other party, or that woman who belongs to the other race, or that person who is more privileged in some way, who is richer, smarter, prettier, luckier, or any other “er” that I would like to be or have.

There will be no winners in this war because it isn’t the right war. The right war is against our own egos, and we can defeat them only if we fight it specifically alongside those who are unlike us, whom we dislike, and of whom we disapprove, since this is the only alliance that our egos will never support.

But none of them are my real enemies. There have always been people who were more successful than we in some way, and there always will be such people. But they didn’t use to make us feel bad, and they didn’t use to make us feel that we want them out of our lives, and if possible, out of existence. They have always been here, but we were different. We were less self-entitled, less absorbed with ourselves, or simply, less selfish. Yes, our own egoism is our enemy.

We can’t control it; it’s growing from within us and is so much a part of who we are that we don’t even feel that it is the problem. But if we don’t learn how to work with our ego, it’ll lead us into civil war because we won’t be able to tolerate anyone’s existence but our own and those who think like us and look like us.

There will be no winners in this war because it isn’t the right war. The right war is against our own egos, and we can defeat them only if we fight it specifically alongside those who are unlike us, whom we dislike, and of whom we disapprove, since this is the only alliance that our egos will never support.

But it has to be a common decision, taken by the whole society on all its factions, or it is bound to fail. And should you ask what will motivate people to cooperate with those they hate, or even relate to them positively? The answer is that we have run out of options. If we don’t do it, we will all fall. We’ve come to a state where we are totally dependent on each other, and we are dependent the most on those we most dislike.

Actually, not only we, but all of reality consists of opposites that complement one another. They do not like each other, but are completely dependent on each other and their own existence guarantees and sustains the existence of their opposite or “rival.”

Think of “night” without “day,” “winter” without “summer,” “dry” without “wet.” Or when it comes to people, think of Black without White, Republican without Democrat, Liberal without Conservative. Can you imagine a coin that has only one side? This is how dependent we are on one another.

We think that when Darwin discovered the principle of “Survival of the Fittest,” he meant that only the meanest and most belligerent survive. This is a complete misinterpretation of his words that our pugnacious egos impose on us. A recent book by Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods titled Survival of the Friendliest writes that “to Darwin and modern biologists, “survival of the fittest” refers to something very specific — the ability to survive and leave behind viable offspring. It is not meant to go beyond that.” Moreover, they add that “Darwin was constantly impressed with the kindness and cooperation he observed in nature,” and quote his book Descent of Man, which states, “Those communities, which included the greatest number of the most sympathetic members, would flourish best and rear the greatest number of offspring.”

We are headed in the opposite direction. We are breaking our social fabric, tearing apart our communities, and dismantling the country. In such circumstances, we ourselves will not survive. And the only culprit is the human ego. We are now at a point where either we unite against it and help each other overcome it by encouraging each other to connect, and by trying to unite with those unlike us, or the ego will win and we will all lose everything.

“If Peace With The UAE And Bahrain Is Good, Where Are The Trumpet Sounds?” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “If Peace with the UAE and Bahrain Is Good, Where Are the Trumpet Sounds?

Less than a month after the normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain has also joined the peace train. I am all for it; peace and normalization are always better than war and animosity. But to be honest, I don’t see that the rest of the world is so excited about it, and I think this shows how isolated we are in the world. Despite the fact that Israel has established connections with countries who were previously enemies, no one is cheering, no one is sounding the festive trumpets. For all our efforts to be accepted, Israel, and Jews (though they may not recognize it), are excluded from the family of nations.

Wherever Israel appears, it is unlike any other country, and so it is with regard to Jewish presence anywhere. It is time we asked ourselves why this is so; it is time we understood that the way the world relates to us depends on us and not on them.

Wherever Israel appears, it is unlike any other country, and so it is with regard to Jewish presence anywhere. It is time we asked ourselves why this is so; it is time we understood that the way the world relates to us depends on us and not on them. The nations will welcome us when we bring to the world something that not we, but they consider worthwhile. Until then, whatever we offer them — advanced technology, developed agriculture, innovations in medicine, and brilliant novelists, actors, and filmmakers — the world will only hate us more. We will not receive an ounce of gratitude until we bring them what they really want from us. They do not express it, but we must figure it out and do it nonetheless.

But that something is plain to see: In a broken world, splintered by hatred, we — Jews and the State of Israel — have to bring correction to the world, Tikkun Olam, through unity. The world will accept nothing less from us.

We hate the idea, but we are not like everyone else. If you don’t believe me, ask anyone who isn’t Jewish and they will tell you that they feel that there is something special about Jews. Some hate us, some like us, but most everyone senses that we are different, and they’re right. No other country or person has to justify their existence, but we Jews do, as a nation, as a country, and as individuals. We should recognize it, since otherwise the nations will tell us this the way the Nazis told this to us eighty years ago.

No nation attracts more attention than the Jews, since no other nation is expected to set an example to the whole world. We are judged by a different standard because we are expected to be more virtuous than everyone else, more loving, caring for each other, and with more mutual responsibility toward each other than all other nations.

For saying this, some Jews have accused me of being antisemitic. But denial gets us nowhere. Instead, we must roll up our sleeves and get to work, because the whole world is waiting, and it is becoming increasingly impatient.

The demands of the nations from the Jewish people are not some fabrications of sick minds; our own sages told us throughout the ages that we must be a role model nation, “a light unto nations.” Rav Kook, the leader of religious Zionism before the establishment of the State of Israel, articulated this message poetically and succinctly in his book, Orot HaKodesh: “Since we were ruined by unfounded hatred, and the world was ruined with us, we will be rebuilt by unfounded love, and the world will be rebuilt with us.”

As just said, we need to unite not for our own sake, but to set an example to the world. In the days before the ruin of the Second Temple, there was a period when we were so united that people from the nations flocked to Jerusalem to see the miracle. The book Sifrey Devarim details how gentiles would “go up to Jerusalem and see Israel … and say, ‘It is becoming to cling only to this nation.’”

Similarly, The Book of Zohar (Aharei Mot) wrote about our hatred for each other and the importance of our unity for the rest of the world:

“‘Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to also sit together.’ These are the friends as they sit together and are not separated from each other. At first, they seem like people at war, wishing to kill one another … then they return to being in brotherly love. …And you, the friends who are here, as you were in fondness and love before, henceforth you will also not part from one another … and by your merit, there will be peace in the world.”

The book Kol Mevaser also stresses the importance of unity for the people of Israel: “This is the mutual guarantee on which Moses worked so hard before his death, to unite the children of Israel. All of Israel are responsible for one another, meaning that when all are together, they see only good.”

Therefore, we need to realize that we will have no peace or peace of mind until we make peace among ourselves. Until we rise above our deep-seated hatred for each other and unite in order to serve as an example to the world, the nations will treat us as pariahs.

Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 5/15/20

284Question: Why is someone else’s death so attractive to people? We see that when an accident occurs, many onlookers gather around. Why is this so interesting?

Answer: It is pure phycology. Something unknown, complicated, something that concerns everyone happens, and this is the reason it is so attractive.

Question: Can it be considered weakness if a person thinks about death or is afraid of it?

Answer: No. This is a natural state of man.

Question: What is your attitude regarding suicide?

Answer: Negative. I don’t understand people who do such things.

Question: Do you believe that medicine will be able to prevent death in the future?

Answer: No, never.

Question: What kind of death is ideal in your opinion?

Answer: When a person fully corrects himself, even in the last moment of his life.

Question: Is there life after the death of the physical body?

Answer: Of course. It is a different form of existence.

Question: Do you believe that the origin of life is from outer space?

Answer: No. I don’t think there is life in outer space.

Question: Can a person live several hundred years in the biological body?

Answer: Yes, he can, but what for?

Question: Is cremation permissible, in your opinion?

Answer: This is a personal matter. In principle, from the perspective of man’s spiritual development, what happens with the corporeal body after death is totally unimportant.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 5/14/20

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