The Eternal Question About The Meaning Of Life

002Why do people commit suicide? They cannot bear the feeling of melancholy and emptiness. After all, they wanted to fill themselves, but despite the fact that we have television and radio, thousands of different channels and programs, I am unable to fill myself. The flaw that unfolds in me, inner dissatisfaction and emptiness, is much more than I can get from all the sources around me.

I need the meaning of life! Does my life have a meaning, a purpose worth living for? I cannot find an answer to this question. I need to know that life leads me to the right goal, to a good outcome, from which it will be better for me and others, and that I am in a special process of the flow of life, which continues forever.

Most likely, a person will stop thinking about suicide if he finds out how reality is arranged, within what program of nature we exist, and how nature controls us. We are constantly moving from one program to another, receiving a new “upgrade,” and so we comprehend creation in its entirety both in this life and above it.

The process of evolution leads us to a very worthy and lofty goal. A person must feel the stream of life flowing through him from infinity to infinity. I am in this endless stream and I myself am also endless. I just need to open myself to the perception of the power of life that is around me, and so to develop more and more.

This is not taught at school, at university, at home, or in the family. Therefore, now, when despair has grown so much and will continue to grow, a person will eventually be forced to resolve this question of the meaning of life.

I invite everyone to our Kabbalistic community to see how kind and warm it is; it helps in finding the meaning of life and its purpose, which does not end with this earthly existence. A person gets a sense of peace, eternal and wonderful life, which is worth living every moment.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 8/16/20

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