Entries in the 'Integral Upbringing' Category

The World Is In A Crisis Of Trust


Opinion (Yaroslav Romanchik, President of Scientific Research Mises Center): “Money cannot buy love – an irreplaceable asset for keeping families happy. Economic wellbeing is not enough for that. We need trust which cannot be purchased with money. Trust can only be formed and ‘assembled’ from tiny grains with care under cautious control of common sense and a generous heart. Trust is especially needed to overcome a crisis.

“A husband cannot replenish a lack of trust by simply writing a check to his wife. When business is in crisis, mere increase of credit line won’t resolve the problem; on the contrary, it most likely will exacerbate the situation.

“Obviously, governments cannot get rid of crises by increasing loans, selling their “family silverware” and/or reducing national revenues.

“We are in need of lots of trust: between investors and banks, financial institutions and borrowers, businesses and authorities, citizens and governments, consumers and manufacturers, common people and political leaders, general public and businesses, media, community organizations, etc. In order to exit the crisis, we need powerful moral authorities. The list of the most influential people does not coincide with the rating of the richest people published in Forbes -500.”

Comment: People won’t trust each other if they are governed by egoism; each of us wishes good only to himself. Only the fear that we will harm ourselves even more keeps us from mutual destruction. We can trust only those who love us, like infants in their mothers’ arms.

If under the influence of an integral upbringing we can manage to change our inexplicable (natural) hatred toward each other into love, then this will eventually descend to our world. Nature has prepared a method of this process for us. The question is whether it will happen before or after we admit our mutual groundless hatred.

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The Theory Of Internal Contact Between People

Will We Vanish In The Next Twenty Years?

laitman_269Opinion (Ashok Gadgil, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Deputy Director, Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division):

“Modern civilization is facing a serious risk of vanishing in the next 20 years. The reason is that the speed at which we’re consuming natural resources exceeds their rate of self-replenishment.

“Climate changes are the first signs of this process. Our duty is to exercise a compound approach in addressing global risks that we currently face.  New economics should be based on our deep understanding that resources of the Earth are almost gone.

“Causes: increases in global population together with an ongoing escalation of consumption. Previously, the population used to be small and stable. People’s longevity was relatively short and there was a high rate of infant mortality.  Technical innovations brought to life new resources, thus allowing the number of people to grow. World population increased significantly after chlorination of water began. The discovery of antibiotics increased population growth even more.

“When women don’t participate in social life, there are always more children in the family. The best way to control the growth of population is to educate women.

“Literacy is the first and greatest method of preventing excessive population growth.

“Education is the second major element that helps to restrain climate fluctuation. If we don’t feel the boundaries within which we should continue to expand, we will have to endure natural catastrophes until they eradicate us.

“Exhaustion of resources is the third danger that we will face until we change the course of our development. This also depends on education: we have to realize that our planet has limited resources and we have to use them sparingly.

“Many people think that technical innovations will resolve these problems, but their implementation also depends on social morality and education.

“Each species tends to grow and thrive; all of them live in harmony and are interdependent. Only a human being strives to seize the whole territory for his own sake; such behavior cannot last for long. We have no other way, but to find balance between Nature and ourselves. However, not many people think of generations to come; everybody is preoccupied with the present moment. Once again, this problem is associated with our upbringing and education!”

Comment: The assumption is right. The question is how to implement this into practice: we have to create a methodology of integral education and upbringing. Only those people who have attained all layers of nature (Kabbalists) can come up with such a system. That’s why our main task is to complete the course on integral studies and upbringing and offer it to the widest circles of humanity.

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Correction Of The World, Part 1
A Time Of Change

A Good Place For Developing The Soul

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe reincarnation of the souls is like the recycling of water in our world. This is a constant exchange that takes place between different energy levels in which are found our energetic characteristics called the soul.

A soul is something ephemeral, an energy state of a person that is constantly rising and falling. Cycles like these are necessary to realize the constant blending, adhering, and division of all the souls with each other. They constantly create mutual correction, mutual integration, and bring all the individual souls into a single, generally shared state of one single soul.

This state is called the completion of correction, and we must attain it soon. Therefore, both the wisdom of Kabbalah and the crisis have appeared in this world. Not much time is left for us to reach this state, either through the blows of nature, through huge problems, or through learning and proper use of the method of  the wisdom of connection (Integral Education).

Question: In our world are there any energetic places that can fulfill the soul?

Answer: No, there are no places in the world with such unique characteristics. They influence our mental, physiological, and even our emotional attributes, but not the soul, not spirituality, meaning not the ascent of a person to the characteristic of bestowal and love.

Only in a strong group that is created correctly and in which people mutually cooperate in the right way is the focus of a state like this to be found where a person can enter this society and develop very rapidly.

This is not a geographic location; rather, it is simply an energy that is accumulated by many people yearning to discover the central force of the world. Only a Kabbalistic group is a good place for developing the soul.
From the International Summer Camp In Bulgaria “Day Two” 7/12/14, Lesson #4

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Eternal Life Within The Integral Connection
Learning To Pull The Strings Ourselves
How To Acquire Your Soul

The Science That Reveals The Secret Of Creation

Dr. Michael LaitmanWe are living in a very interesting times that are very unclear. Humanity has always been accustomed to making plans for 10 and even for 50 years ahead. People knew why they were alive and in what direction their nation was developing. But around 30-40 years ago, we lost our direction in life and and we now no longer know why we are living and developing.

Every person, family, and nation is in a situation like this. It dominates us so much that we no longer want to learn since we don’t see any results from it. Children are not connected to their parents and don’t want to marry, create a family, or give birth to children.

They don’t have any particular, clear purpose in life, such as building a home, raising a child, and so on. Pople have lost the taste for life. Many people in the world are depressed, and to forget, use drugs. The percentage of divorces is rising at a dizzying rate.

This strange time shows our distancing from each other, our loosing connection with our nation, with our family, and with friends  There was a time when there were very strong ties between relatives. Today this is not so, people can travel to another land and live in a society with a different culture.

The sensation of meaninglessness in life has spread everywhere in the world in different forms. We don’t set any unique goals for ourselves and don’t think about what will be in another 30, 40, 50, or 100 years. In the past this was interesting, if not for the individual person, then at least the nation, but now this doesn’t interest anyone. Everyone lives only for today since that is easier and simpler.

Never has the world been in such a state, which is a sign of a period of transition. We must pass from this state to a new state, meaning that we must begin to search for new values that make life worth living. Today there are no such values for people.

This meaninglessness is appalling. Even if person has a desire, he or she cannot realize their hopes and goals. Everything is falling apart on all levels: materially, spiritually, culturally, physically, in families, and in society.

It is precisely at this time that the wisdom of Kabbalah has been revealed to us. It originated 3,800 years ago in ancient Babylon. It says that once we were in the same state of mutual rejection that we feel today. Our ego reached such dimensions that we lost the connection with each other and were scattered throughout the world and distant from those strong societal connections in Babylon where we had lived and worked. Much cultural evidence has remained for us that reminds us of the separation that we experienced in Babylon.

Today we are beginning to enter into a similar situation, except on a new level. Today our planet is becoming smaller, as in ancient Babylon, and like the Babylonians, we don’t know what to do. Again, it is not clear to us how it is possible to get along with each other. We also don’t want to get along, so we divorce, separate, and disconnect. Each one feels himself an individualist.

Kabbalah speaks about this, and that today we must rise above our ego and understand that the same problem that is being discovered today in us, in our children, the family, society, the nation, and  the world has been awakened so that we will rise above ourselves and begin to develop connections between us.

This connection raises us to the next level of existence. Through the system of connection between us that humanity is creating, we are beginning to feel a new world, an absolutely new state. After all, today we perceive creation through our five corporeal senses, but we are ready to feel it via an additional, integral sense that we can develop if we connect to a system of communication and cooperation between us.

That is, instead of perceiving my egoistic, private world, I will feel the world as integral and connected. I will then begin to feel the entire system, the whole of  creation, and the interaction between its parts to such a degree that I will feel the world and myself in an absolutely different way.

Today we feel that we exist in the world for the number of years in a web of interactions between us. But if we begin to connect with one another, in spite of what our ego dictates to us, we will acquire a new system of communication and discover ourselves existing on another level, in an integral dimension in which there is no beginning or end. After all, the connection between us will make it possible for us to see the world through others, a multidimensional world and not linearly the way we see it today.

It is not easy to explain this to a person and for them to reach a perception of this world. But as a result of unique exercises, according to the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah, we can reach this and see an absolutely different creation.

The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us that whether we want it or not, we must reach this. So we are found in a state of crisis in all of nature, which shows us that nature itself is integral and all of its parts are found in complete harmony with each other, and a person is not ready to exist in such a harmonious picture because the ego takes him out of it.

Since we are the opposite of nature, we constantly damage it and don’t want to be a part of the integral picture. And so we feel the confrontation with nature in the form of a crisis.

The present crisis will continue until we reach the same direct integral cooperation in a good connection with nature like all of its other components.

The still, vegetative, and animate nature are in harmony, homeostasis, equilibrium. Man, using his egoism and devouring with this egoistic nature more than is necessary for his existence, violates this harmony and eventually leads to the crisis itself.

Therefore, the confrontation with nature will continue and will lead us to such a shock that we still have to find a way to continuing existence. Indeed, despite the technological advances, we can not live a normal life without the proper interaction and harmony with the environment.

Harmony can be found only if we pass through a certain period of re-education, through efforts to remake ourselves, rising above our selfish nature and arriving at the correct interaction between us.

This is the main subject of the wisdom of Kabbalah, which tells the history of man’s appearance on the planet and about reaching the end of his egoistic development, when he is compelled to change himself. The wisdom of Kabbalah explains how we can change ourselves to emerge from the crisis, which will be felt on a more and more brutal scale by the individual, the family, society, the nation and the world.

So we are obliged to learn how to interact between us. For this there is the method of integral education that allows an easy way to implement this: gradual, correct interaction between us with the help of special exercises.

Very rapidly, other forces of nature will be revealed before us that are opposite to the negative, egoistic forces that cause conflicts between us. A person will feel that he can balance them with the altruistic forces to the extent that he will begin to feel the world as good and not cruel.

He will begin to understand the forces of nature, why nature behaves like this with him, and in what form he can use the forces of nature for his own good and truly benefit from his very existence on the planet.

When a person begins to interact correctly with other people, meaning that he begins to connect with them correctly, he will begin to feel himself in the unique network of communication that connects everyone.

He will feel that he is exiting the framework of time, space, and motion and existing in an absolutely different dimension in which the main thing is not our individual bodies, but our one collective body and collective existence where we begin to pass to another state, another dimension.

Together with this, the world will dissolve from our feelings, and in its place we will begin to feel what is called the higher world, meaning a shared existence in which all concepts of time, space, motion, birth, aging, and death will disappear.

We will stop feeling the world as it is now and will enter into its inner comprehension. After all, we now feel it only through our five corporeal senses, and so we only feel the world as long as our physical body exists. And if in its place we create another body, which is the connection between us, then through it we will begin to feel our entire environment in its true form that is not distorted and limited by the body.

A person who is involved with correction of himself, according to the method of integral education, will gradually pass from feeling our world to feeling a double world: both our world and the inner, higher world. And when his body dies, he will continue to exist only with the feeling of the higher world, the world that he discovered and acquired while in his physical life.

This is the goal of the wisdom of Kabbalah: to bring a person to the perception of the integral world. After all, the crisis through which we are passing is created by nature specifically to bring us from a perception of the limited world through our bodies, to the integral perception by way of a general connection between us.

Today many people in the world are engaged in the wisdom of Kabbalah. In its time, Kabbalah predicted that humanity would reach a state where it could not fulfill itself with anything, that people would feel emptiness and lose the goal and the meaning of life. All of this would bring a person to the question, “What is the meaning of life?”

People would gradually discover the secret of the meaning of life. It is not latent within our bodies and not limited by its framework; rather, it is much higher above this. The entire universe and the whole of creation is a completely different system and not as we perceive it today. The sciences of this world already speak about this.

In the framework of our organization, we are making all efforts to give to everyone who wants it, an opportunity to be engaged with the wisdom of Kabbalah, and to gradually acquire the sensation of the higher world.
From the International Summer Camp In Bulgaria “Day Two” 7/12/14, Lesson #4

Related Material:
We Should Not Let Kabbalah Fall into Concealment Again
How Did the Dispute Between Abraham And Nimrod End?
Eternal Life Within The Integral Connection

The Peaceful Way Towards Socialism

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion: (Anatoly Wasserman, columnist): “With the coming of the the year 2022, socialism will be more profitable than capitalism. This means that it would be possible to implement the recommendation given by Karl Marx in 1862 to redeem the entire economy from the bourgeoisie, giving each owner that which he likes more.

“The range of problems that capitalism creates is not limited by questions of productivity. Its disadvantages are questioning the very existence of the world and humanity. Therefore, it is possible that the transition to socialism will be justified not economically, but as the way of self-preservation.

“Therefore, in the coming years, we should talk about the degree of danger that capitalism presents to the very existence of humanity, with plenty of evidence of this danger having been accumulated. It is necessary to explain to people involved in business that survival is in their own interest, and that they should become agents of socialism for the sake of themselves.”

My Comment: The transition happens in a much simpler way. That part of humanity with a point in the heart applies efforts in their unity, causing  the influence of the surrounding Light (Ohr Makif), which produces changes in them and in all people. This Ohr Makif is responsible for our progress, and through the method of Integral Education and upbringing, we accelerate its effect on us. With this, a good transition to the next level of human development takes place.

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What Comes After Capitalism?
The End Of Capitalism
It’s Not A Crisis Of Capitalism, But Of Individualism

The New Class Will Blow Up The World

laitman_926_01In the News (from Expert): At the beginning of the 20th century, it seemed that the working class was becoming the majority and would come to power by a democratic vote. European countries declared themselves social, that is, recognized their obligations to the citizens to protect them from unemployment, sickness, old age.

“However, the economic problems that emerged in the 1970s pushed the Western elite to revise the economic and social policies. Modern neo-liberal capitalism generates a new class of disenfranchised people without any social rights. The welfare state is failing.

“The egoism of the middle class was tempted by the promises of neo-liberals to cut taxes, of the privatization of housing, participation in the privatization of state property. Socialists wanted to become owners. And this utopia was equally unsound as the communist one.

“Globalization has opened up a market economy, China and India with unlimited resource of cheap labor. The economy has become uncontrollable.

“This has given rise to a new class in developed countries – the precariat, which is characterized by lack of job security, pensions, unemployment benefits, health insurance, the restriction of civil, political and economic rights. There are more and more people like that.

“For the time being, their actions often result in riots and pogroms.”

My Comment: The future tends toward revolutions and wars or toward conscious gradual equalization of the population’s well-being and prosperity, which is possible only with the mandatory universal education for all the citizens within the framework of method of integral education.

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Class Struggle Forms A New World
The Naked King
“Inequality Is Holding Back The Recovery”

What Will Happen To The World?

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Michael Khazin, economist): “The idea of the Bretton Woods system is an expansion of the territory of the dollar. Through expansion of the territory of the dollar it is possible to print dollars, creating additional income that can be redistributed. If these nations comply with the general rules of the International Monetary Fund, they receive a share of additional dollars.

In the ‘70s, the territory for expansion was finished, yet expansion continued through providing loans to private individuals and refinancing from private debt. In the year 1990, the Soviet Union broke up and expanded the territory for the dollar carried out at the expense of the socialist nations. In the year 2000 the crisis began, yet the printing of dollars continued through reducing the cost of credit.

“In the year 2008, the crisis erupted again, and the printing of dollars continued at the expense of changes in the supply of money (reduced rates, specifically the encouragement of loans). As a result of this, the allotment of money market credit was 17 times greater than the allotment of ready cash.

“When the resources for printing money were finished, the problems began; private demand was in decline, even though the economy of the United States apparently showed growth.

Today it is clear that the bubble in the stock markets will collapse; which is to say, the value of assets will fall and the liabilities, meaning the debt, will remain. This means mass bankruptcy. In order to wipe out the liabilities, the banks’ plan for wars in the Middle East, in which, on the one hand, there is oil, and on the other hand, there is Israel with its atomic bomb.

“Another possibility is a massive terrorist attack. This is something that will make it possible for the banks to say to those who have money that the risks have grown to such an extent that they are forced to delay payments because the system of insurance for financial risks has been destroyed.

“There are two scenarios: To save the global financial system at the expense of the American economy (this is the perception of the Democratic Party of the United States), or to save the American economy at the expense of the global financial system (this is the perception of the Republican Party). This situation caused the defeat of the Democratic Party in the midterm elections, and the enhancement of the isolationist forces in the Republican Party (the world doesn’t matter to us, we must save ourselves!).

“The European politicians depend upon the CIA, the SNA and so on, where each one of these organizations holds evidentiary material against them. So these politicians are fighting for their lives. The United States will destroy them if Europe takes steps in its interest and not in the interest of Washington. In this case, Europe will find itself facing a civil war, as in the Ukraine, and a state of disintegration. Russia has its fate – to a state of starvation.

“As of today the politicians active in the government are under the age of 65, and they are unfamiliar with the scale of these problems. And the elderly, like Kissinger, are no longer influential. So the world is standing at the door of a cruel reorganization (territorial, national, and a reorganization of the elites). Most likely some of these politicians will be defeated in the 2016 elections in the United States, and then the situation will change.

My Comment: We need to produce new socio-economic relationships based upon the conditions of the “Last Generation” through integral education, the unity of all in a single society based upon full equality, work only that is required to supply the essential needs of society. The freed resources and the time will be conveyed to national universities that are involved with the education of the new generation among humanity.

In the meantime, we currently don’t see the possibility of a gradual and easy transformation from a market economy to a communist economy, so it now depends upon the success of dissemination of integral education.

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A Financial War
Can The War Save The World?
“Dollar Hegemony In The Empire Of The Damned”

If Young People Only Knew

Dr. Michael LaitmanOur world is divided into four categories: the still, vegetative, animate, and human levels, not in material form, but in the spiritual realm. After all, what makes us different from animals? It is our inner essence, our internal development. However physiologically, we belong to the same animal world.

We need to get beyond the concepts of time, motion, and space that are inherent to the first three levels, the still, vegetative, animate, and live on the level of man. We do not comprehend this level as yet, but it is waiting for us.

Question: Looking at the past, at the end of their life, the elderly regret the time wasted in the futile race for material enjoyment. They begin to feel that the force that fills the world is the power of bestowal and love, and regret that they worked too hard and did not give enough time for children, family, and friends.

What do old people feel looking back and what is not disclosed to young people who still have their whole lives in front of them? What kind of practical wisdom do mature people acquire and therefore regret for time lost and which young people do not know about at the beginning of their lives?

Answer: Elders and young ones have a difference in the means of enjoyment and sources of pleasure. Young people think that the sources of pleasure are food, sex, family, money, honor, and knowledge, and everyone wants to achieve them. And the older people already understand that there is no real fulfillment in all of this.

There is a material fulfillment by food, sex, family, wealth, fame, knowledge, but the real fulfillment is only in good communication between people, in love and sincere relationships. They regret that they have not invested enough in order to achieve such an interconnection, and to enjoy it and delight others by it.

Therefore, integral education should provide people, not only with knowledge of this, but also with the proof, because young people do not want to listen. For them, their whole life now is to get as much enjoyment from those things programmed internally, such as food, sex, family, money, honor, and knowledge. In actuality, true pleasure does not depend on time and is not limited by space, but rather it depends on sincere relationships between people and love for others.

One feels a genuine fulfillment only when connected to other people, and the connection between them starts to reveal a sincere relationship and mutual bestowal.

Then they reveal a sense of eternal life in this context, and this is related to the level of man, which is above the animal level. This step is not in our world and we need to recognize it, build it, form it, and dwell therein. After all, it is not connected with our body, but is connected to a new awareness, a new matrix of perception.

Question: What do you advise a young man who wants to manage his time? What is the best thing he should do in life?

Answer: Take care of all necessities in material life and then dedicate the rest of the time towards the implementation of the spiritual level, the level of Man (Adam), which is bestowal and love.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/22/14

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Ascending Above Time
So Time Doesn’t Slip Through Your Fingers
A Losing Competition Against Time

Uncontrollable Assimilations

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If the Jewish people begin to implement the Kabbalistic method, what will happen in the world? How will it affect anti-Semitism in the world?

Answer: Instead of feeling anti-Semitism, people will begin to treat us with sympathy, respect, and love. The nations of the world will carry us in their arms because we will provide them with the method for a perfect eternal life.

The wisdom of Kabbalah explains how we should correctly work with our ego so that it will not be just an evil force but a help against us, a help that stems from its oppositeness. When we fulfill this work, we will attain the peak of our evolution.

Question: There are people who offer different solutions to the problem of anti-Semitism, like suggesting that all the Jews should come to Israel or on the contrary, assimilate among the nations. What can you say about that?

Answer: Nonsense. Such plans will not work. It is because nature itself is managing the whole process. Sooner or later we will have to discover the potential hidden in each of us and become teachers for all of humanity.

We will have to discover the wisdom of Kabbalah by which we will be able to restrain the ego so that we will be able to use it correctly. It is very powerful and can be very helpful when used correctly. Thus we will reach the good cause.

As for assimilation, it is useless, and we are incapable of it. On the contrary, we are yet to reunite with the ten lost tribes and we will see that they haven’t assimilated either. They will come from every corner of the world and will proclaim their Judaism.

Question: Do Jews really have a kind of a protective shield that guards them from complete assimilation?

Answer: Yes. It is because of the profound basic difference that is concealed in nature itself, in the inner Reshimot (reminiscences) that operate the Jews and the non-Jews. The Jewish Reshimo is actually found in the nations of the world as well, but it hasn’t as yet been revealed, and hasn’t started to speak with them as yet.

It isn’t by chance that Abraham turned to all the people in Babel and said, “Let’s live differently and base our relations on a new principle.” But those who followed him were those in whom this Reshimo, this inner element of unity, was already revealed. Those who didn’t hear the message were those in whom unity hadn’t yet awoken, and thus they remained in their ego.

Today however, we are very close to the revelation and recognition of the seriousness of the crisis we are in and the uniqueness of this abnormal global world. People will feel that they have to unite and that they cannot keep on living any other life but the life that is based on mutual unity into one whole.

Question: Can we say that anti-Semitism is a call and a demand coming from the world “to teach us how to keep on living?”

Answer: Of course. This is the real reason for it. The nations of the world are actually telling us openly that we have the key for a good life. We may ask how it is possible to blame us for all the troubles in the world, but this is what they feel and they cannot get rid of this feeling.

The nations of the world are totally dependent on us. Only we have the solutions to the current situation by showing them how to organize and cooperate amongst themselves.

Question: Suppose I agree with you, what should I do now?

Answer: You should join the method of integral education and learn what it means to be a Jew. It makes no difference whether a person is religious or not, whether he is politically inclined to the left or to the right. We should understand what it really means to be Jewish (Yechudi), which stems from the Hebrew word “Yichud” – unity, mutual love, and how to attain it.

Then this wisdom and method should be passed on to your family and to others within your environment.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/25/14

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Who Are We Really?
A Spiritual Stigma That Cannot Be Erased Or Concealed

Opening The Channels Makes It Possible For The Light To Work

Dr. Michael LaitmanSpiritual work is called serving the Creator, for it is He that carries out all the work. I don’t work in the spiritual world; rather, I only invite the Light to work, activate some connections, and make it possible for the Light to pass through them and organize everything.

So it is enough for me to think about correction. Even a seemingly regular person in this world attracts the Light through his thoughts.

Only the Creator, the Light, acts and influences, whereas we only correct the connections, open the channels, and make it possible for the Light to work in all parts of the system. So dissemination is the only possibility of bringing the system to correction.

Baal HaSulam writes that nobody can carry out the work in someone else’s place. “Just as faces are not the same, so opinions and characteristics are not the same.” So we must not lose even a single person in this world. If he were to disappear, nobody could carry out this work in his place.

Through our dissemination, we bring a person out of the dung into which he delves his whole life. We attract him to real work, to the same place in the overall system where a channel of Light is opened for him.

After this, he does the same thing by activating within himself the channels that come out from him. But because he stands behind this chain, everything that he does passes through me and I enjoy all of his work. So the more the quantity and quality of the students grows, the higher the teacher rises.

Think about how the group can rise in this way. With its help we organize complete circuits that are involved with the wisdom of Kabbalah or Integral Education.

Essentially, we disseminate the same principle in both the wisdom of Kabbalah and Integral Education: “There is none else beside Him,” and there is nothing else to disseminate. The entire wisdom of Kabbalah speaks only about this. And the integral method also speaks about the same thing, only in other words.

There is no difference between Integral Education and the wisdom of Kabbalah. Simply stated,  if a person doesn’t have a point in the heart and he doesn’t yearn to attain the upper world, we explain everything to him in the concepts of this world by speaking about the general integral system and about the world as a single global village.

This is speaking about the same thing, only the words are chosen according to the audience. But even for these people, and for others, our intent is to convey the principle of “There is none else beside Him.”
From the Congress In Verona “Day Two” 11/22/14, Lesson 4

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If We Only Knew How Much We Gain
Connecting Through The Teacher
The Science Of Unity