Entries in the 'Integral Upbringing' Category

Using Money For The Good Of Society

Dr. Michael LaitmanComment: As of today, most people are in a very difficult situation, and the main concern of every person is his livelihood. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough income to meet even their basic needs. The subject of money arouses many fears and other feelings associated with the inability to earn.

Answer: That’s right, but it is necessary to understand that everything depends on existing values. If we say that humanity is beginning to change its perception today, this is only the first stage that exposes the inability of a person to fulfill himself according to previous values. These values were created by people who wanted to obtain money and power in the world at the expense of others because the world was dominated by money.

In fact, the world is dominated by a few dozen families that over the course of hundreds of years have accumulated power that made it possible for them to control the world. And all the governments that we are familiar with are subject to them.

These families determine which needs must exist among the world population and in what form. These values are designed to cause people to work and provide those in control with more power and more profit.

We see that we are found in a state in which these rules are worthless. If humanity discovers that it cannot continue to develop as it did previously, this situation is called the recognition of evil.

Today a person has seemingly become freer. On the one hand, he doesn’t belong to his owner, but on the other hand, desires that have developed in him hold him captive. The idea is that the desires of a person are not developing early in life towards something higher: I have a wagon, now I want a car, I have a small car, but now want a big one, I have a big car and I want an airplane.

Our desires are developing not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. A car or an airplane instead of a wagon doesn’t create something different in principle. Instead, the previous desire has simply been realized and new needs are being felt.

Ultimately, we are found in a limited and tense situation in many respects. First, within the present structure of society, I am not prepared to supply myself with the necessities for existence. Second, I cannot develop as I developed in the past. Third, I see the end of this development on the part of nature. Fourth, I feel that I am not fulfilling my new desires and needs that have suddenly grown in me because they don’t belong to the level at which I have become disappointed.

Historically, our development has always moved naturally into a new stage under the pressure of circumstances. But this way of development is very long and difficult and is accompanied by disasters that happen regularly, and we see that these disasters are increasing.

We are talking about climatic changes in the direction of global warming or cooling and are phenomena with which we cannot contend. Humanity could really find itself in such a situation where only a small group of people will arrive at the new stage of development, in the best case a billion people, or even less.

Isn’t it better to learn from the past, as stated in Talmud Babyli, Tamid 32a: “A wise person sees the outcome,”  and to begin to develop ourselves only through new methods? This is the question. It follows that everything depends on explaining the situation in which we are found so that humanity will understand its causes and in what direction we must advance.

Until now, humanity has developed an educational system that is made up of schools, kindergartens, colleges and universities. There is no place in which people are not given education. And even though one third of the population doesn’t know how to read or write, it is possible to present an explanation of the Integral Education method to most of the population, and this will be enough. Everyone else will just join in, almost unconsciously just as they now live.

For all of those people that can be reached, it is necessary to give an explanation and bring them to an understanding that the solution to the problem is in changing the person. But this requires effort and work on his part, and a person must work on this. And, the work required to ensure a rational standard of living won’t take more than two hours a day.

All the rest of the time a person will work to ensure coverage “money” for himself for the fulfillment of the new needs that the society creates in him. And for these needs, there are no limits, since we create them through social connections and through the participation of a person in society.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/30/12

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The Cost Of A Kilogram Of Pleasure
In A Playful Atmosphere
The Theory Of Internal Contact Between People

The Secondary Growth Of Terror, Part 3

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Today ISIS is attracting a great number of young people from different nations, including those who are not Muslims, but who have suddenly transformed their entire lives. What compels a young modern European to join such a strange organization having such absolutely different characteristics?

Could it be that its “power of attraction” is linked to the emptiness that encompasses the West? As far as it seems, ISIS is ready to provide a feeling of warmth, unity, brotherhood, family, purpose, and satisfaction.

By what means can we attract a young person to us? How could world unity in his eyes tip the balance towards our side instead of the ideas of these Eastern extremists?

Answer: It is necessary to recruit him to another army, an army in which he will fight for equality, a better life for all, and unity that includes a mutual basis for goodness. It is necessary to create special forces, which will be an organization that will overcome ISIS on an ideological front.

This is because we, in fact, are offering world revolution to a person, which is the transformation of the world into a garden of Eden where everyone is equal, happy, and provided with necessities and security for today and tomorrow. Everyone can be in a good mood and think of how to make things good and pleasant for others. There will be a line of balance among us where no one needs to be concerned about what will happen to himself at the present and in the future. Here, our health, children, and all aspects of our lives are okay.

Question: But for the young, sometimes something is required beyond the pastoral, a possibility of going wild, using force, pouring out their energy.

Answer: Well good, a person must fight, but instead of fighting enemies, he fights the ego itself that is not interested and doesn’t want any of this.

Basically I don’t want to unite and connect with others; I don’t feel a particular drive towards this. Yes, I am ready to receive the benefits that we outlined above, but to give something in return, no. So I must struggle with myself for this unity.

Question: Why does ISIS have such a power of attraction?

Answer: This is the power of security. Standing under a black flag, a person is sure that he has support and purpose. So he goes to conquer the world with his head raised proudly.

Question: How is it possible to create a similar positive pride about unity?

Answer: This is through an educational process that we must implement. It is possible to do this.

There is knowledge and there is education, and these two methods must be used here in parallel.

If terrorists are organizing tens of thousands for their own purposes, then we, with the help of various countries and international institutions, are able to reach billions, to hold `relevant conventions and get down to business everywhere in Europe, Africa, America, etc. After all, if we are open and our intentions are clear, we can mobilize enormous resources and support around the world for implementation.

In principle, we are saying to everyone: “There will be no more wars; there will be no more borders. This is one family, except for the terrorists, all of them. They are the only ones we have to rein in at this stage, until they disappear.”

Question: Is there some kind of significance to the fact that one force, one enemy, is threatening all of us, requiring us to unite against it? Will this be used to change global thinking?

Answer: I don’t think that the purpose of our unification must be a war with this force. Uniting against evil means learning some of its characteristics. Certainly the army must stand against the terrorists, but we don’t have any real possibility of stopping them once and for all through this.

So at the same time we, the citizens, must take care of ourselves and must unite with each other.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 9/7/14

Related Material:
The Secondary Growth Of Terror, Part 2
The Secondary Growth Of Terror, Part 1
Unity On The Basis Of Love Or Hatred

A Healthy Body Reflects A Balanced Soul

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is Kabbalah’s view on health?

Answer: All types of health disciplines such as physiology, ethics, morals, and psychology are the essence of the balanced system called the human being. All these disciplines are interconnected.

Based on our life experiences we know how psychology influences physiology and visa versa. If we take care of our “I,” the highest level of the human in us, we influence the lowest levels of the subsystems.

Therefore, Kabbalah tells us that first and foremost the soul has to be corrected. This is the balance of self needed in order to balance oneself out with the rest of the world and be in harmony and homeostasis with it. Then the lowest physiological systems will come to balance due to the upper system’s influence and gradually arrive to be in order.

This is the cure, according to Kabbalah. The same point of view exists in Eastern healing practices. They state that the human being is a micro world, and as such must be in complete internal balance on all levels as well as in external balance with the world.

To reach such equilibrium, we must have correct education and societies, which are the shell in which we exist and with which we have to interact while being fully integrated. This will naturally balance us out internality.

This is why treatment of a person should not come from the elimination of all kinds of symptoms, but only from the upper levels that, according to the hierarchy, will bring the entire system into balance from the top down.

We don’t need to delve into the bodily physiological properties; we have to bring the soul into balance. The body will then comply and regain health all on its own.

Treatment of separate body organs doesn’t bring any results since we have no idea how they are even related. It’s like fixing one thing, but breaking another. Any medication itself is a poison, and it is not for nothing that the symbol of medicine is a poisonous snake.

We see that taking medication doesn’t lead to a complete cure and a person continues to be sick. A person’s soul must be balanced in order for a person to be healthy. As saying goes, a sound mind is in a sound body.

Comment: Just like in ancient Chinese medicine, a doctor will receive his payment for a person being completely healthy and not just for treating separate organs.

Answer: Yes, but this will be a completely different doctor. It won’t be a doctor-Kabbalist, but it will be an instructor who will correctly tune a person into homeostasis with the environment.
From KabTV’s “Short Stories” 10/23/14

Related Material:
Health Is A Spiritual Necessity
Balance Means Health
Health and Kabbalah

Soon Everyone Will Want His Own Planet

Dr. Michael LaitmanRegarding money and questions about the economy in general, countless books have been written by Nobel Prize winners in this field. Interestingly, despite this, they are frequently mistaken.

The ability to profit from a connection with other people, to buy and sell and create special relationships with them changes a person into Adam (human). Before this, people acted only through the use of force.

But today, anyone with money is found at the top of the social pyramid.

If I don’t have money, I cannot get food, establish a family or buy a house. In exchange for money I buy power, respect, and all my means of communication, because everything depends upon how the amount paid. It turns out that money is a cover, with it I can fulfill any desire.

There are some things that I cannot buy, for example, wisdom, or other kinds of characteristics I receive from nature. But it is possible to acquire them with money by buying people possessing those characteristics. For example, I can pay a person to write a book that will be signed with my name.

Not long ago, there was no substitute for money. But in the 1960s, a community of people appeared who related to wealth with contempt. They wanted to be happy about other things and wanted to be happy internally.

And even though the ego thirsts for fulfillment, many today no longer agree to a life of constant tension. A poor person has no happiness because he has no money, and a rich person has no happiness because besides money, he has nothing. And this is not a problem of money, but a problem of the society that gives us these values.

When a person has the possibility of getting everything, he loses his desire. In this sense the poor are more successful than the rich. If I have a need that I can cover through effort, if it pulls me forward, if I see pleasure through working for it in a future that shines for me from a distance, then I am happy.

A wonderful example of this need is the yearning of lovers to meet each other. This illuminates their entire lives; they wait for this meeting and are ready to overcome all difficulties for it.

If we could exist without dependence on society, let’s say, on some deserted island, and we could educate our children as we truly want, then we could get them accustomed to a simple way of life. Then they would live without tension, without crises and tragedies.

Today the world is experiencing an economic crisis. But essentially this is an ideological crisis: We have developed artificial desires in people, and after that, it turns out that we cannot satisfy them. With our claims and demands soon everyone will want his own planet. But even then he will not relax because he will immediately envy a neighbor whose planet is bigger.

The time has arrived to scrutinize how to utilize the power of covering, the power of money. On the one hand, it is necessary to educate a person such that he will bring his needs to a necessary level that we can satisfy.

On the other hand, it is necessary to think carefully about how to organize the economy so that it will be ready to create everything needed and a system of education that will move a person towards rational needs and ways to fill his spare time.

It follows that in the new economy people will be involved with the creation of money coverings for the rational balance of physical desires as well as the higher spiritual desires that will be discovered in them. This is how they will advance.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/11/12

Related Material:
Don’t Sink Others Today So They Won’t Drown You Tomorrow
Money Is Merely An Equivalent
Money Is A Covering For Desire

Becoming Aware Of Nature’s Trend

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Vzglyad): “International Labor Organization of the UN supports the transition to a four-day work week.”

My Comment: If it were possible to convert the whole world to the minimal work week while providing people with all necessities for a normal existence and occupying their free time with studies of Integral Education and Upbringing, we would immediately experience total harmony, tranquility, health, and peace.

But the shortening of the work week currently takes place randomly without realizing natural trends, and so, humanity will learn from its own mistakes.

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Dissolve Into The Friends

Dissolve Into the FriendsQuestion: When I direct myself toward dissolving into the friends, into the group, and I have the desire for this, I feel that I am higher than they are to some degree.

After that, I perform an action. I take a turn in the kitchen, wash the floor, or wash the dishes. I begin so see other friends who are more influential, and I feel myself as lower than they are. Is this tension between what is desirable and what I understand that I get in comparison to others a prayer? Is this the right work?

Answer: If I serve the group and feel myself lower than them all the time, ready to help them in everything and to serve them, this means that I completely yearn to nullify myself before them. After the nullification comes the next stage: Can I be integrated with them? When I nullify my ego, I am included with them like a drop of semen in the uterus of the mother. This is already an Ibur (the beginning of the creation of the Partzuf).

The readiness to be integrated into the group and dissolve in it completely symbolizes that all of my thoughts, desires, and yearnings exist only to perceive the desires and characteristics of the friends, and, through carrying out their desires, give contentment to the Creator who gives me this possibility for creating a system of communication between me and Him, which is called a “group.”

If I dissolve into this matrix and accept it completely as my field of work, then I find the Creator in it. He fills all the friends in the group, and I begin to feel Him in everyone. They don’t feel this, as in the example of Rabbi Yossi ben Kisma, whereas I feel it. We have to reach a state like this.

After that, the connection with the Creator on the basis of the group must become mutual where He and I already begin to speak with each other. I begin to understand His plans in the group, and according to this, I answer them by dissolving even more actively in it.

That is how I grow. This means that I begin to understand and perceive what the Creator is doing with the friends, and, through my actions, I do the same thing. I am included in greater and greater communication with them, and in this way, I become like Him, and this is my spiritual growth. That is how my state called Ubar (fetus) begins to develop, and after that, already come the next stages of spiritual growth: birth and development.

Question: What is active nullification?

Answer: You don’t need to think or be concerned about this. You don’t understand in what manner to do it. With time, all of this will appear with you. Just begin to act, and our method will lead you forward. It will be revealed in the person, and, here, there is no need for any teacher. As it is written, “One’s soul shall teach one.”
From lesson 3 of the Convention In Sochi “Day Two” 7/14/14

Related Material:
Trusting The Group Without Reserve
Plant Yourself In Fertile Soil And You Will Grow
Sandpaper On Egoism – Balm On The Heart

So That All Are Well

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: We conducted ten meetings on the subject of the wisdom of connection (Integral Education). As a result of them, five to seven active members were participating in the circles every time. They tried to conduct meetings like this by themselves, but they didn’t succeed. So, they understood that they couldn’t do anything without us. What else can be done for them?

Answer: You must teach them the method of integral education and information, and the wisdom of Kabbalah. Then, they won’t have problems. It is necessary to give them basic information about how the Upper Light manages the world: through Tzimtzum Aleph (the first restriction), a Masach (screen), five worlds, Partzufim, and Sefirot.

Question: But they don’t want to study Kabbalah. They simply want things to be good for them at home and at work.

Answer: Kabbalah speaks about how to realize the desire of the Creator, which is to give pleasure to His creatures, for He is good and does good, and providing benefit for people means raising them to His level.

Things will not be good for us as long as we haven’t attained the upper Light. And, in the system Kabbalah speaks of, all five worlds are what are found between us and the upper Light. Until we create a structure within us that includes them, until we correct our whole internal mess, all the division and fragmentation, so that there will be one straight line between us and the upper Light in all five levels, five worlds, five levels of Aviut; we will not feel well.

It cannot be otherwise! Even if people start another war, it will not solve anything. So, it is necessary to tell them about the inner structure of the world, but in the meantime, using other words. Tell them about the ego, about the possibility of fulfilling it. Conduct integral circles. Without them, it is impossible to disseminate our method.

People need to understand why our unity works. Because it has a power that doesn’t exist in our world; it is much higher.

Question: But a need is created in people to conduct the circles by themselves.

Answer: It doesn’t matter! In children, as with apes, there is always a need to imitate the adults. The child looks at what his father is doing and tries to repeat it by himself.

There are objective laws in nature that cannot be bypassed. If there isn’t any internal connection of the active members that you mentioned before with us and with you with the other groups, then nothing will come of this either. Only this connection works. This is because we also cannot do anything without our groups. Everyone must be together. So, those people who want to work must feel that they are a part of us.

Question: Does this mean that we are above them, that we will never be equal?

Answer: Never. The hierarchy will remain a hierarchy forever. Your Reshimo will be discovered before theirs, and so this chain reaction is permanent. I always will get spiritual advancement from my teacher Rabash, and you will get it from me. However, my connection with you produces a circle. I don’t have one student. Rather, there is a central circle. It is amazing how everything is happening in our generation.
From the Sochi Convention 6/09/14, Discussion on the Conclusions from the Activity in Sochi

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A Point Of Contact With The Public
We Offer Connection To Humanity
Is Our Method Good For People?

Our Own Judges

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can we be the judges in a conflict between two people when each one thinks that he is right?

Answer: In such a dispute we should complement the deficiency of each side. Both need to complement their education. It isn’t an individual who has committed a crime against humanity any more, like theft or rape, but two people who have a dispute. And so they have to go to court and see what each one lacks in order to reach an agreement between them. The court fills each one to such an extent that they can become a corrected beneficial part of society.

Question: Does that mean that the judge can raise a person to a higher level of participating in social life? Does that mean that eventually everyone will have to be on that same level or will each one remain on his own level?

Answer: Everyone has to be under the continuous influence of the education system that educates a man. After all, our ego is constantly growing and there will constantly be disputes between people. We have to intensify our integral education, that is, learn to connect between us in a better way with the growing ego.

This issue has to be in the center of public concern and in the media. We have to constantly learn the proper interaction, like our children who go to school every day. When we graduate, we cannot gladly throw away our books and think that we are free.

There is no freedom from society! I am part of the society and I have to know how to be incorporated in it correctly, every day and every moment, in the workplace, on the road, at home with the family, with the children, with the husband or the wife, with friends, with everyone. I have to constantly improve my ability to do so.

Thus we will not need judges and a judicial system, because in the constant system of the integral education we will be able to clarify every case between us, will be our own judges, and will also carry out the verdict. The judge will become an educator and a guide. The whole country needs to be divided into regions according to work places and residential areas, and by using the media everyone has to be incorporated in this system. As a citizen I have some responsibility to the state and have to be incorporated in this system. For example, I have to study half an hour each day in my work place through the Internet or in the local community center, and to be under the supervision of a guide and the right environment.

At first I listen to lectures about the need to connect and to be mutually incorporated, and then we have a workshop where we can clarify what we understand from the material and implement it in the connections between us. Everyone has to do this without an exception. Then the education and the judicial systems will merge into one system.

In the past everyone was religious and it was customary to go to the synagogue or to the church every day and even several times a day. This is exactly how we should engage in integral education. This is how the Israeli nation lived two thousand years ago, but after the destruction of the Temple the whole system fell apart.

Question: It appears that in a corrected society every citizen regardless of his age, whether he is a young child or an elderly person, has to work on connection and on the right attitude towards others every day?

Answer: Absolutely. This is necessary even for the oldest people. If it is difficult for them to leave home, we should arrange for them to study at home. As long as a person is alive he has to constantly improve his attitude towards society. This is how the corrected society operates.

Question: Will there be a judicial system in a corrected society?

Answer: When everyone studies according to the integral education everyone will learn how to be judges, how to implement a verdict, and how to fulfill this decision on themselves and on others. All this will be generated in the circles when we gather to clarify and to listen to the right laws concerning the global integral connection among us.
From the program “A New Life” 6/17/2014

Related Material:
The Judge’s Sentence: A Prescription For Correction
Put Judges and Guards At All The Gates
There Is No Punishment, There Is Only Correction

Why Men Don’t Want To Become Fathers

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Leonid Maltsev, family psychologist): “Psychological unpreparedness for parenthood is a result of a distorted picture of marriage. People who grew up in dysfunctional families might have it because a decisive role in shaping the image of the family belongs to the mother and father. A person subconsciously perceives a model of parental family as an example.

“That’s why family pathologies (infidelity, divorce, abortion, single parenthood) often do not allow grown children to create a harmonious family. They are afraid to repeat parents’ mistakes; they did not see relevant examples in their environment and have been victims of social stereotypes.

“Many modern men are not in a hurry to acquire offspring because they are sure that children: are a burden, a hindrance to careers, and an obstacle on the road to success. The fear to look like a loser in the eyes of society is the result of an aggressive anti-family and anti-child propaganda, waged in recent decades.”

My Comment: Integral education in conjunction with the all its programs and infrastructure will deliver us from all these phobias and calculations. Population demographics will then be established by natural growth.

Related Material:
The End Of Family!
America Retreats From Marriage
The Revival Of The Family

Kabbalah Or Fascism?

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Central News Agency of New Russia): “Politics of the recent years tends to delay the arrival of fascism. But fascism will come everywhere, on the shoulders of liberalism, as a step towards fascism. Nationalism is the last brace of the people, fragmented, crushed by the market.

“Postulates of fascism:

“National pride, this is the only thing that the market leaves to the people; nationalism is developing everywhere, identifying itself with justice; nationalism is the ideology to which everyone resorts, after having been disappointed in others. In the beginning, national pride is called patriotism.

“Unity of the people and the state. From now, disagreeing with government policy, you will not agree with the people, with the entire nation. Unity of the will of millions of people with the will of the ruler is natural.

“Tradition, rejection of progress.

“Inequality. Fascist states are armies; they are characterised by inequality, but the inequality of the army fascism gets ready-made from the market. Fascism is constitutional inequality, embodied in the firm imperial hierarchy.

“Totality. Fascism will come everywhere, in all countries, in their versions of fascism. Today, nothing can be opposed to fascism.

“Paganism, a modification of the Christian religion to the needs of consciousness; division into pure-impure, the black-and-white picture of the world.”

My Comment: Baal HaSulam described all this at the beginning of the 20th century. He warned that according to the law of social development, fascism arises after capitalism if it is not replaced by integral education and the “society of the last generation.” Therefore, we have no choice. We must spare no efforts in the dissemination of integral education and upbringing.

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EU As An Incentive For Neo-fascism
The Danger Has Not Passed
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