Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 3/4/18, Part 2

laitman_284.03Question: Are there imperfect souls?

Answer: Unfinished souls are not yet corrected.

Question: Do Reshimot (reminiscences) of our future souls leave an impression on us?

Answer: Nothing disappears. What remains are all the states of the souls and all kinds of possible combinations between them. There are even particular formulas of mutual connection.

Question: Can the Creator know what kind of choice I will make?

Answer: The Creator makes the choice, which you will then make.

Question: Why is there a fear of losing the upper Light?

Answer: This is egoism. You should not be involved with these things. Think only about connection with others. You will acquire the upper Light through them.

Question: Does my perception of someone’s soul introduce changes in that soul?

Answer: No. Do not build anything on this. Do not depend on the souls of others. Everything is found only within you. A person should imagine himself as a unique, free character in the world.

Question: What is adhesion and how is it felt?

Answer: Adhesion is felt as existence with one desire, as it is said, “I make my desire like His desire” (Pirkei Avot2: 4). This is what all the poets sing. Unfortunately, they only sing.

Question: How much time during the day should be spent in study and involvement with the wisdom of Kabbalah? How does one do this qualitatively? In what should one invest his effort?

Answer: Invest in it during all your free time. Free time is the time you can allocate to the Creator and nobody else is managing you. Your account begins from this.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/4/18

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Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 3/4/18, Part 1
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