The Cloud Of The Creator

Dr. Michael LaitmanMidrash Sefer, “Beshalach”: The Lord commanded Moses to spread his arms above the sea, and a light eastern wind began to blow. In the meantime, the children of Israel went on their way during the whole night, and thus came closer and closer to the seashore.

The Egyptians followed them, but did not succeed in conquering the camp. They shot arrows and threw stones at the Jews, but the cloud of the Creator absorbed everything.

It was the same cloud that usually moved before the children of Israel during the day. That night, instead of disappearing in the dark as it usually did, it moved behind the camp in order to absorb everything that was shot and thrown by the Egyptians. Moreover, the Creator’s angels flew behind the Jews in order to protect them.

There is a law of equivalence of form: If you move toward unity and dissemination, toward developing your spiritual attributes, you are connected to the Creator to some extent in regard to that. Although you are not in contact with Him, there is a connection in the form of a cloud, in the form of help from behind and before. This means that the Surrounding Light operates on you.

A cloud is the Surrounding Light that, on the one hand, is invisible and concealed, but on the other hand, is revealed in its actions like a magician who suddenly appears to hold something in his hand without any evident reason. This means that half of the actions are concealed and half of the actions are revealed. At the same time, the outcome is revealed while the reason is beyond the Machsom (barrier).
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

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Clinging To The Creator
A Vague Revelation Of The Creator
A Cloud That Fills A Person’s Soul

Carriers Of The Force Of Unity

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Why is it impossible to find replacements for the thousand of Jews who are in key positions in industry and finance in France, by putting in their place smart, gifted French people?

Answer: The Jews are carriers of the force of unity, unification. They do not just develop something locally and in isolation from the rest, but links are built and everything is connected between themselves. They are like explorers who discover new lands. All these discoveries were made by the Jews because they felt oppressed in Spain and Portugal. For this reason Columbus discovered America, due to the desire to break away.

The Jews have this power to break through because it is the force of Bina, the desire to bestow, called Galgalta ve-Eynaim. The word “Jew ” (Yehudi) comes from the word “unity” (Yichud). They make up only a tiny part of humanity, but they are located at the top, like a thin layer of cream. The force of bestowal is concentrated within it, and therefore, their participation brings significant contribution.

Suffice it to recall history. Two thousand years ago, in the days of the Temple, Israel was a prosperous state with high culture and education and a developed infrastructure and lifestyle. It gave all of humanity the foundation for culture, education, and the basis for its whole development. All this came from the people of Israel, and this remained within its nature.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/13/15

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So That The Sea Will Retreat To The Sides

laitman_232_07The Midrash “BeShalach”: The sea will retreat to the sides when it sees the children of Israel before it, carrying the coffin of Joseph. Just as he fled from the wife of Potiphar, so will the sea retreat for his descendents.

Question: Why does the sea have to retreat to the sides?

Answer: Since Joseph unites everyone. Joseph is Yesod, the point where all of a person’s attributes connect for the sake of the Creator. It is actually Yesod that creates an inclusive chunk of attributes that are totally opposite.

“To carry Joseph before the children of Israel” means to advance in complete unity among them. The sea symbolizes Din, the force that is opposite from unity, that is opposite from life. If you walk on it with the point of unity, like with a battering ram, the sea will retreat to the sides.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

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Go Beyond The Limits Of Time
Clinging To The Creator
The Power Of Sages

Not Living for One’s Own Sake

laitman_236_01The Midrash “BeShalach”: As soon as the children of Israel saw that the Egyptian army chased them closely and when they saw that there was no salvation, they started praying in their hearts and lifted their voices to the Creator begging Him for help.

In the camp of the children of Israel, there was fear.

“The fear” the previous excerpt talks about is a fright of staying in the intention “for one’s own sake.” During the hardest times, we don’t think about the Creator or our surroundings but only about ourselves.

It’s as if we are squeezed on all sides in our desires and thoughts, intentions and actions are directed inward. Thus, we have no grounds to demand the property of bestowal.

However, one is afraid to stay in this state and live only for one’s own sake since one has already tried serving the Creator and wants to retain this condition.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/23/14

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Ideologies Of Anti-Semitism
The Fear That Replaces All Fears
The Last Plague

Good Luck Creates Fate

laitman_760_2Question: What is the relationship and what is the difference between luck and fate?

Answer: Good luck creates fate. With the help of actions between us we can influence the mind that controls our entire life, which is called the Rosh (head) of the world of Atzilut.

From there, forces descend to us, but we can decide how they will descend and in what way will affect us. Then we get their influence in a good, beautiful form; we are ready for it. And thus the influence of these forces is kind.

These forces are called the “signs of fortune” or “drops of luck” (“Mazalot” – from the word “Nozel“/”drain”), since it doesn’t flow, but drops fall down, and there are gaps between them, similar to beats of a pulse.

The drops of luck descend to us and every moment organize how we can move towards the goal. Their action is goal-oriented. If I prepare myself in advance for the same purpose, then each drop’s action coincides with my direction, and then I perceive it as a good, pleasant influence—if I am ready for it.

The wisdom of Kabbalah explains what I have to be to get these drops of luck in the most beautiful form and advance with them as much as possible. Therefore, Kabbalah is called the science of receiving, from the Hebrew word “Lekabel” – “to receive.”

Let’s say I am in the car and a force is pushing me forward. If my steering wheel is turned the other way, the car will veer across the highway and no one knows what it will collide with. If beforehand, all my “wheels,” desires, look to the future, I aim in the right direction, then every time a drop of luck that comes to me, it acts for my good.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us to go with the wind, not against it. Moreover, we can draw these “signs of good luck” to ourselves, to attract them with a greater force and greater frequency. We can really “embrace” the upper force that comes to us and strengthen its action. Then the pulses of this force will be more frequent and each of them will be more powerful in its effect.

In this way I shorten my path, which I am constantly in some situations in my life, feeling the pressure and making corrections, and quickly reach the pre-determined goal that I cannot change. But I reach it in a good, kind, pleasant, and short way, and this goal is my perfection and eternity.

Thus, good luck creates my fate, that is, from the “signs of luck,” the pulsations of this force, from their influence on me, I create my fate. Fate is my entire path.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/8/15

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 01.27.15

Writings of Rabash, Shlavei HaSulam,” Article 4

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The Book of Zohar, Selected Excerpts — “Torah – Studying at Night,” Item 44 

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Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol. 6, Part 16, “Table of Answers for the Meaning of Words,” Item 1

[media 5] [media 6]

Talmud Eser Sefirot, “Histaklut Pnimit,” Vol. 1, Part 1, Chapter 8, Item 29

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 01.26.15

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The Great Mystery Of Letters

laitman_610_2Question: Could you please tell us in one sentence what the great mystery of the letters is about?

Answer: There is no mystery in the letters whatsoever. They are mysterious only for those who know nothing about them. For a knowledgeable person, the letters are just the tools for their work.

By creating the properties of bestowal, one gradually becomes similar to the Creator, the universal, benevolent, and bestowing power of nature.

Understanding of the meaning of the letters opens incredible opportunities that can’t overestimated.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 12/21/14

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Letters Are The Symbols Of The Upper Force

Power Over Destiny

laitman_277Question: Astrology tends to predict our destiny. However, the important thing is to change our fate rather than to know what’s waiting for us in the future. Is it possible?

Answer: Do you mean influencing your luck and turning the stars to better work for your interests? Yes, it is possible because we are a part of an integral system in which everything is intertwined. So, by all means we can impact the stars.

A human being is the most powerful force in nature, capable of penetrating into any of its integral parts, “spreading” in all directions, learning, attaining, connecting things, and clarifying all rules. We are able to understand the basics of universal connections, become included in the liaisons, and eventually change them.

Only humans are capable of attaining this level, nobody else! At all times, people tried to change their destinies. They did it with the help of religion and mysticisms, astrology, and divination, and with the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah. We are free to choose what remedy to use to change our destiny. In fact, all three directions can impact our future.

Question: How can we influence our destiny with the help of astrology? Is it really possible “to rearrange” the stars so that they bring us luck?

Answer: Stars only signify the governance of the Upper Force over us. Stars by themselves cannot influence anything. Stars are the signs of the upper impact. Yes, we can change them, i.e., make the upper governance more beneficial for us. It is possible with the help of religion, mysticism, or the wisdom of Kabbalah – through these three sources.

Religious people pray, they join and pray together, they try to influence events and ask for help from above. By these actions, they change nature since they also are a part of nature. Humans are inseparable from the rest of the world.

We can influence the world around us since our bodies are part of nature. Humans are the most influential force in nature. This explains why when thousands of people get together and pray for something, their desire alters reality. It’s because they are an internal part of nature.

This is why all remedies are good when it comes to influencing upcoming events: religion, mysticism, and Kabbalah. The difference among them is the way they influence nature. Religion makes a strong impact since it is an organized force that has existed for many years, for many generations.

The problem is that it is extremely egoistic. Religious thinking is only about personal benefits or, in the very best case, the benefits of one’s nation without considering possible damages that can be made to other nations: One country prays about conquering another one.

Mysticism is less egoistic because while trying to connect with the stars that “provide” luck, each one of us must give up some portion of egoism. This mystical form requires one to become a little less materialistic and diminish one’s egoistic desires.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is the most altruistic methodology that requires loving one’s neighbor as oneself. In this form, it is possible to clearly, directly, and powerfully impact all of nature. If we “are armed” with a correct technology that allows us to beneficially influence the world and thus change its state to the better, we’ll attain similarity with the upper force. Then, our abilities become virtually unlimited.

With the help of the wisdom of Kabbalah, we develop the properties that are similar to the upper force, the general power of nature that governs the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and speaking levels. It is the only real power. It is called “the Creator.” We can connect with this force, understand its thought, and together with it, rule the entire system of nature, become its partner.

Question: What are the most effective remedies for changing our destiny?

Answer: The most effective remedy to modify our fate is to join the group that aspires to attain similarity with the upper force, i.e., achieve a state of loving our neighbors, to build the type of connection among friends that impacts our lives in the infinite future, both for each individual and the entire world.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 1/1/15

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A Generation Of Sages
The Right To Change One’s Destiny
Do The Stars Affect Our Fate?

“God-Fearing” Egyptians

Laitman_509The Midrash, “BeShalach”: The Pharaoh chose the best six hundred chariots they had in the land of Egypt. In addition, he took other chariots and appointed charioteers. The Almighty’s plan was that the Egyptian army would pursue the children of Israel until they all drowned.

Where did they get horses for chariots? Hadn’t the animals died in Egypt during the plagues of “starvation and hail”?

The animals were provided by “God-fearing” Egyptians who obeyed Moses’ warnings before the “plague of hail,” and placed their animals in barns. Now, they volunteered to lend their animals to persecute the Jews.

“G-d-fearing” Egyptians are those who revere the Torah commandments and at the same time think only about themselves. They are spiritual criminals! Among them, there are those who exited from Egypt together with the Jews as well as those who stayed in Egypt. In the Torah, they are called “big rabble” (Erev Rav).

On one hand, they obeyed Moses, but on the other hand, they gladly gave everything they had to the Pharaoh.

Question: At some point, they listened to Moses and used an anti-egoistic screen to hide their animal desires. Why all of sudden did they change so dramatically?

Answer: Their duty is to accompany us in our spiritual work and “provide us” with multiple troubles. They had to participate in the destruction of the First and the Second Temples. They partake in all harms that continue happening up to these days. Kabbalah-haters won’t disappear until we reach the final correction.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/23/14

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The Last Plague
War With Pharaoh
Irrepressible Desires of the Pharaoh