On The Question Of Communism

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (from Novaya Gazeta): “The ideology of the new order of life: everyone is entitled to a guaranteed monthly income. The collection of signatures under this proposal (referendum) took place in Switzerland.

“In general, this is a new principle of life, another option of human development, a different economy, a different state. Behind the activists’ idea there is an international network of BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network), which includes 17 national organizations from Austria, Australia, Holland, America, England and Germany.

“The organization’s leadership consists of professors from the world’s best universities (next congress – Summer 2014).

“BIEN develops the ideology of a new order of life, assuming that everyone will have the right to a guaranteed monthly income.

“While the world is changing, but both the Roman slave and modern worker are chained to work for life, give it the best years of their life; they work because would not be able to survive otherwise, live in fear of punishment (dismissal); they are lifetime slaves in the labor market.

“It is possible to abolish slavery only by providing a person with a guaranteed income that will give him the right to choose the way of his own, only, unique life. Money should be paid to everyone – regardless of character, views, station in life. This is not about supporting weak social layers, but about everyone’s right to a basic income.”

My Comment: This will work well only under one condition: All citizens should devote all their free time to integral education and upbringing. Otherwise they should receive no benefits. If this rule is not observed, society will turn into animals in a short time. There is nothing more harmful to humans than idleness, even more so, collective idleness.

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“Mind Games” Or “Who Is Playing With Us?”

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The Book of Zohar seems to tell us about an unfamiliar virtual world. Yesterday, I watched a popular science film A Beautiful Mind Our brain deceives us. Scientists have come to understanding that our brain gets electromagnetic signals, and paints the world that does not exist.

In the end, they conclude that we are all in a certain game; we don’t know who controls it and for what purpose. Could you continue this movie and explain who plays with us?

Answer: In the part of Kabbalah, “Perception of Reality,” we study that the entire reality we feel is felt within us; our brains “paint” it in the form of picture that supposedly surrounds us. There is nothing outside of us: no space or anything the fills it. Everything that we perceive is felt subjectively by us. Everything happens only within us. We’re talking about all of us, and the surrounding world seems to be objective, as if it exists outside of us and without us, but our perception works only relative to us, to our sense organs.

Kabbalists have spoken about the relativity of our perception for almost 6,000 years. The Book of Zohar, written 2,000 years ago, talks about the Earth in the form of a sphere. It describes evolution, all the changes in nature and society, the crisis of our time and its solution. We only need to apply this knowledge and with its help to overcome the crisis and enter a new vision of the world.

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We Have Changed, The World Has Changed

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Are we changing in the same manner that the world moves?

Answer: The world is moving according to our changes. Everything that we see is a projection of our properties. Suppose I see seven billion people before me, but as a result of my gradual spiritual development, I will see them as parts of me. Instead of external volumes, bodies, and faces, I will begin to feel their inner structure, their internal characteristics, the inner spiritual essence. We, like tiny drops of dew, will begin to connect into one great drop, and in our connection and unification we become one spiritual body called Adam, similar to the Creator.
From the Talk about Group and Dissemination 10/22/13

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125 Degrees Of Revelation

The Last Drop

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is a “Seah”— a required measure of effort after which a person enters the spiritual world? Who determines this measure? According to what signs is it possible to examine that I have filled it?

Answer: The measure of effort (Seah) is determined according to spiritual levels. There are 125 levels that establish the relationship between the Lights and the Kelim (vessels) and the conditions for passing from level to level. On the level of this world, all of the still is equivalent to one vegetative, all of the vegetative is equivalent to one animate, and all of the animate is equivalent to one “speaking.” And on the next level, all of the speaking is equivalent to one spiritual still, all of the still is equivalent to one vegetative, and so on.

But how is it possible to perceive a relationship like this in order to equate all of us together to one component of the higher level? The Creator organizes and arranges our group this way, cleaning out all of the people who become waste within it and leaving all the rest in such a form as we have now. And it even leaves among us people who don’t hear advice about how it is necessary to work, but the main thing is that those who hear will connect into a single whole. This is what is called, “the entire level of the still is equivalent to one vegetative.”

When we try to connect into one, then the Upper Light acts on us and truly connects us with an inner connection. And then we rise to the next level.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/27/13, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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To Feel The Upper Light

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is practical Kabbalah?

Answer: Practical Kabbalah means that you begin to sense the Upper Light which comes through you to others.

When you attempt to connect with your friends, you feel how an egoistic field appears between you where the Light begins to act, how it enters, exits, and interacts with this field, it begins to transform and perform a restriction over it.

After that the Reflecting Light begins to work. You feel how it enters and exits you and what happens as a result. You feel it within yourself, inside yourself.

After all, there is nothing outside! Everything you see you feel within yourself. In spirituality nothing exists outside.
From the Talk About Group and Dissemination 10/21/13

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For The Next Generation

Dr. Michael LaitmanEvery day for the past 20 years I have given classes. Every week, I speak a minimum of ten hours recording television programs, giving short talks during meals, and managing a blog.

All of this is very dear to me because, with these materials, the revelation of the method that has come from Adam, Abraham, Moses, Rabbi Shimon, the Ari, Baal HaSulam, and Rabash continues. I am trying to explain and formulate it so that we can adapt it to this world and apply it properly to solve global problems.

In this matter, my students help me very much. They annoy me from the two sides (both from the right line and from the left line) without letting me fly upward, and they constantly demand, “Feed us porridge; we don’t want anything more.” In other words, you oblige me to be involved quite seriously with revealing this method on the basic level. I want to take off, while you grab me by the legs like chicks that hold onto their mother and don’t let her fly, and this is good because we are processing, chewing, that part of the wisdom of Kabbalah that talks about our world and about its departure to the first level.

I will not be able to explain the first spiritual level if we don’t go out to it with a particular mass. Only then will it be possible to explain it in a much more expanded and practical form than what the previous Kabbalists expressed in their writings, for they didn’t have the possibility to descend as low as we have. They didn’t begin from this level. Rather, they ascended upward immediately like a rocket, whereas we are like a crop-duster, ascending with difficulty, and descending and rising, descending and rising, all the time, until finally taking off.

Therefore, those materials that we are accumulating are very important. It is necessary to clean them up, correct and disseminate them, and people will use them, even though it is difficult to believe this in the meantime. However, a path that is difficult still awaits humanity. In what will it be involved in a few more years? In nothing! People will simply sit half asleep and look at a screen. It is not important if they will look at us with one eye open or listen with half an ear. This still will work on them. This will penetrate into them, and so gradually, all that we have accumulated will enter into humanity.

Certainly, after us, there will be others who can explain our method better and inspire people. However, in any case, we must prepare it. Therefore, the processing of the material and its presentation in our archives and the proper archiving is very important work!
From the Talk about Group and Dissemination 10/22/13

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 11.26.13

Question and Answer with Dr. Laitman

[media 1] [media 2]

The Book of Zohar — Selected Excerpts, Parashat, “Beresheet”

[media 3] [media 4]

Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol. 1, Part 2, Chapter 2, Item 4

[media 5] [media 6]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Teaching of Kabbalah and Its Essence

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 11.25.13

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Accepting The Creator’s Proposal

Dr. Michael LaitmanEverything that we have in this world is necessary for our correction, for our work. There is nothing extra, nothing can be added or subtracted. Everything is precisely calibrated because it comes from the perfect vessel completely filled with the Light, from the design that contains the final goal, the ideal state. Only our participation is missing—our agreement to this ideal picture, a perfect state, created by the Creator.

But we have to agree from the darkness, from the opposite state, from doubts and clarifications, weighing all the arguments “for” and “against.” Only when a person has checked and weighed everything does he become convinced that the Creator is good and wishes him good; the Creator is above the creation, He is the first, He is the last, and “There is none else besides Him.” Then he gives the Creator all the holy names in gratitude for His every action and the form of control that has been revealed.

First of all, we need to study this picture disassembled: to understand and agree that it is broken and that our task is to assemble it, working together on our connection. The breaking happened in our relations, although we think that this world is broken.

The problems seem external to us: in the economy, ecology, ordinary human relations, at work, in the family, between spouses, parents and children, at all the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate nature. There is bedlam and confusion around. What we need is to imagine the system completely tied to the connection between people. Only by improving our relations with each other can we change the system at its all levels: the still, vegetative, animate, and moreover, on the human level, in social systems due to which the human being raised himself above the animal world.

Once the human being came from an ape, he began to develop public relations, technology, trade, and industry. But all of them are based only on the relations between people. This is the only place we can influence and change. As we improve our relations that bring us closer to the truth: to connection, unity, and mutual guarantee, all the remaining levels of this world will be connected correctly, will take their places, and the entire world will calm down and achieve prosperity.

For this work, it is not enough to represent the “righteous,” seemingly demanding nothing for oneself. There is nothing we can do; we were all born and grew up in egoism. There is no shame in this, we just need to recognize evil and correct it: to make an honest calculation with oneself, for whatever reason, we must change.

Everyone is engaged in internal correction at his degree, as it is said: “educate the child according to his way,” his readiness. But any person must somehow correct his nature. That is why we need to work in three lines. The left line is the evil in us that is increasingly revealed. The right line is the correction of this egoism by the force of bestowal that we attract from above due to our connection.

We build the third line from these two lines. The desire to enjoy of the left line, which is corrected by the Light that Reforms, turns into a spiritual vessel, called the soul. And in it, according to equivalence of form, the new integral system, new fulfillment, is revealed. This means that the Creator is revealed inside the created beings, inside the connection of souls. Shochen reigns in Schechina (Divinity). This is the work in the middle line.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/24/13

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When Will Humanity Finally Listen To Us?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: It is obvious that without the support of government authorities for the method of integral education and information it will be difficult to implement the program of human development effectively.

Answer: We must develop the method itself and not think about how to find support from the government. It is possible to disseminate and publicize our ideas among scientists, politicians, and the like, but in any case, nobody will listen to you. Don’t look for support from anyone!

Only when the integral method will be internally understood by you and will be expressed and formulated correctly, that is, when you become real experts, then the world will be ready to comprehend it. Then you will see with whom you must unite for dissemination and if you require government support or not. And it could be that you will need the masses and nobody will oppose this because it speaks about connection and unity.

But first and foremost, we must work upon ourselves, on our mistakes, and not burst forth as if we already have in our hands a ready method and we know how to correct the world and solve all the problems. This is not right. Now we need to develop ourselves and the method such that both we and the method will become a single whole. And then we will see that the world will be ready to accept it.

As long as we have not achieved unity among the main and strongest groups, as long as we have not developed a precise and clear method that includes elements from the wisdom of Kabbalah expressed in an appropriate human language, as long as we have not educated qualified and organized faculty for workshops and processed and practiced our method in all kinds of events with the general public, we won’t have something to present to a patron or to relate to some movement.

When we will be ready for this, then you will see how many different international organizations will turn to us. I think that for this we require a minimum of one more year of serious work with the general public and simultaneously processing our method. We must formulate it in the right way. But as long as we are not ready, nobody will listen to us; the Creator will not make this possible.
From the Talk about Group and Dissemination 10/21/13

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