Entries in the 'Health' Category

The Cause of All Diseases

115Question: In the 70s of the last century the problem with AIDS emerged, before that there was a problem with cancer. And nowadays, even infants get cancer. How is this possible, considering that typically there should be some accumulative period for a person?

Answer: What kind of cumulative period can we talk about if all this enters the newborn from the bodies of the mother and father and has been happening for years and generations.

Moreover, it seems to us that this occurs at some biological or even genetic level. In reality, these are problems of a spiritual nature, because we are becoming increasingly disharmonious with nature. Hence, the cause of all diseases is that we are not in balance with the surrounding nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Causes of cancer and AIDS…” 10/29/13

Related Material:
Physical and Spiritual Suffering
A Major Illness Is Not a Sentence
How Can Mental Illness Be Cured?

Is It Possible to Live without Pain?

232.09Question: Benjamin writes:

As long as I can remember I have been in pain! Pain when I was beaten in the courtyard. Pain for the dog that was poisoned by neighbors. Pain that I cannot take revenge. Pain from divorce. Pain, pain… All of life is pain! Is it really impossible to live without pain? Is it possible not to feel pain?

Answer: No, it is not possible to be without it. Each of us feels pain, and everyone has their own reasons for it and their own memories. We cannot do anything about it until the full correction of the world.

Question: And why is such pain given to a person—until he screams?

Answer: It is so that a person realizes that he must break away from it. Pain helps us. Just like pain during illness. It indicates that something is wrong with you, and that is why you rush to the healers. Otherwise, you would put your hand in the fire and sit calmly while it burns.

Question: In other words, our destiny is to be in pain?

Answer: Yes. Pain is a very good quality, a sense of malfunction in a person.

Question: Are you even suggesting now that it is possible to try to love pain?

Answer: To love, I do not know to what extent to love, but to love the manifestation of pain that pushes you toward healing.

Question: And how can I come to conclusion during the pain that it is a correction, that it is pushing me? Here he talks about inner pain, and about soul pain, and about such pain… He combined everything.

Answer: Any kind of pain.

Question: Are you also combining everything into one pain?

Answer: Absolutely, it does not matter whatsoever. And then you start to feel that this pain is for your own sake.

Question: How can you draw the right conclusions during pain? When you are in pain, you only feel pain.

Answer: All you feel is pain, but you begin to understand that it is meant to remind you that you are not okay, that you have to do something to get rid of it. In other words, pain is designed to get rid of pain. And this is your salvation.

Question: Then the question is: how to actually get rid of it?

Answer: Discover the cause of the pain and distance from it first of all. And then explore and understand that maybe the very cause of pain is for you, for your benefit, and you should be content that it exists.

Question: Can you name the main cause of pain?

Answer: The main cause of pain is that a person does not want to feel pain. If he was to tell himself that I am ready to feel pain, then by moving in that direction, he would cease to feel it. It is not easy, but it is possible.

Question: It means that if you as if approach it and accept it, then it begins to subside?

Answer: Yes. Then you start to feel its opposite side.

Question: This is his second question: “Is it possible not to feel pain or to rise above it?”

Answer: It is possible to rise and it is possible not feel pain if a person wants it. Everything depends on the awareness of evil. If a person senses evil, then he is ready to endure any pain in order to get rid of this evil to the extent of the awareness of it.

Question: When you say “awareness of evil,” it is awareness of what—my nature or…?

Answer: My nature or the pain it evokes in me. I am ready to endure. And so much so that I do not feel pain.

Question: So it is like surgery, where this evil is cut out from me?

Answer: Yes, and it needs to be cut out, I am ready for it! I cannot live with it.

Question: How can one come to this sensation of evil?

Answer: It is coming. When it is necessary, it will come.

Question: But are we being guided to this?

Answer: We are being guided to a realization that pain is salvation. It indicates what is bad in us. And we must agree to the removal of the cause of pain in order to achieve good.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/19/23

Related Material:
Do Not Contradict the Creator
When Will Fear Disappear?
Everything Passes

Restore the Common Connection

509Question: When there is an illness and a person goes to a doctor, does this distance them from the Creator?

Answer: Of course, it is distancing to the extent that we do not use it as a way of approaching the Creator. There must be the right intention.

Question: How can one correctly work internally with the intention so the illness of separation from the Creator is a minimum?

Answer: Be closer to friends and all together close to the Creator. First, there must be a connection between the friends, and from the depth of this connection, you can turn to Him.

That is, you will unite with your friends one on one. And once the connection among you is restored, from it, you will turn to the Creator.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

Related Material:
Health Is A Spiritual Necessity
When the Time Comes to Turn to the Creator
Health Is a State of Balance with the Creator

The Basis of All Problems

154Question: Are physical illnesses related to spiritual illnesses, and if so, how?

Answer: On the part of the Creator, there is no difference between illnesses. Only in accordance with how far and in what form we are distant from each other, do we feel the illness.

It all follows from the distance or closeness between us, which is the root of all illnesses and cures.

Question: How can a person understand what exactly needs to be corrected with the help of the illness?

Answer: He needs to fix the connection between him and his friends; this is the basis of all problems.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

Related Material:
Physical and Spiritual Suffering
The Path Of Light Versus The Path Of Suffering
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering

The Largest Consumer Market

538Question: Despite the fact that we are constantly producing all kinds of medicines, why do new diseases appear all the time? Is there any solution here?

Answer: This will not be corrected until all of humanity is corrected.

After all, everything is built on earning more. What for? This question is not asked. This is a goal of society that is not judged at all. To earn more! This way I will be higher than others, more important than others, and stronger than others. What for, why, for what purpose? All this is no longer important. The main thing is that wealth is respected by society, and therefore, man chases after it.

For this purpose, millions of medicines are produced. Moreover, this is probably the largest consumption market in the world. There is a whole army of doctors, manufacturers, and advertisers who are constantly trying to fill us with all sorts of medicines. In general, we constantly poison ourselves.

I cannot imagine a quick solution to this problem except if we really dedicate ourselves to correcting the person. Then we will come to the point where we want to correct everything else. Our correction will have such an effect on the surrounding nature that we will be able to grow vegetables, fruit, produce meat, and everything we need in an unmodified form. They will not rot; there will be enough for everyone. But it will happen only when we take care of ourselves instead of chemicals.

Comment: But at the same time it is written that “A doctor is given the right to heal.”

My Response: There are no real doctors today! In practice, these are unhappy people who think that they help us.

But in fact, they deal with people who are completely poisoned and with whom it is no longer possible to do anything. They are trying to sell them some additional kinds of poison that would do something to them and somehow hold them together. This is how we live. Of course, one can object and say that 500 years ago people lived 30 to 40 years, and today they live 60, 70, 80 years and even more. This is true. But the fact is that here we face the question: “What for?”
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Allergy treatment” 10/28/11

Related Material:
Medicine In Its Own Service
The Vicious View Of Modern Medicine
Discover The Disease Along With The Medicine

Disease Is the Consequence of Separation From the Creator

630.1All diseases are a consequence of moving away from the Creator, and every cure, coming closer to Him. Therefore, if the Creator shows a new distance that separates us, it is only in order to show us a new place to work to get closer to Him.

All states should be taken as moving away from the Creator because He gives us a new gap that needs to be healed and corrected, first among us, and then between us and the Creator. We heal it by asking the Creator to bring us closer so that we come to a corrected, that is, a healthy state.

The Creator purposely distances us so we get closer to Him. So each time, we move a little further away, and then we get even closer until we reach full and final adhesion.

The doctor is the Creator we turn to and ask to heal us, to heal our hearts from extraneous thoughts, egoistic desires, and separation from each other. This is the source of the disease. We ask the Creator to heal all the space between us until we are completely united in one heart.

If a person agrees with one’s distance from the Creator, then the Creator has no other choice but to further increase the distance between him or her and the Creator, so one finally feels where one is at.

After all, if a person is sick, but does not yet feel they are ill, they cannot be cured. This is why the Creator performs various actions so we feel the distance between us and want to heal this separation, that is, get closer, above it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah lesson 10/13/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

Related Material:
Connect Everything to the Creator
How To See The Creator Through This World
The World Where “There Is None Else Besides Him”

The Essence of the Prayer

534Question: Suppose we discover that we have a disease of distancing from the Creator. We know that unification will cure us of this disease. What should the essence of the prayer be? Should we ask for unification so that the disease will go away? Or should we simply ask for unification without telling the Creator what problem we want to be healed from?

Answer: We must ask for unification and ask for rapprochement. As a consequence of this, some problems will go away, and perhaps others will arise at a higher level. But this way we will move forward.

Question: Should we include the name of the disease in the prayer?

Answer: No, we cannot determine the name.

Question: So if there is a war, then should we simply ask for unification without mentioning in the prayer that we are asking for rapprochement so that the Creator will save us from war?

Answer: No, when things like war happen, we can ask by naming the problem and asking for salvation from it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

Related Material:
The Prayer Of The Stony Heart
Prayer And Confidence
What Is Prayer?

Universal Allergy

600.02Question: Why are there so many allergies now? What is an allergy?

Answer: An allergy is unresponsiveness, a negative reaction to something.

What does it mean: “I’m allergic to you”? That is, I do not tolerate you, I have a negative reaction to you, I have unpleasant feelings while being in contact with you. This is an allergy. Today, it is manifested in absolutely everything. The fact is that we have poisoned everything that gets into us: air, water, and food.

After all, a person is a factory for processing what goes inside him. And all we take in are poisons, the type our body cannot process.

These are not natural poisons like eating spoiled fish, meat, fruits, or vegetables. You made such modified products yourself; you polluted the water and air yourself, which cause unnatural reactions in our body. Therefore, the body simply rebels, it does not know how to cope with it.

Allergies manifest themselves in us in almost everything. It is the basis of all disease, all our problems at the sensory, mental, and at any level, because we have been viciously poisoning ourselves for at least 100 years.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Allergy Treatment” 10/28/11

Related Material:
Health Is A Spiritual Necessity
Health and Kabbalah
What Do a Healthy Mind and Body Have to Do With Kabbalah?

Who Decides Whether to Live or Die?

627.2Question: I was very impressed by a story. A dying young man wrote a farewell letter because the doctors did not think he had even two months to live. Then his girlfriend came along and said she was pregnant. He said he literally felt the disease go away. He recounts that suddenly, confidence came and that was it, he was healthy. Many years have passed since then. His first daughter is already married and will soon be a mother. There is another daughter and a son. He reread his dying letter on camera and asked: “How can I tell people that we decide whether to live or die? It is only necessary, and this is very important, that we have a reason to live.”

Is it really in the power of a person to interfere in the upper providence, or is this some kind of an accident?

Answer: Of course, not every person is given an opportunity to turn around his fate. To do this, he must already be somehow prepared from the inside. And he should be willing to give up everything he has in the name of truth. Then everything can work out for him.

Question: Does he say: “I want the truth, and I am looking for the truth.” And then everything can recede: illness, death, and everything else?

Answer: Yes, then a completely new phase of life will come, and he will be given the opportunity to evaluate this truth and come closer to it.

Question: What if there is a feeling that I have to live in order to support this life that is being born now? He was about to have a child, and he realized that he had to raise this life. Can this also be a partial search for the truth, such a transformation inside a person?

Answer: Of course. This is the reason to live and get over the past and start anew. That is, it is a complete transformation of a person.

Question: There are a lot of people who are in such states now. At this moment should they direct their thoughts at some such dramatic moment, to this transformation in life, do you think?

Answer: If a person is directed like this, then yes. But if not, then no. It does not depend on the person.

Question: Is there any way to cause this? To pray for this somehow?

Answer: It depends on a person’s preparation, on what he did in life, on the root of his soul.

Question: We do not know that. Is this a secret?

Answer: Not that this is a very deep secret, but not everyone is given this.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/17/23

Related Material:
How to Solve the Equation with Life and Death
Do Not Contradict the Creator
What Makes It Worth Living a Long Time

Inadequate People

560All people on Earth are divided into numerous different stages of attainment, development, and sensations.

First of all, they are divided into five parts according to the basic principles of creation, which is divided into five levels. Each level into another five, and another five, and so on.

This division occurs based on the intensity of desire and the possibility of its attainment, meaning in the heart (desire) and mind.

Question: It is believed that 20% of people on Earth are practically inadequate, with deviations from the norm. What is their role in the overall process?

Answer: They are carriers of information and, in turn, also participants in the general process, including even those people who are completely disconnected from the world, from life. They were born, let’s say, autistic or with other mental impairments that cannot be cured, and they are practically withdrawn into themselves, unresponsive to us.

But we must understand that we have no right to destroy them as it was done in ancient Greece, Nazi Germany, or India (where there was a law concerning widows who were burned along with their deceased husbands).

These people, regardless of their form of existence, ultimately serve as a buffer for all the problems of human society. Our problems are as if loaded unto them, and they carry with them certain information about humanity, being next to us. That is why we have no right to treat them badly but, on the contrary, we must treat them with compassion and help them to the best of our ability.

They carry a part of the human load, and even more—the heavy part.

Question: But it is like a suspended layer of information? How can we interact with it?

Answer: It is impossible to discuss these matters with people who do not see the whole nature from inside. They do not understand their own participation in nature, and especially those who are sick from our point of view.

Only when you see the true picture of creation do you begin to understand their role, that there is nothing in nature that is created in vain, and there is nothing bad in it.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Crazy people“ 8/20/11

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Psychological Deviations and a Person’s Inner Development
The Inner World of an Autistic Person
Autistic Children: The Environment Determines Everything