The Essence of the Prayer

534Question: Suppose we discover that we have a disease of distancing from the Creator. We know that unification will cure us of this disease. What should the essence of the prayer be? Should we ask for unification so that the disease will go away? Or should we simply ask for unification without telling the Creator what problem we want to be healed from?

Answer: We must ask for unification and ask for rapprochement. As a consequence of this, some problems will go away, and perhaps others will arise at a higher level. But this way we will move forward.

Question: Should we include the name of the disease in the prayer?

Answer: No, we cannot determine the name.

Question: So if there is a war, then should we simply ask for unification without mentioning in the prayer that we are asking for rapprochement so that the Creator will save us from war?

Answer: No, when things like war happen, we can ask by naming the problem and asking for salvation from it.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/13/23, “Reinforcing Ourselves with There Is None Else Besides Him”

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