Entries in the 'Meaning Of Life' Category

There Is No Need to Regret Anything

79.01In the News (Exploringyourmind.com, “The Most Common Regrets of Older People”): “It’s a curious fact that, when we reach maturity, most of us experience certain regrets. What are they? …

“1. Not doing what they really wanted…

“2. Being more honest about their feelings…

“3. Not having spent more time on what really mattered…

“4. Worrying excessively and forgetting to live…

“5. Missing out on opportunities.”

Question: Most regretted was having spent most of their lives doing something they did not like, and they not having enough strength and intention to change anything.

In your opinion, is this their worst regret?

Answer: Of course. It generally makes life very difficult if a person is doing something he does not like and cannot get used to what he is doing. I cannot imagine this. And a person does not have the strength to change anything.

Question: Is it possible to turn a job you do not like into a job you love?

Answer: In order to do this, you need to go deeper into your job and dedicate yourself to it. And then it may possibly become the job you love.

Question: It means that at some point I can say: “I cannot quit, but my goal is to make it loved”?

Answer: Yes, you can do it if you enter into mastery.

Comment: But it is still unloved!

My Response: It is because you did not engage in it with dedication and from the heart.

Question: Why did not a single person respond: “Unfortunately, I did not look for the meaning of life?” What do you think?

Answer: They are looking for it very quietly, but it is in second, third, or who-knows-what place.

You should just calmly try to find the meaning of life in your circle. This is what you must do. Without this, life is meaningless. But whether you find it or not, and what kind of meaning you find, depends on you.

Question: Can everyone find their own meaning in life? Small, big, high or not so high, but it should be? This is what it is, and this is what a man’s life is?

Answer: Yes. But it does not mean to give in. This is not giving in; no. It is looking for the meaning of life.

Question: But after all, you are saying this to the fact that we have reached some meaning in life, haven’t we?

Answer: We have reached it; we will get there. And we will keep getting to it. A person cannot live without this; this is not existence. But we must understand that this is what we have been given.

Question: Do you personally regret anything in life?

Answer: No, even so, I should have regretted a lot of things.

Question: And you do not? How can you live like this, without regrets? How do you cut them off?

Answer: I cut them off very simply. “The right to forget the years, the right to choose the hours. The right to choose how to live, throwing life on the scales” (Evgeny Klyachkin, Song about Rights).

So there is nothing you can do about it. I personally take this very philosophically. And this is not what makes it easier; although, in fact, it does make it easier too. But on the other hand, this is how it should be.

Question: Is this what you came to: “This is how it should be”? This very phrase, did it begin to define everything?

Answer: This phrase began to define my attitude toward life, toward the world: “I will do what I can, and I will give what I can.”

And I hope that by giving to the world I am improving it in some way. I am not indifferent to the world, and I am not indifferent to people. I want them to open their eyes a little more.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/31/23

Related Material:
If You Have Found Your Life’s Work
“Do Not Believe In Yourself Until The Day You Die”
“Do Not Trust Yourself Until You Die”

Don’t Waste Your Life

547.05In the wisdom of Kabbalah we study the shattering of the upper world, the upper soul, and its cascading to our world through gradual breaking and destruction.

The very last level of our world is the one that cannot be corrected. We correct it only by existing in our body for many cycles of animalistic life. We need it only in order to start from it and to rise to the first level of the soul.

This is why we must exist. Why should I furnish myself with completely unnecessary things that interfere with this upper eternal perfect goal? I really only need what is necessary, meaning, convenient, comfortable, and good, something that will not distract me from reaching my most desired goal.

It is desired because there I can finally reach perfection and eternity, and stop being connected with this world, its horrors, violence, dirt, and lies. What is the point of messing around with this?

That is why it is so easy for me to be separated from everyone who think and rant about various topics: newspapers, government, politics, slander, vanity, and everything else. I feel sorry for the people! They spend the world, their lives, and all their time and energy on it! I look at them and they are shouting, scolding each other in the Knesset or in a parliament, thinking they are going to decide something.

Nobody will solve anything. It is like playing in a sandbox.

While you are given this animalistic body, provide it as much as it needs to exist normally and comfortably, so that it does not occupy you. You need a bathtub, gas, refrigerator, air conditioner, a car, i.e., things you need for the average normal level of a modern person. If today we distributed everything that is on earth among everyone, our level would be much higher than average. But we do not need this; we need to give everyone a normal average level.

Everything else should be directed only toward the development of each and every one. Everyone must study, learn how to get out of this sandbox, and how to become normal adults, to reach a balance with nature.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Lost a Million” 11/6/11

Related Material:
The Degree of Development of a Point in the Heart
The Beginning of the Development of Creation
Phases of the Development of the Desire

Do Wars Raise Questions about the Meaning of Life?

231.01Question: Are internal wars with an evil inclination possible without external manifestations?

Answer: Theoretically wars fought only mentally by the desires of the heart are possible. But when we will get there, I do not know.

After all, we can come to this only after we are absolutely sure that with our own desires, we create a place for wars and all negative actions.

The Creator, as the highest governing force, manifesting itself in external war, influences humanity to realizes the futility of its attempts to correct the world.

Question: What does external war bring out in a person? Does it awaken questions about the meaning of life in him?

Answer: No, we practically do not see this. For how many millennia have people been fighting each other and still this does not help them understand the meaning of life. Suffering does not raise these questions.

I think that they can only be caused by an educational process, by soft persuasion, when we sit opposite each other and correctly explain our point of view to everyone.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/29/23

Related Material:
Is Manifestation Of Wars In The Corporeal World Necessary?
War Will Erase Everything
Will There Be A War?

You Have To Pay For Spirituality

504Question: There I heard that a very wealthy Kazakh businessman, investor, and  public figure Margulan Seisembayev once said, “The paradox of this life is that everything we really need is either free or cheap. We cannot do without air—the air is free. We cannot do without water—water is free. Food is cheap, we cannot do without it. Sleep costs us nothing. But things we do not need: gold, diamonds, Rolls-Royce are hellishly expensive. That is, the system of values of humanity—and we seem to be grabbing at them all the time—is completely distorted, and this should not continue. Because of these distorted values, we have developed wrong industries.”

Does this make sense?

Answer: It seems so.

Question: In principle, this man is a billionaire, he stands firmly on the ground, and he does not mention spirituality. He does not mention that we cannot do without it. Do you think we can do without spiritual search or not?

Answer: Then our whole life in general has no meaning.

Question: And what is the cost of spirituality?

Answer: Only human efforts.

Question: So, you would add spirituality to this list: air, water, and so on? At the same level? That a person cannot live without it?

Answer: Of course. Then life has no meaning.

Question: At what point does a person suddenly have this feeling, such a click occurs in him that he says: “I did not add the most important element here: the search for the meaning of life”?

Answer: It is when a person asks: “Who am I? Why me? What am I doing here anyway?”

Question: How do I get to this question?

Answer: It does not depend on the person. This awakens in a person from the inside.

Question: So, this question comes to a person from above?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But, in principle, should there be some effort from my side?

Answer: No. If you do not have this question, then you cannot make any effort. But when this question arises, then you are given the condition that you must find the answer to it.

Question: So, this is an expensive thing after all?

Answer: To know about life?

Question: Yes. Where do we fit it in: in the fact that air and water cost nothing, or in Rolls-Royce, gold, diamonds?

Answer: I would put it where all these kinds of rich toys are because a person must pay for it. By canceling yourself, your “I,” searching, and so on.

Question: Are you also saying that one way or another, this point called “the search for the meaning of life” will develop in every person? One way or another, will we come to this? Will everyone come?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, sooner or later, we will pay with our lives for this whole thing?

Answer: Sure. What is life? By the way, it is the cheapest there is. You can see that. And what is it worth?

Comment: It is said somewhere that the most precious thing a person has is life.

My Response: That is what the townsfolk think. I believe that life is the cheapest thing a person has. And he practically gives it away for nothing. Took it for free, gave it away for free.

Comment: But it is still my life!

My Response: So what? It is given to you only so that you suffer and try to answer some questions, which you eventually do not answer and go back to where you came from.

Question: So I played with Rolls-Royces, gold, diamonds, and left. And came again to play again and leave?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What is the result of all this?

Answer: If a person correctly manages his spiritual potential, he can achieve the revelation of the meaning of life.

Question: Is there a spiritual potential in every person?

Answer: In everyone. And the purpose of life is to reveal this spiritual potential and realize it.

Question: That is, a person would not have been born if there were no spiritual potential in him? Can I say that?

Answer: Yes. It is not only regarding man; it is any grain of sand, inanimate, vegetative, animate nature, and man, of course.

All we can say about anything that exists is that they are the realization of their inner spiritual potential.

Question: What is spiritual potential? What do you mean by that?

Answer: It is the manifestation of the highest management in a person, the highest desire, the highest intention.

Question: What is it like?

Answer: What it is like should be revealed by everyone in whom it arises.

Question: So, there was a higher intention for all of us and not just us but for everything to be born?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And it had its meaning, its purpose?

Answer: And we must reveal this intention.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/20/23

Related Material:
A Man Sold His Life And Became Happy
The Happiest Moment in the Life of a Billionaire
What We Spend Our Lives On

Kindergarten for Adults

543.02In the News (Voice of Europe): A unique retreat in Edinburgh, Scotland, known as the ‘Big Kid Kindergarten,’ has opened its doors for adults seeking to relive their childhood days. This establishment allows grown-ups to immerse themselves in a world of building blocks, arts and crafts, sandbox games and story sessions, offering them a temporary escape from adult responsibilities.

“While the ‘Big Kid Kindergarten’ shares similarities with traditional kindergartens, it isn’t precisely a conventional nursery. Instead, it operates more as an interactive playground for adults weary of their everyday adult lives. …

“Many visitors have found this venture to be therapeutic. Engaging in simple, manual tasks allows the mind to break from its usual routine, evoking a sense of tranquility and mindfulness. Just as children often bond effortlessly with their peers, the adults attending the ‘Big Kid Kindergarten’ are encouraged to reconnect with these often dormant social skills.”

Question: Honestly, I read it and really started wanting to get into the sandbox! Just like that, put everything aside and simply sit down, build a town, play with cars, cast aside this load and get lost in a game!

Can I do that? Or will we, burdened with our whole life, not be able to do this; will we not be freed like this?

Answer: I would not be able to sit in a sandbox.

Comment: Most likely I would not either, but I would really like to.

My Response: No. I am satisfied with my life and what the Creator has brought me to. I want only one thing—to achieve what I must according to His plan and that is it. I would be completely satisfied with that.

Question: You are a lucky man! You have discovered everything perfectly and you hit this point precisely.

But for people who are tired, exhausted from searching and being under the burden of responsibility and worries, to be able to go to this kindergarten, sit and play with each other, do you think this is good?

Answer: I cannot imagine how to live in Edinburgh. I know this city well.

Question: This city has reached kindergartens. So can they do this? Do you think there is a type of person who can leave everything behind and go play for a day?

Answer: Yes, this is for them. This is good.

Question: For a person who needs some kind of therapeutic practice to relieve stress, is it good to be able to do this?

Answer: Why not? If this satisfies a person and gets him calmer, we must guide him to terrible questions of existence so that he does not know where to turn to, and only after falling from this height to find himself with the right answer to the question: “What do I live for?” No.

Question: So you would put him in the kindergarten? If he feels good there, let him be in the kindergarten?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Children usually make contact with others easily. Children play, sit in the sandbox, and new kids join in. Can this lead to establishing more contacts between us if we put adults, conflicting individuals, in kindergarten?

Answer: It will no longer be called “kindergarten,” but some kind of psychological institution.

Question: We play adult games now—wars and so on. If we somehow manage to change to children’s games, to make it happen with the same passion, is it possible or not? Maybe there is a solution in this?

Answer: This is the game, what we are doing with wars and such. This is the very game.

Question: Can it be shifted into children’s games so that there are no victims, no blood, no hatred?

Answer: It would not be exciting.

Comment: That is the whole problem.

My Response: What can you do?

Question: Is there no way to put them in kindergarten and let them fight it out there?

Answer: No! You cannot make grown-ups children completely.

Question: You just called them adult children. Is it not a slip of the tongue? Do adult children grow up like this?

Answer: Yes. They have to grow up, but they can only grow up if they cover themselves and each other with serious bruises.

Question: How can these adults be calmed down?

Answer: There is no need to calm them down. We need to exhaust them so they do not know where to run or find any kind of reassurance. We need to wear them out until their heads spin, they wobble as they walk, constantly feel like they are about to fall, and they do not know what to do.

Question: What would that achieve? We are talking about adults playing games.

Answer: This is fear of the next moment of your life. This is an important point.

Question: Do you mean that fear should be instilled in an adult?

Answer: We must even impose it so everyone is afraid for their lives.

Question: What will come of it?

Answer: One will reason more sensibly and plan the next step. This is better than being calm.

Question: Can this be done at the state level?

Answer: On the global level. That is, from one person, to many people, to the whole world.

Question: Can this stop all the madness that exists?

Answer: Certainly. I think we will come to this.

Question: But how can we do it? How can we wear someone out?

Answer: With horror stories, but only good ones, that is, with smart stories that explain where one is, what he is in, and how this leads him to a state where he will not find peace neither today nor tomorrow, before death or after death. That is the main thing. Because he thinks: “Well, at most I will die.” No, it does not end there. He will want to rise above death.

After all, we will explain to him that it does not end there. Therefore, you need to find a way out, how to deal with this situation. That is the main thing.

Question: And then one will think of how to take the next step?

Answer: Then, yes. I believe that without the fear of death, an ordinary person will not be able to live correctly. But there are those who do not care, who even before their death, before all this, want to know, learn, and reveal. For such people, everything is open. I am all for it.

Question: Is this how a person should feel?

Answer: It depends, of course, on the root of the soul. I don’t think this is for everyone, but it should be open to everyone.

Question: In that case, what game should we play?

Answer: We must understand that revealing the meaning of life is the most important thing we need in this life. That is all.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/24/23

Related Material:
Our Whole Life Is an Escape from Life
When There Is No Goal in Life
Contentment Is Worse Than Death

If You Have Found Your Life’s Work

022A favorite flower is first of all a rejection of all other flowers. Otherwise, it will not seem to you as the most beautiful one. It is the same with the work you spend your life on (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Wisdom of the Sands, Citadelle).

Question: If you find your life’s work, should you give up everything else?

Answer: If you have found such work, then you do not have to give up anything; it will just happen.

Question: You mean that from the height of what you have found you do not need anything else?

Answer: You do not need anything. Otherwise, you have not yet found it!

Question: Basically, if you rush into everything, does it mean that you have not found your life’s work?

Answer: Of course.

Question: How does a person understand this? Is it by the fact that he is already calm and does not rush in all directions?

Answer: He does not need anything else.

Question: So you do not proceed from the prohibition “you need to postpone all other matters.” Do you proceed from the fact that this is it, that you determine everything by yourself?

Answer: From good.

Question: From good. This is beautiful. Is this the exact definition of what a person has found?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What if you suddenly see that you made a mistake? And you have already put all your cards on this work. Is this a possibility? You seemingly found your life’s work and suddenly it turns out you were wrong.

Answer: Then you have to invest yourself above your head in the one and only work that you have left and in which you now feel and reveal that you made a mistake; it is not the main thing, but beside it there is nothing else! Otherwise, you will be lost.

Question: You just said a difficult thing. You said that you have already understood and now you feel that your life’s work is a mistake; therefore invest in it fully. Above reason?

Answer: Of course. But this is in case you are sure that you have nothing left; you have given everything, your whole life to this work.

Question: What will happen then? Here I am heading into this black hole.

Answer: Then the Creator will help you. Then He should help you. In principle, this is how we do it in Kabbalah.

Comment: There are all sorts of states.

My Response: There are many states, but in general we come to one.

Question: Is it the need for the Creator’s help?

Answer: It is absolute disappointment in myself, in the Creator, in this work, in the goal, in everything!

Comment: And the fact that I have invested my whole life in it.

My Response: Yes. When you reach such a disappointment, then you can let go of everything and see luck.

Question: Kabbalists write that when you have passed all the gates, only one gate remains, the “gate of tears.” Are you aiming there now when you speak?

Answer: This is already beyond tears.

Question: Have you already passed the “gate of tears”? Is your advice to keep hitting this point to the end?

Answer: If you can keep hitting, then this is not the last gate.

Question: So must you have this disappointment? Should it be?

Answer: It should be an absolute one! Because in fact, it goes against human nature, against the way the Creator created us. Therefore it must be an absolute disappointment.

Question: Then I have a question. Where is this upper mercy here?

Answer: It is behind this. When the Creator guides a person through all these trials, the person behind them reveals the upper mercy of the Creator.

Comment: One has to be a very strong person.

My Response: No. I think that no one is strong. Everyone is very weak. It is simply that the Creator will do everything.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/24/23

Related Material:
“Do Not Believe In Yourself Until The Day You Die”
“Do Not Trust Yourself Until You Die”
Model Of Desires

The Truth Is Ugly, But It Is the Truth


Finally in this dull, secluded village to find him gone. In the ramshackle hut by the fire sat true.
He had never seen a more old and ugly women.
– You – Really?
Old, wrinkled hag nodded solemnly.
– Tell me, I have to tell the world? What kind of message to convey?
Old woman spat into the fire and said:
– Tell them that I am young and beautiful! (In Search of Truth, Robert Tompkins)

Question: We are looking for the truth, and if it is the truth, it is often just such an old hag. And if it is a lie, then it is beautiful. So is it really necessary to seek the truth in this world?

Answer: Definitely. It is necessary to seek truth. And we must strive for truth. It does not matter what it looks like externally. It may indeed be a very ugly truth, but it is the truth. As a result, it is the only one, the upper one, above all, and it is unique.

Question: And when is it said, and it is often said, “beautiful truth”?

Answer: “Beautiful truth,” I do not know anything like that. The beautiful truth is the one that blurs your vision so much that you cannot see normally, and you simply sell yourself to it.

Question: Can you tell me when you feel the truth?

Answer: In order to feel the truth, I must rise above my earthly egoistic properties and disconnect from them. And then I can see the truth, discover it, get close to it, and it will be the real truth for me.

Question: That is, “rise above the Earth,” does this mean to rise above the concepts of beautiful, ugly, and so on?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Pleasant, unpleasant?

Answer: No, I will evaluate it in completely different values.

Question: How can you accept the truth then?

Answer: One must rise above himself and keep himself at some level in order to look at the world from this level. And then to understand what you are looking for, where you are, and where this truth that you are looking for should be.

Comment: It seems that a lot of courage is needed to get to the truth.

My Response: This must be really great courage. I would say that this is a forced state, because a man himself runs away from this.

And sometime almost near the end of his life, when he begins to look for the truth, he can still find it. If it is not too late.

Question: What is the person looking for? Tell me, please, what is it—the truth? What is a man looking for all the time? All the time, as it were, he is looking for the truth, and at the same time he is not looking for it.

Answer: Meaning. And he cannot find this meaning. As a result, he understands that he can find, achieve, reveal, understand, evaluate, and feel this meaning if he rises above himself.

Question: What is “to rise above oneself”?

Answer: To rise above oneself means not to evaluate anything in the world based on one’s tastes, understandings, all kinds of evaluative feelings, and systems.

Question: And how can I cut myself off from myself, from my “I”?

Answer: That is the problem. But if we do not cut ourselves off from ourselves, we will always be under the thumb of our egoistic desire. And this is always a lie; we will not find anything.

Comment: And yet we are looking for the truth. This is what amazes me!

My Response: Yes, we still are.

Question: But you have to be prepared for the fact that it is old, that it is terrible. Should we be ready for this?

Answer: You can agree to it precisely because it is like that.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/17/23

Related Material:
What Is Truth?
Calibrating The Brain To The Truth
The Taste Of Truth

How Can We Deal with Bad Desires?

627.2Dear Michael Laitman,

You have been a replacement for me for radio and TV for a long time. I have been with you for three years. I want to ask a question, Where do desires come from?

Moreover, such desires are shameful to admit. And sometimes you cannot get rid of them. They were not in me, generally, I have a completely different character. Please tell me how to deal with such desires that are not good? 

Answer: I do not know what “bad desires” means.

Comment: A person is somehow uncomfortable with the desires that suddenly arise in him.

My Response: Well, desires arise. Man is a complex animal after all. He consists of an animal part, a human part, and possibly a spiritual part.

Question: Meaning, desires from all degrees come to him?

Answer: Yes. So there is nothing to worry about. All desires have the right to be revealed and to exist in a person.

Question: Any desire?

Answer: Absolutely any. And a person can have all kinds of relationships to this.

Question: What does one need to do if bad desires arise, even those that shake a person?

Answer: I see. What to do? Shake yourself, shake them off, and continue to exist. You need to engage in something else, and then the desire will change.

Comment: Please answer the question “where do they come from and why?”

My Response: From above! Why? In order for a person to develop. In order to develop him.

Question: When you say “develop,” what does it mean? So that some specific desires arise in him?

Answer: Desires, emotions, intentions, and so on, such that will match the more developed person that he will become.

Question: You said “from above.” Is there a bank of desires that one needs to go through?

Answer: Yes. There is a bank of desires that we have to go through, each of us and all of us together.

Question: And when this bank is emptied, desires pass, what happens next? When all the desires have already passed through me, what does it mean?

Answer: The end of the world. We have worked out all our desires and are at rest.

Question: The end of the world, what is that in your opinion?

Answer: The end of the world means that there is no one to live onward, there is no need, and there is no goal.

Question: So I will not be coming back here?

Answer: No.

Question: Where will I end up? This world has ended. Where do I end up?

Answer: In the next world.

Question: And what is there in the next world?

Answer: Happiness, peace, and all good things are waiting for you in the next world.

Question: I already like this. That is, in principle, this whole chain of desires should lead me to the world where there is happiness, peace, everything?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How should I work out these desires in order to come to this peace and happiness?

Answer: You will come to it anyway. So, do not worry. The only thing you need is to agree that you will be brought there. And therefore, in accordance with this, live calmly, breathe calmly, and be peaceful toward the upper force that will lead you there.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/20/23

Related Material:
Where Does Desire Come From?
All Desires Come From The Creator
Attaining The Mind Of The Universe

Don’t Waste Your Life on Strangers

552.03Question: Andrey writes:
Michael, you say we are egoists; such is our nature, and we need to rise above it. You say we need to annul our “self,” that is, in simple language, lower ourselves before others. My question is: if I know someone to be wrong, to be lying, should I still not object, keep quiet, lower myself, and keep listening? How do you imagine it, please explain.

P.S. Personally, I think it would not be manly.

Answer: Leave the manliness alone. Whether to stay quiet or not is all small egoism. Lower yourself or not, turn your nose up or vice versa, do as you like.

Comment: It is more comfortable for him not to lower himself.

My Response: This is what he thinks. On the contrary, stop getting into clarifications of who is the greater egoist—you or the other. What for?

Question: He had a postscript: “Personally, I think it would not be manly.” Does he have such pride? What should he do about it? Squash it?

Answer: Sure. Be wiser.

Question: Do you call this wisdom?

Answer: Yes. If you snap at everyone like that, you will waste your life on strangers.

Question: What should one do, what would be manly?

Answer: If one does not take anyone into account at all, but lives with his own goal, his own life, and does not spar with others, but calmly, bypassing everyone, builds his life.

Question: He asks: “If someone is wrong, how can I lower myself before him?”

Answer: Leave him. Life will teach him.

Question: You say to stay out of it. Should you insist on your truth?

Answer: It is stupid.

Question: Is this wrong? In principle, is this the cause of all problems?

Answer: Yes, not to be argumentative, a bully, or boast with pride. All this will lead to nothing.

Comment: Then let’s take one step further. If one, for example, understands where it comes from in him, you call it egoism and so on, he understands everything perfectly.

If he understands this, then, on the contrary, he is given with working with such a person.

Answer: He is given work on himself, but not on others.

Question: What should he do if he wants to work on himself?

Answer: Calm down, about everything. It makes no sense to jump like a rooster and rattle yourself.

Question: But if I want to work on myself, I calmed down, what is my next move? I want to work on my ego.

Answer: Figure out what you were created for. Precisely the way you are. Maybe so that, by calming yourself down, you will find a completely different path in life.

Question: He writes: “You say you need to annul yourself.” How do I annul my “self”?

Answer: This is already an entire science. In the name of what? For what? Before whom? If we are discussing this, then only before the Creator. If you want to be a good rooster, then you must imagine yourself standing before the Creator.

Question: There is a man standing before me, and I imagine I am standing before the Creator?

Answer: Yes. Then you will be able to lower yourself, calm yourself down, and try to get closer to the Creator in order to talk to Him.

Question: Is this how you have to behave all the time?

Answer: All the time. We should strive to get into a dialogue with the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/20/23

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If You Don’t Want Fate to Play with You

627.2Question: Ariel writes:
Dear Michael Laitman,

First, about myself. I am a loser. Failures haunt my whole life no matter what I do. And I look back, I have always been like that. A gray childhood, practically without friends, married unsuccessfully, my wife left me, graduated from college, but did not work a day in my specialty.

I went to a fortune teller, and not one, they say: “It is fate.” The last one even painted a future for me such that I do not want to live. I watch you regularly, I believe you. I want to know: if there is a concept of fate, and there is, then how to change it? Is it possible or not?

Answer: Yes. But first of all it is necessary to understand how to treat it, this fate. Perhaps he just demands something that he is not supposed to.

A person must understand what he must realize in himself. He must reveal his connection with the source of life. It is not easy, but he can do it. And he is obliged. It is in his power.

Question: And if he wants to have a lot of friends as a child, to have a good job?

Answer: “If he wants to” is not taken into account at all. Absolutely! And in general, it has already passed him, as far as I understand.

Question: So, your answer to the question: “Is it possible to change fate?”, are you saying that you need to look at your life differently?

Answer: Of course.

Question: He looked at life practically like this: I want friends, I want a wife, I want, I want, I want. And you say you need to see where I came from and why?

Answer: Yes. What is given to you and why it is given. Then you will begin to dig into the purpose of your life. Why do you exist after all? And maybe you will find the answer. This is the most important thing.

Question: And when I dig into it: “What have I come for, where did I come from, and what am I?”—what do I have with these basic questions?

Answer: They will depart and will be resolved properly as they appear.

Question: So I should not pay attention to them?

Answer: Not at all.

Question: Should I pay attention to these big things?

Answer: Yes. Based on what you study, you will naturally be able to reveal the basic questions that arise in you.

Question: How can he do it? How can he suddenly change this thinking, so normal, everyday, human: I want happiness, I want fate not to play with me? How can he make a coup? Here he is, Ariel, listening to you, what should he do?

Answer: I think he should just open our website and start reading.

Question: So he needs to read more of our materials about the meaning of life? And will it work?

Answer: Maybe it will and maybe it will not. Maybe it is better to enroll in courses. There, he will be able to ask questions, he will be somehow directed. If he has such questions for a long time, then it is worth doing it.

Question: So, we can say that if he is beaten by failures by fate, then they beat him for some reason, to lead to something?

Answer: Of course. You can say that about all people.

Question: And everyone is being directed to look at their life a little from the outside?

Answer: Yes. In general, looking at your life from the outside is very useful.

Question: And what will he see when he looks at his life from the outside?

Answer: He will see the loser, and so on. And he will see how he can fix this person, that is, himself, in general.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/20/23

Related Material:
Managing Your Fate
How Can You Affect Your Fate?