If You Have Found Your Life’s Work

022A favorite flower is first of all a rejection of all other flowers. Otherwise, it will not seem to you as the most beautiful one. It is the same with the work you spend your life on (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Wisdom of the Sands, Citadelle).

Question: If you find your life’s work, should you give up everything else?

Answer: If you have found such work, then you do not have to give up anything; it will just happen.

Question: You mean that from the height of what you have found you do not need anything else?

Answer: You do not need anything. Otherwise, you have not yet found it!

Question: Basically, if you rush into everything, does it mean that you have not found your life’s work?

Answer: Of course.

Question: How does a person understand this? Is it by the fact that he is already calm and does not rush in all directions?

Answer: He does not need anything else.

Question: So you do not proceed from the prohibition “you need to postpone all other matters.” Do you proceed from the fact that this is it, that you determine everything by yourself?

Answer: From good.

Question: From good. This is beautiful. Is this the exact definition of what a person has found?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What if you suddenly see that you made a mistake? And you have already put all your cards on this work. Is this a possibility? You seemingly found your life’s work and suddenly it turns out you were wrong.

Answer: Then you have to invest yourself above your head in the one and only work that you have left and in which you now feel and reveal that you made a mistake; it is not the main thing, but beside it there is nothing else! Otherwise, you will be lost.

Question: You just said a difficult thing. You said that you have already understood and now you feel that your life’s work is a mistake; therefore invest in it fully. Above reason?

Answer: Of course. But this is in case you are sure that you have nothing left; you have given everything, your whole life to this work.

Question: What will happen then? Here I am heading into this black hole.

Answer: Then the Creator will help you. Then He should help you. In principle, this is how we do it in Kabbalah.

Comment: There are all sorts of states.

My Response: There are many states, but in general we come to one.

Question: Is it the need for the Creator’s help?

Answer: It is absolute disappointment in myself, in the Creator, in this work, in the goal, in everything!

Comment: And the fact that I have invested my whole life in it.

My Response: Yes. When you reach such a disappointment, then you can let go of everything and see luck.

Question: Kabbalists write that when you have passed all the gates, only one gate remains, the “gate of tears.” Are you aiming there now when you speak?

Answer: This is already beyond tears.

Question: Have you already passed the “gate of tears”? Is your advice to keep hitting this point to the end?

Answer: If you can keep hitting, then this is not the last gate.

Question: So must you have this disappointment? Should it be?

Answer: It should be an absolute one! Because in fact, it goes against human nature, against the way the Creator created us. Therefore it must be an absolute disappointment.

Question: Then I have a question. Where is this upper mercy here?

Answer: It is behind this. When the Creator guides a person through all these trials, the person behind them reveals the upper mercy of the Creator.

Comment: One has to be a very strong person.

My Response: No. I think that no one is strong. Everyone is very weak. It is simply that the Creator will do everything.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/24/23

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