“Do Not Believe In Yourself Until The Day You Die”

961.2 Dear Michael Laitman,

I went through all the spiritual practices: I was a Buddhist, a Hare Krishna, I studied the Vedas, converted to Islam, I was baptized, and lived as a hermit for two years. If I tell my story, everyone would be stunned.

But for three months now, I have been sitting here watching your videos, unable to stop. Why is that? I don’t want to be disappointed again. What would you advise me to do? I feel like I have finally found what I have been looking for all my life.

Answer: Well, I congratulate you!

Comment: I understand his fear. He is afraid it will be yet another disappointment.

My Response: It all depends on him, not on Kabbalah, because this is the truth and is absolutely infinite, but on him. How much he is able to invest himself into it, in fulfilling the conditions for the revelation of the Creator and beginning to reveal Him. Then he will not have any more problems. But it can take a very long time.

Question: What is your advice for how he can stick to it so that he does not fall off the path?

Answer: He needs to seriously start studying, read everything that we have on our websites in the archive, and be in our lessons. As he reads it, he “flushes” himself with this material. It all gets absorbed, purifying him from the inside out, and so he advances.

Question: Is there a point of no return that he can reach past which he would not fall off the path?

Answer: No. “Do not believe in yourself until the day you die.”

Comment: Meaning, the Creator can play such a joke on him again that it will divert him altogether?

My Response: Yes. The Creator puts such obstacles before a person that he can only advance by faith above reason.

This is done so that he acquires a serious spiritual Kli, a vessel in which he can truly reveal the entire universe. This is an anti-egoistic, above-the-ego state. This is the creation of a new world inside a person, a spiritual world inside him.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/26/20

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“Do Not Trust Yourself Until You Die”
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