You Have To Pay For Spirituality

504Question: There I heard that a very wealthy Kazakh businessman, investor, and  public figure Margulan Seisembayev once said, “The paradox of this life is that everything we really need is either free or cheap. We cannot do without air—the air is free. We cannot do without water—water is free. Food is cheap, we cannot do without it. Sleep costs us nothing. But things we do not need: gold, diamonds, Rolls-Royce are hellishly expensive. That is, the system of values of humanity—and we seem to be grabbing at them all the time—is completely distorted, and this should not continue. Because of these distorted values, we have developed wrong industries.”

Does this make sense?

Answer: It seems so.

Question: In principle, this man is a billionaire, he stands firmly on the ground, and he does not mention spirituality. He does not mention that we cannot do without it. Do you think we can do without spiritual search or not?

Answer: Then our whole life in general has no meaning.

Question: And what is the cost of spirituality?

Answer: Only human efforts.

Question: So, you would add spirituality to this list: air, water, and so on? At the same level? That a person cannot live without it?

Answer: Of course. Then life has no meaning.

Question: At what point does a person suddenly have this feeling, such a click occurs in him that he says: “I did not add the most important element here: the search for the meaning of life”?

Answer: It is when a person asks: “Who am I? Why me? What am I doing here anyway?”

Question: How do I get to this question?

Answer: It does not depend on the person. This awakens in a person from the inside.

Question: So, this question comes to a person from above?

Answer: Yes.

Question: But, in principle, should there be some effort from my side?

Answer: No. If you do not have this question, then you cannot make any effort. But when this question arises, then you are given the condition that you must find the answer to it.

Question: So, this is an expensive thing after all?

Answer: To know about life?

Question: Yes. Where do we fit it in: in the fact that air and water cost nothing, or in Rolls-Royce, gold, diamonds?

Answer: I would put it where all these kinds of rich toys are because a person must pay for it. By canceling yourself, your “I,” searching, and so on.

Question: Are you also saying that one way or another, this point called “the search for the meaning of life” will develop in every person? One way or another, will we come to this? Will everyone come?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, sooner or later, we will pay with our lives for this whole thing?

Answer: Sure. What is life? By the way, it is the cheapest there is. You can see that. And what is it worth?

Comment: It is said somewhere that the most precious thing a person has is life.

My Response: That is what the townsfolk think. I believe that life is the cheapest thing a person has. And he practically gives it away for nothing. Took it for free, gave it away for free.

Comment: But it is still my life!

My Response: So what? It is given to you only so that you suffer and try to answer some questions, which you eventually do not answer and go back to where you came from.

Question: So I played with Rolls-Royces, gold, diamonds, and left. And came again to play again and leave?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What is the result of all this?

Answer: If a person correctly manages his spiritual potential, he can achieve the revelation of the meaning of life.

Question: Is there a spiritual potential in every person?

Answer: In everyone. And the purpose of life is to reveal this spiritual potential and realize it.

Question: That is, a person would not have been born if there were no spiritual potential in him? Can I say that?

Answer: Yes. It is not only regarding man; it is any grain of sand, inanimate, vegetative, animate nature, and man, of course.

All we can say about anything that exists is that they are the realization of their inner spiritual potential.

Question: What is spiritual potential? What do you mean by that?

Answer: It is the manifestation of the highest management in a person, the highest desire, the highest intention.

Question: What is it like?

Answer: What it is like should be revealed by everyone in whom it arises.

Question: So, there was a higher intention for all of us and not just us but for everything to be born?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And it had its meaning, its purpose?

Answer: And we must reveal this intention.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/20/23

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