The Happiest Moment in the Life of a Billionaire

547.05Question: I saw a story on social media about an interview with an Indian billionaire.

Once someone asked Ratan Tata Sir in a telephonic interview. “When did you feel the happiest in your life?”
Ratan Tata Sir gave a thoughtful reply to the question., “I have encountered happiness in four situations in my life. First, during the stage of my life when I acquired wealth and resources. But that didn’t feel happy enough.
“Second, when I could buy things and valuables with my wealth. That was also temporary.
“Third, when I was honoured to become the owner of the largest steel factory in India and Asia. But even that achievement didn’t bring me the happiness I imagined.
“Then one day one of my friends requested me for sponsoring 200 wheelchairs for an institution and I agreed to that. But he insisted I personally accompany him to the place and gift the children myself. As I reached the place and started to give away their wheelchair gifts, I saw the faces of the kids beam with happiness to receive the greatest gift of their life.
“And one child touched my leg in respect and even though I tried to release my leg, the child did not let go, he looked at my face and held my legs tighter.
“I asked the child if they need anything else and the child replied, ‘I want to remember your face so that when I meet you in heaven, I can recognize you and thank you once again.’
“That was the fourth time I felt happiness. And unlike other times, I felt truly and completely happy that time.
“True happiness is in giving for other people’s happiness and being valued for the legacy we leave when we die.”

if a person feels this, why does he not hit this point all the time after that?

Answer: He is not given such an opportunity.

Question: Why?

Answer: Enough is enough.

Comment: He has all the means.

My Response: No.

Comment: The owner of the largest steel factory in Africa and India.

My Response: It does not matter. It is impossible to give a person such force, feelings, and power so that he can help others so much. He is not allowed to feel that. To do this, you need to prepare yourself.

Buying 200 wheelchairs is not everything. No matter how much it costs. Let us say it is a couple of million dollars, so what? He must work for it so that he is given the opportunity to live in such actions.

Comment: This is very interesting. You said it is impossible.

My Response: Of course. There are many billionaires, and we wonder how they do not work for bestowal even more and more. They have all sorts of such actions.

Comment: Note that for almost all of them, this is a moment of some kind of happiness. Bill Gates also writes that when he helps, that is what happiness is. Bezos and all these billionaires, while helping, suddenly say: “That is when I was the happiest.” This is how one should live, and you say it is impossible.

My Response: No, you cannot.

Question: Why not? I have banks full of money, I do not need it all. By the way, this billionaire is not married, and he has no children. Nevertheless, they will be filled with money, I will leave, and all this money will remain. Why cannot one, not just give away, but just like that, repeat these moments of happiness again and again?

Can you explain what should be done, for example, by such a person if he felt this happiness and wants to repeat it again and again? How should he change? What should happen within him so that there is no indulging?

Answer: He should be interested in what he is doing, like in those wheelchairs or something. What he invests in life, into helping others. This is his participation. Moreover, the participation is physical. Maybe he should be given the opportunity to assemble these wheelchairs, just do something.

Question: Do you think it is an important moment that his friend begged him to come and hand over the wheelchairs himself? Is this important?

Answer: Yes.

Question: In other words, is this important in order for a person to transform from a billionaire who accumulates and takes money to one who can give it for life just like this? After all, what should he do? He had experienced happiness.

Answer: He must have a reassessment of values: what is more important in life?

Question: What kind of power suddenly appears in a person, who lives by accumulating funds, and makes him happy? What kind of force is entering him?

Answer: He has never done this, he has never invested, he thought about how to haul in one direction, and here, he has the opportunity to engage in a different action, in a different job. And he suddenly sees that there is a much greater fulfillment of himself in this. Not the pockets, but himself. Therefore it is a discovery for him.

Comment: And yet you say that he is doomed, he will not be able to make these discoveries all the time.

My Response: He will not be given this. The Creator will not give it.

Question: In what case will he be able to?

Answer: If he does something that will become his goal in life. Then he will be able to work for this purpose to profit, accumulate, and spend.

Question: So the shift should happen within him? To the fact that he is accumulating in order to give?

Answer: For sure, yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/15/23

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