Entries in the 'Meaning Of Life' Category

If You Don’t Want Fate to Play with You

627.2Question: Ariel writes:
Dear Michael Laitman,

First, about myself. I am a loser. Failures haunt my whole life no matter what I do. And I look back, I have always been like that. A gray childhood, practically without friends, married unsuccessfully, my wife left me, graduated from college, but did not work a day in my specialty.

I went to a fortune teller, and not one, they say: “It is fate.” The last one even painted a future for me such that I do not want to live. I watch you regularly, I believe you. I want to know: if there is a concept of fate, and there is, then how to change it? Is it possible or not?

Answer: Yes. But first of all it is necessary to understand how to treat it, this fate. Perhaps he just demands something that he is not supposed to.

A person must understand what he must realize in himself. He must reveal his connection with the source of life. It is not easy, but he can do it. And he is obliged. It is in his power.

Question: And if he wants to have a lot of friends as a child, to have a good job?

Answer: “If he wants to” is not taken into account at all. Absolutely! And in general, it has already passed him, as far as I understand.

Question: So, your answer to the question: “Is it possible to change fate?”, are you saying that you need to look at your life differently?

Answer: Of course.

Question: He looked at life practically like this: I want friends, I want a wife, I want, I want, I want. And you say you need to see where I came from and why?

Answer: Yes. What is given to you and why it is given. Then you will begin to dig into the purpose of your life. Why do you exist after all? And maybe you will find the answer. This is the most important thing.

Question: And when I dig into it: “What have I come for, where did I come from, and what am I?”—what do I have with these basic questions?

Answer: They will depart and will be resolved properly as they appear.

Question: So I should not pay attention to them?

Answer: Not at all.

Question: Should I pay attention to these big things?

Answer: Yes. Based on what you study, you will naturally be able to reveal the basic questions that arise in you.

Question: How can he do it? How can he suddenly change this thinking, so normal, everyday, human: I want happiness, I want fate not to play with me? How can he make a coup? Here he is, Ariel, listening to you, what should he do?

Answer: I think he should just open our website and start reading.

Question: So he needs to read more of our materials about the meaning of life? And will it work?

Answer: Maybe it will and maybe it will not. Maybe it is better to enroll in courses. There, he will be able to ask questions, he will be somehow directed. If he has such questions for a long time, then it is worth doing it.

Question: So, we can say that if he is beaten by failures by fate, then they beat him for some reason, to lead to something?

Answer: Of course. You can say that about all people.

Question: And everyone is being directed to look at their life a little from the outside?

Answer: Yes. In general, looking at your life from the outside is very useful.

Question: And what will he see when he looks at his life from the outside?

Answer: He will see the loser, and so on. And he will see how he can fix this person, that is, himself, in general.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/20/23

Related Material:
Managing Your Fate
How Can You Affect Your Fate?

Why Do I Need Books if I Am Hungry?

546.02Comment: Question from Ghenghis: “Thousands of years of wars, revolutions, famine, and poverty, right up to the troubles of today’s reality. If a man needs a piece of bread, what is the role of books in his life? Why are they needed?”

My Response: It is written that, “If there is no flour, there is no Torah; and “if there is no Torah, there is no flour.” That is all. So it is interconnected. Torah means a blessing from above, from the upper force of nature. Without this there will be no bread, and vice versa, without bread you cannot achieve real blessing.

Question: Does “If there is no flour, there is no Torah” mean “if there are no necessities”?

Answer: Of course.

Question: But obviously Ghenghis is not asking about the Torah, but about books in general. Why do I need them if I am hungry? Why do I need them if there are such troubles and suffering around?

Answer: You really do not. You only need to know one principle: how to approach the Creator and follow His instructions, which brings about balance in the world, in the universe. That is it.

In the course of my life, I need only one true guide: how to use this life to achieve its true single upper goal, which is to reveal and adhere to the Creator.

We must acquire the properties of the Creator, the properties of bestowal and love, and thus unite with Him. This is the purpose of life.

Question: There are certain books for this, but do I not need all the other books, all these novels? Do I need any of them at all?

Answer: No, of course not. Because they are written by humans and because they are imperfect and only twist a person. What do we get from them as a result? They just mess with people’s heads people!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/17/23

Related Material:
Demanding Bread And Education
Is Food the Meaning of Life?
The Laws Of Nature Contain Everything That Is Good

For The Sake of Self-Realization

198Question: Can a person come to receive Kabbalistic information from different angles, not just through suffering?

Answer: There is no need to suffer! If a person has a craving for knowledge, he will come without suffering.

Although craving is also a kind of suffering. We come to Kabbalah due to a lack of something, disappointment, and emptiness. It is not necessary for a person to suffer from hunger and cold, he can suffer from a lack of meaning in his life. But still he should come with some questions and problems. Otherwise, what drives him?

All that drives us are problems, otherwise I would not move. Egoism would not give me the opportunity to move if I were well.

Comment: I know many cases that someone came from mathematics, someone from physics, someone through Nazism.

My Response: It does not matter! It does not matter what form the suffering takes. I also come from science.

I had everything! In Russia, I had wonderful parents, my own house, a car, a wife, a child, a job where I could advance, albeit within certain limits because I was a Jew. But it does not matter, it was possible to live calmly, normally.

But I could not! I had to find a place where I could realize myself. So I went, no matter where. To the desert, with a wife, with a child. Why? For the sake of what? Just for ideological reasons, for the sake of self-realization. This is how everyone chooses.

Comment: Nevertheless, I know those who were impressed by Kabbalah through TES (The Study of the Ten Sefirot), someone through your explanations of some aspects of life.

My Response: But for some reason they listened to it, right? That is, they initially had some requests.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Why are you scaring everyone?” 8/20/11

Related Material:
There Is No Purpose Inside This Life
“What’s The Meaning Of Life? Is Happiness The Only Purpose Of Our Lives?” (Quora)
The Generation That Is Revealing The Mystery Of The Universe

When Will the Truth Be Revealed to Us

6Question: There is a saying: Human disputes are endless, not because it is impossible to find the truth but because those who argue are looking not for truth but for self-affirmation.

Is this visible to the naked eye today?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Is it ever possible to find the truth in our world?

Answer: It is impossible in our world because we do not see the whole world. How can we find the truth? The world’s truth cannot be attained if there is a concealed world before you. How can this be?

Question: Do I have to reveal the whole world, and then will I find the truth?

Answer: Yes. Only a small part of it is revealed to you if you can say that it is revealed. From it, you have to guess and unravel the whole world.

Question: In this case, do we even need to search for the truth?

Answer: You will not find it otherwise. And you have to find it.

It is the search for truth, that is, the search for the Creator, the force that holds it all, that alone can lead a person to understand the meaning of life, the truth of life.

Question: Then, going back to the beginning, directly to this aphorism, let us say people are sitting at a table and want to come to some kind of solution to find the truth. What should they do to find it?

Answer: I do not think when they are just sitting around a table they can find something. I believe that this goal can be achieved by each person in his inner exploration of himself and the world, and not when he sits with others and they only confuse each other.

Question: In this case, we cannot come to any common agreement at all. How can we come to some kind of peace as a result? I call this the truth. To reach a common consent, at least. How?

Answer: Only if we seriously start to come closer to each other and want absolute good for each other. Only in this case.

Question: When they sit down, do they want good for themselves? But after they sit together for some time, should they come to the conclusion of “I want the good for the other”?

Answer: I have to accept the desires of others as my own, and so does everyone sitting at the table.

Question: Is this called that we are getting closer to the truth?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then, is it possible to come closer to it?

Answer: Yes, this is the only way.

Question: Will we ever come closer to it?

Answer: I think so. We just need to go through a few more unpleasant moments that will show us that there is no other way to solve our problems. Then we will rise to a state where we will solve not our own problems, but the problems of the whole world. Then we will succeed.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/17/23

Related Material:
What Is Truth?
Truth Is Unchanging
The Truth Lies In The Middle

You Have Only One Chance

564Question: A master was teaching his student archery. The student took a bow, two arrows and prepared to shoot. Suddenly the master approached, took the second arrow from him, and threw it aside. “Why did you take the second arrow from me?”, the student asked.
“I didn’t take the second arrow from you, but the first one, because the first one would have missed the target anyway.”
“But why?”, the student asked in surprise.
“Because while shooting, you would have known that you have another attempt in reserve,” the master replied.

Is it right to know that you don’t have any more attempts?

Answer: Yes. Very true!

Question: 🙂 That means that you have one chance?

Answer: This is your life and there are no more chances.

Question: Why do we live always thinking that we have tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on?

Answer: It is to postpone everything, not daring to do it all now.

Question: And if I strained myself, would I be able to say that I only have today? So I want to live it as the last one. Is that a right thought?

Answer: Yes, definitely.

Question: How can something so impossible be done?

Answer: Convince yourself that by thinking positively about the world, you are improving the world and thereby bringing it into a good state. And this is your responsibility to the world.

Question: How did the world come into this now? We were talking about my life.

Answer: You were born for this, to think that you can improve the world. You and only you. By desiring to improve the world, you are asking for it to change.

Question: Are you saying this to ordinary people now?

Answer: To ordinary people, if we want to change our world, we should only think that we want it to change.

Question: And is this a true-life experience?

Answer: Certainly. Everything must be done now, do not wait.

Question: And where is my “I” here? Is this my decision?

Answer: In the present moment.

Question: Right now?

Answer: Now. This is your “I.” It doesn’t exist anywhere else. If you don’t stop at it and decide that “now, only now!”, then you cease to exist.

Question: What are the capabilities of a person? Can one come to this? Does one have such an opportunity? To live life like this, for the world? Is it possible?

Answer: I think, yes. It just needs to be said to people.

Question: And do you think that what you say enters?

Answer: It will help, yes.

Question: And how does it happen? Where does it enter a person so that one changes suddenly?

Answer: Into the air.

Question: What does it take to live life “with one arrow,” with one chance?

Answer: You have to think that you want to improve the world incessantly. Nothing else is needed. Only thoughts, only our wishes.

Question: Improving the world, what do you mean by that?

Answer: Good relationships between people.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

Related Material:
How Much Longer for Changes for the Better?
Don’t Wait For Tomorrow
Don’t Postpone Anything

In Search of the Meaning of Life

961.2Question: Do you remember what you were like before you felt a spiritual connection? When you found a teacher, did you also ponder questions about the meaning of life?

Answer: I pondered these questions probably from the age of five or six. I was greatly consumed by it. I absolutely did not want to live; I had a clear mindset that if this life had no meaning, then what was the point of being in it? I could not see any purpose unless I received an answer about the meaning of life itself.

It was very difficult for me until I found Kabbalah. I was constantly searching.

In my younger years, I would distract myself, but it was only an external distraction. I looked at others and tried to emulate them: “They see meaning in what they do, so I will be with them.” They attended certain gatherings and were passionate about something, and I tried to do the same, but for some reason, it did not captivate me. That was the case throughout my life.

I think it is not just me; it happens to many people. Some manage to distract themselves and fill their heads with other things while others cannot. But then they get married, have children, get caught up in work and maintenance, and they no longer have any free time or thoughts about the meaning of life.

Comment: But then you eventually met your teacher.

My Response: I met him because I was searching; I could not calm down in any other way.

Question: When you were with your teacher, did you feel that this person has the answers to your questions?

Answer: Yes, but he could not do anything for me or the other students. Like any Kabbalist, he only provided us with the methodology, and we had to do all the corrections ourselves. Each person had to go through this stage; otherwise, they could not attain the feeling of the upper world.

This feeling is created by each person within himself through various contrasting sensations: positive and negative. They must accumulate all these feelings, become aware of them, compare them within themselves, and be ready to taste the upper world. That is when they reveal it.

The teacher cannot do this for the student. The Creator cannot do it for us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Laitman Outside of Kabbalah” 3/6/11

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Irrepressible Desire
Inside My Interview With Larry King
How Can You Keep Moving?

Fulfilling the Creator’s Plan

202.0Question: How can one find one’s purpose in this world?

Answer: I think that it is not simple at all. The thing is that a person is born in a specific environment that pushes him forward, and he changes under its influence.

The purpose of any person is to achieve correction of one’s attitude toward others. This is obligatory for everyone. You need to make sure that you treat others so positively that they treat you exactly the same way.

Question: If we are fulfilling the Creator’s plan, is man’s will in our world our illusion? Or is the will that we have to accept the current life situation?

Answer: If we are fulfilling the Creator’s plan, then we can perceive everything that exists as an offer from above to approach the future state.
From KabTV’s “Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips” 5/18/23

Related Material:
How Do You Find Your Destiny?
A Person’s Purpose
How Is The Meaning Of Life Discovered?

Do Not Lose Your Soul

222Comment: Arkady writes: “My parents brought me up very strictly. When they wanted to punish me, they never laid a finger on me, my father just used to come close to me, look at me sternly and say: “Arkady, you are destroying your soul with this.”

This made me even more afraid than if I had been punished. I was afraid of losing my soul. Why? Why are we so afraid of this? And at the same time, we do not know anything about it.”

My Response: Probably it still affects a person, even a child. Because this is really considered in our perceptions as the final loss of something great, big, and special.

Question: Do we have this feeling that there is a soul in us?

Answer: It is just a feeling of life that you can suddenly find yourself in a state in which you will not feel like you are living.

Question: Then what is the soul?

Answer: The soul is a part of the Creator in a person.

Comment: This is very high.

My Response: Yes, this is how it is said: “Creator’s particle from above.”

Question: Can you decipher this a little?

Answer: No, I cannot because there is no soul in a person so that you can point to something and say: “This is your soul.”

Question: So what am I afraid of losing then?

Answer: The fact is that a person is afraid of losing connection with eternity, with the Creator, with something that he cannot acquire. This scares him very much.

Comment: You just said a phrase that also needs to be explained, “there is no soul in a person.”

My Response: The soul means the quality of bestowal and love through which a person can feel the eternity of nature and the infinity of creation.

Comment: But we keep saying that there is a small point in a person, some kind of germ.

My Response: A rudiment.

Question: During the course of life should a person come closer to this point in him, the germ of the soul?

Answer: He must not only come closer, he can reveal it. This can really be an eternal great acquisition for him.

Question: In principle, if we are talking about the purpose of a person’s life, then can we say that the purpose of a person’s life is to come closer and reveal this point?

Answer: Yes, this possibility exists in every person.

Question: The possibility to reveal this point called the rudiment of the soul?

Answer: Yes. If you start working with it, it turns into an ever-increasing sense of true creation that exists eternally.

Question: So going back to the beginning, can we say that we surreptitiously or subconsciously somewhere feel that there is something like that within us? Is this what we are afraid of losing?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why are we not all searching for this point all the time? Why does the thought that we need to look for this point within ourselves not come to everyone, that this is life, eternal life?

Answer: The fact is that this is just not interesting to an ordinary person. He lives the life of his animalistic organism, which contains him and controls him. And this, in general, is his life, his existence.

Question: What makes a person suddenly start looking deeply inside of himself, looking for this point?

Answer: The desire not to lose something eternal.

Question: Are we going back to this anyway? Is this the fear of losing this eternal something and the desire to find it? Basically, as you say, everything revolves around this point?

Answer: Yes. As for everything else, let a person strive for this and he himself will understand, see, find out, and feel what he is missing for that.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/15/23

Related Material:
The Soul Is a Property of Similarity to the Creator
To Develop One’s Soul

Approaching the Study of the Meaning of Life

198There are two states in a person: when he resists the spiritual quality and when he agrees to build himself in similarity to the Creator.

As long as a person is working in his egoism and suffering does not yet force him to start thinking about the meaning of life, about the meaning of blows: “What for, why? Is it worth living then?”, then he naturally resists the Creator’s quality.

But internal blows make him think about the meaning of life. After all, this question has nothing to do with corporeal well-being or even with physical problems. It arises and that is it. No special predispositions or external circumstances are required for this.

If such questions arise in a person, then he begins to gradually approach the study of the meaning of life. This leads him to the revelation of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Manipulations of the Kabbalist” 4/22/11

Related Material:
Is Food the Meaning of Life?
Kabbalah Is For Those Who Ask About The Meaning Of Life
Meaning Of Life, Part 1

There Is Nothing But a Thought

231.01Question: Where did the concept of “thought” come from?

Answer: This is a consequence of the fact that we are people who have a spark of light in them. An animal does not think about whether it exists or not. It just exists and that is it.

There are people who also exist because they exist, and that is it. They are still at this level. In principle, a person becomes a person when he begins to understand that he must attain the meaning of life. It means to attain the only thought that exists in nature.

And there is nothing else. This is just a representation, a presentation of this thought regarding us as well as its parts, when we cannot grasp, realize, and feel this thought and somehow work with it.

Therefore, we can only capture it in the form of our world, volumes, and objects until we begin to rise from the material world by constant Kabbalistic attainment into such spheres where we can already feel the thought itself and work with it. There is nothing but a thought.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is a person’s “I”?” 4/16/11

Related Material:
The Common Field Of Thought
At the Beginning There Was a Thought
Everything Will Be Clarified In The Thought