The Common Field Of Thought

537Question: Where does thought originate from? How can a person get in touch with it?

Answer: We are in the field of thought. So, it is an induction. It evokes all sorts of individual thoughts in us.

The common field in which we exist like specks of dust in the air,—that is, the air itself, the thought itself, the field itself—inductively sets in us all kinds of thoughts that allow us to understand each other, to feel this field, its general movement, to influence it back, etc.

In principle, Kabbalah deals with the general field theory. By this field we mean the Creator. This is not some grandfather who directs us from above but a common field, a common plan.

Kabbalah talks about how this plan can be influenced, how it affects us, and how we can come into balance with it, which is the goal of our current existence, i.e., to achieve equilibrium with the common field.

When we reach complete homeostasis, then we enter the next stage of creation. This is the dialectic of our development.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Secrets of Immortality”

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