The Soul Is a Property of Similarity to the Creator

276.02Question: What is the right way to imagine the soul at this stage? Where can I find this organ inside myself?

Answer: The soul is a property of similarity to the Creator. If I begin to strive to bestow, to fulfill, and to be kind to others, that is, if I will try to somehow manifest in myself all the properties of the Creator that I know in relation to others, then I will increasingly feel myself approaching the Creator until I begin to feel Him more and more clearly.

It is this aspiration to discover an inclination for bestowal and love for other people in myself, that will be called the soul inside me.

Question: But why is it so? It is not clear.

Answer: There is nothing else besides this.

Comment: It is love and unity again.

My Response: This is the property of the Creator. It is His manifestation in relation to us, and in us this property is manifested as opposite to the Creator.

Question: Could they not have come up with something else?

Answer: You do not like it because it is too far away from you, opposite to you. That is why it was created this way, so that you could attain the Creator from the opposite state.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 10/16/22

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