Meaning Of Life, Part 1

laitman_444The Purpose of Life According to the Upper Thought

Question: Throughout the entire history of humanity, people were looking for the meaning of life. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, they believed that the goal of all human actions was the search for happiness, although everyone understood happiness in one’s own way.

Cynics were content with little: to avoid evil.

The life ideals of stoics were equanimity, calmness in relation to external and internal irritating factors. Most of the Eastern methodologies also followed the same principle.

In medieval Europe and in India, the idea of the meaning of life was associated with respecting ancestors and following religious ideals. If we look at later religious approaches and theories, it is clear that the meaning of life is to know God.

Of course, everyone understood God in their own way. Yet, righteous living, keeping the commandments, and loving God was the essence of their existence.

According to Buddha’s teaching, the meaning and ultimate purpose of life is to end suffering. The absence of suffering is already, in principle, pleasure. Naturally, to stop suffering means to stop using your egoism, your will to receive.

According to Confucius, the main goal of human existence was to create an ideal society in which a person is a “cog” and thus, is in harmony.

According to a survey of modern people, 26% believe that this world is meaningless, 32% that the meaning of life is in love, 22% in getting to know the world and transferring this knowledge to others, 8% in achieving complete contact with God.

What is the meaning of life from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: There is a purpose of creation, initially embedded in the creation of a person and the world in which he was created. It consists in the fact that through our development in this world, in the environment in which we are placed among the inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature and human society, we could reveal the Creator who controls that. The meaning of life is in attaining the Creator during our corporeal life.

Question: How does this differ from other methods that also profess the attainment of the Creator, love for Him, and following His commandments?

Answer: In Kabbalah, we mean an absolutely explicit revelation of the Creator in everything that surrounds us when we attain Him as we attain any other absolutely explicit part of nature.

Question: Where is this attained? Do I see Him, feel Him, and hear Him?

Answer: This is attained in everything that happens within me and around me: I begin to reveal the upper governing force, which is in all actions, properties, and phenomena. The manifestation of the upper force gives me the idea that I am in a completely new world: a world in which there is the one who controls it.

The upper force of governance is manifested in absolutely all properties, changes, in nature, in me, in my mind and feelings, in everything that happens to each of the inhabitants of this world. Moreover, it manifests itself through them and thus reveals its goal: how to lead countless creations on different levels—inanimate, vegetative, animal, and human—to absolute harmony, to connection with each other, to complete integral interaction.

This perception of the single force, goal, and plan, when all actions are connected into one and everything comes down to a single state that we should reach according to the upper thought, is called “the Creator.”

We come to a state when we clearly see, feel, and perceive that there is nothing besides the Creator. There is only this force that created us specifically in order to demonstrate its singularity, its greatness, its strength, and its universality to us.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 1/14/19

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