When Will the Truth Be Revealed to Us

6Question: There is a saying: Human disputes are endless, not because it is impossible to find the truth but because those who argue are looking not for truth but for self-affirmation.

Is this visible to the naked eye today?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Is it ever possible to find the truth in our world?

Answer: It is impossible in our world because we do not see the whole world. How can we find the truth? The world’s truth cannot be attained if there is a concealed world before you. How can this be?

Question: Do I have to reveal the whole world, and then will I find the truth?

Answer: Yes. Only a small part of it is revealed to you if you can say that it is revealed. From it, you have to guess and unravel the whole world.

Question: In this case, do we even need to search for the truth?

Answer: You will not find it otherwise. And you have to find it.

It is the search for truth, that is, the search for the Creator, the force that holds it all, that alone can lead a person to understand the meaning of life, the truth of life.

Question: Then, going back to the beginning, directly to this aphorism, let us say people are sitting at a table and want to come to some kind of solution to find the truth. What should they do to find it?

Answer: I do not think when they are just sitting around a table they can find something. I believe that this goal can be achieved by each person in his inner exploration of himself and the world, and not when he sits with others and they only confuse each other.

Question: In this case, we cannot come to any common agreement at all. How can we come to some kind of peace as a result? I call this the truth. To reach a common consent, at least. How?

Answer: Only if we seriously start to come closer to each other and want absolute good for each other. Only in this case.

Question: When they sit down, do they want good for themselves? But after they sit together for some time, should they come to the conclusion of “I want the good for the other”?

Answer: I have to accept the desires of others as my own, and so does everyone sitting at the table.

Question: Is this called that we are getting closer to the truth?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then, is it possible to come closer to it?

Answer: Yes, this is the only way.

Question: Will we ever come closer to it?

Answer: I think so. We just need to go through a few more unpleasant moments that will show us that there is no other way to solve our problems. Then we will rise to a state where we will solve not our own problems, but the problems of the whole world. Then we will succeed.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/17/23

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