At the Mercy of Nature

272Question: How should a person conduct inner work to understand that there is no turning back and we need to break through into spirituality?

Answer: Humanity must understand this partly from the blows of fate and partly from our explanations.

Today, many scientists engaged in sociology, politics, and economics say that we have become closed into one common whole and therefore cannot escape at all. No one wins by robbing someone, it very quickly becomes a disadvantage for him.

In the global system, I cannot play at protectionism because it will come back to me like a boomerang. I cannot separate myself from everyone else.

One country cannot isolate itself from others because the system is closed. It is the same natural system, we can’t not breathe.

Why is the banking system unable to do anything with money, distribution, or the economy? Because they are under the control of the same closed system of nature, and only today are they beginning to realize it.

We are all at the mercy of nature. We just need to understand this, feel what our capabilities are and what tools we have in our hands to improve society, raise the standard of living, make the country more powerful, including security, and so on.

We just need to understand how to improve the forces that are working today in the system of mankind and in its separate systems within the countries. If we do not learn this, then we will all suffer greatly.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. An Injection in the Eye” 7/16/11

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