What Legacy Are We Leaving to Our Children?

182.02Question: How do we affect water? Through what?

Answer: Through our thought! And our physical actions.

We treat bodies of water as a landfill into which we can dump everything. Look at what is happening to the oceans! They already have areas that are garbage dumps.

When the garbage settles to the depths, including plastics that never disappears and other waste, it lies  on the ocean floor, covers corals, and prevents fish from burrowing into the sand. In general, this is a terrible thing! What we have done is irreversible!

It can only be corrected through our inner attitude. When, at the human level, we begin treating each other with care and love, then we will call forth certain forces in nature, and all indestructible waste will disappear.

Today we have already crossed the point of bifurcation and are moving toward death, irrevocably so without any possibility of going back.

On the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, we have messed up everything. In the public area, we also, as they say, have reached the end. There is only a world war before us, nothing more.

If we can turn ourselves back, then, of course, we will change something. But if not, as Kabbalah says, here will be the place of our burial.

It makes no sense to create a family and give birth to children in such conditions.

Therefore, a person instinctively understands, “Why should I do this?” That is, people who do not have the Kabbalistic methodology but look at the world realistically, understand: “I live involuntarily. I would like to live normally, quietly, calmly, die in due time, and that is it. But why children?! Why give birth to them, and what to do with them?” This is how the gradual extinction of humanity occurs.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. The Great Mystery of Water” 8/20/11

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