For The Sake of Self-Realization

198Question: Can a person come to receive Kabbalistic information from different angles, not just through suffering?

Answer: There is no need to suffer! If a person has a craving for knowledge, he will come without suffering.

Although craving is also a kind of suffering. We come to Kabbalah due to a lack of something, disappointment, and emptiness. It is not necessary for a person to suffer from hunger and cold, he can suffer from a lack of meaning in his life. But still he should come with some questions and problems. Otherwise, what drives him?

All that drives us are problems, otherwise I would not move. Egoism would not give me the opportunity to move if I were well.

Comment: I know many cases that someone came from mathematics, someone from physics, someone through Nazism.

My Response: It does not matter! It does not matter what form the suffering takes. I also come from science.

I had everything! In Russia, I had wonderful parents, my own house, a car, a wife, a child, a job where I could advance, albeit within certain limits because I was a Jew. But it does not matter, it was possible to live calmly, normally.

But I could not! I had to find a place where I could realize myself. So I went, no matter where. To the desert, with a wife, with a child. Why? For the sake of what? Just for ideological reasons, for the sake of self-realization. This is how everyone chooses.

Comment: Nevertheless, I know those who were impressed by Kabbalah through TES (The Study of the Ten Sefirot), someone through your explanations of some aspects of life.

My Response: But for some reason they listened to it, right? That is, they initially had some requests.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. Why are you scaring everyone?” 8/20/11

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