You Have Only One Chance

564Question: A master was teaching his student archery. The student took a bow, two arrows and prepared to shoot. Suddenly the master approached, took the second arrow from him, and threw it aside. “Why did you take the second arrow from me?”, the student asked.
“I didn’t take the second arrow from you, but the first one, because the first one would have missed the target anyway.”
“But why?”, the student asked in surprise.
“Because while shooting, you would have known that you have another attempt in reserve,” the master replied.

Is it right to know that you don’t have any more attempts?

Answer: Yes. Very true!

Question: 🙂 That means that you have one chance?

Answer: This is your life and there are no more chances.

Question: Why do we live always thinking that we have tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on?

Answer: It is to postpone everything, not daring to do it all now.

Question: And if I strained myself, would I be able to say that I only have today? So I want to live it as the last one. Is that a right thought?

Answer: Yes, definitely.

Question: How can something so impossible be done?

Answer: Convince yourself that by thinking positively about the world, you are improving the world and thereby bringing it into a good state. And this is your responsibility to the world.

Question: How did the world come into this now? We were talking about my life.

Answer: You were born for this, to think that you can improve the world. You and only you. By desiring to improve the world, you are asking for it to change.

Question: Are you saying this to ordinary people now?

Answer: To ordinary people, if we want to change our world, we should only think that we want it to change.

Question: And is this a true-life experience?

Answer: Certainly. Everything must be done now, do not wait.

Question: And where is my “I” here? Is this my decision?

Answer: In the present moment.

Question: Right now?

Answer: Now. This is your “I.” It doesn’t exist anywhere else. If you don’t stop at it and decide that “now, only now!”, then you cease to exist.

Question: What are the capabilities of a person? Can one come to this? Does one have such an opportunity? To live life like this, for the world? Is it possible?

Answer: I think, yes. It just needs to be said to people.

Question: And do you think that what you say enters?

Answer: It will help, yes.

Question: And how does it happen? Where does it enter a person so that one changes suddenly?

Answer: Into the air.

Question: What does it take to live life “with one arrow,” with one chance?

Answer: You have to think that you want to improve the world incessantly. Nothing else is needed. Only thoughts, only our wishes.

Question: Improving the world, what do you mean by that?

Answer: Good relationships between people.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/12/23

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