What Influences the Opinion of a Kabbalist?

051Question: What influences your opinion at certain periods of time? Students? Events? What makes you start saying certain things?

Answer: My opinion about the world, about its governance, about the system of governance does not change.

When this entire huge system, the upper world, and then our world change in their interaction, then I can also say something new and perhaps even relevant about our world and its interaction with the upper world.

In principle, this system is absolutely clearly built for me. I see it, I feel it, I understand it. If there are any changes in it, then we can talk about them.

If there were no serious changes in our world under the influence of the upper world, if today the corporeal world was not awakened from above to its balance with the spiritual world (because it is precisely the lack of balance that we experience as a general, global, integral crisis), then I would not talk about anything. I would study the wisdom of Kabbalah as a theory, without any connection with our world, which will be embodied in our world who knows when.

I studied it this way in the 80s and 90s and did not believe at all that I could live to see all this being clearly embodied. And suddenly, it started.

Kabbalah appeared in an explicit form. I see how all this is spinning in the world in accordance with the upper governance. And I see it clearly!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Who Influences Laitman?” 8/20/11

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