The Truth Is Ugly, But It Is the Truth


Finally in this dull, secluded village to find him gone. In the ramshackle hut by the fire sat true.
He had never seen a more old and ugly women.
– You – Really?
Old, wrinkled hag nodded solemnly.
– Tell me, I have to tell the world? What kind of message to convey?
Old woman spat into the fire and said:
– Tell them that I am young and beautiful! (In Search of Truth, Robert Tompkins)

Question: We are looking for the truth, and if it is the truth, it is often just such an old hag. And if it is a lie, then it is beautiful. So is it really necessary to seek the truth in this world?

Answer: Definitely. It is necessary to seek truth. And we must strive for truth. It does not matter what it looks like externally. It may indeed be a very ugly truth, but it is the truth. As a result, it is the only one, the upper one, above all, and it is unique.

Question: And when is it said, and it is often said, “beautiful truth”?

Answer: “Beautiful truth,” I do not know anything like that. The beautiful truth is the one that blurs your vision so much that you cannot see normally, and you simply sell yourself to it.

Question: Can you tell me when you feel the truth?

Answer: In order to feel the truth, I must rise above my earthly egoistic properties and disconnect from them. And then I can see the truth, discover it, get close to it, and it will be the real truth for me.

Question: That is, “rise above the Earth,” does this mean to rise above the concepts of beautiful, ugly, and so on?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Pleasant, unpleasant?

Answer: No, I will evaluate it in completely different values.

Question: How can you accept the truth then?

Answer: One must rise above himself and keep himself at some level in order to look at the world from this level. And then to understand what you are looking for, where you are, and where this truth that you are looking for should be.

Comment: It seems that a lot of courage is needed to get to the truth.

My Response: This must be really great courage. I would say that this is a forced state, because a man himself runs away from this.

And sometime almost near the end of his life, when he begins to look for the truth, he can still find it. If it is not too late.

Question: What is the person looking for? Tell me, please, what is it—the truth? What is a man looking for all the time? All the time, as it were, he is looking for the truth, and at the same time he is not looking for it.

Answer: Meaning. And he cannot find this meaning. As a result, he understands that he can find, achieve, reveal, understand, evaluate, and feel this meaning if he rises above himself.

Question: What is “to rise above oneself”?

Answer: To rise above oneself means not to evaluate anything in the world based on one’s tastes, understandings, all kinds of evaluative feelings, and systems.

Question: And how can I cut myself off from myself, from my “I”?

Answer: That is the problem. But if we do not cut ourselves off from ourselves, we will always be under the thumb of our egoistic desire. And this is always a lie; we will not find anything.

Comment: And yet we are looking for the truth. This is what amazes me!

My Response: Yes, we still are.

Question: But you have to be prepared for the fact that it is old, that it is terrible. Should we be ready for this?

Answer: You can agree to it precisely because it is like that.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/17/23

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What Is Truth?
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The Taste Of Truth

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