Kindergarten for Adults

543.02In the News (Voice of Europe): A unique retreat in Edinburgh, Scotland, known as the ‘Big Kid Kindergarten,’ has opened its doors for adults seeking to relive their childhood days. This establishment allows grown-ups to immerse themselves in a world of building blocks, arts and crafts, sandbox games and story sessions, offering them a temporary escape from adult responsibilities.

“While the ‘Big Kid Kindergarten’ shares similarities with traditional kindergartens, it isn’t precisely a conventional nursery. Instead, it operates more as an interactive playground for adults weary of their everyday adult lives. …

“Many visitors have found this venture to be therapeutic. Engaging in simple, manual tasks allows the mind to break from its usual routine, evoking a sense of tranquility and mindfulness. Just as children often bond effortlessly with their peers, the adults attending the ‘Big Kid Kindergarten’ are encouraged to reconnect with these often dormant social skills.”

Question: Honestly, I read it and really started wanting to get into the sandbox! Just like that, put everything aside and simply sit down, build a town, play with cars, cast aside this load and get lost in a game!

Can I do that? Or will we, burdened with our whole life, not be able to do this; will we not be freed like this?

Answer: I would not be able to sit in a sandbox.

Comment: Most likely I would not either, but I would really like to.

My Response: No. I am satisfied with my life and what the Creator has brought me to. I want only one thing—to achieve what I must according to His plan and that is it. I would be completely satisfied with that.

Question: You are a lucky man! You have discovered everything perfectly and you hit this point precisely.

But for people who are tired, exhausted from searching and being under the burden of responsibility and worries, to be able to go to this kindergarten, sit and play with each other, do you think this is good?

Answer: I cannot imagine how to live in Edinburgh. I know this city well.

Question: This city has reached kindergartens. So can they do this? Do you think there is a type of person who can leave everything behind and go play for a day?

Answer: Yes, this is for them. This is good.

Question: For a person who needs some kind of therapeutic practice to relieve stress, is it good to be able to do this?

Answer: Why not? If this satisfies a person and gets him calmer, we must guide him to terrible questions of existence so that he does not know where to turn to, and only after falling from this height to find himself with the right answer to the question: “What do I live for?” No.

Question: So you would put him in the kindergarten? If he feels good there, let him be in the kindergarten?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Children usually make contact with others easily. Children play, sit in the sandbox, and new kids join in. Can this lead to establishing more contacts between us if we put adults, conflicting individuals, in kindergarten?

Answer: It will no longer be called “kindergarten,” but some kind of psychological institution.

Question: We play adult games now—wars and so on. If we somehow manage to change to children’s games, to make it happen with the same passion, is it possible or not? Maybe there is a solution in this?

Answer: This is the game, what we are doing with wars and such. This is the very game.

Question: Can it be shifted into children’s games so that there are no victims, no blood, no hatred?

Answer: It would not be exciting.

Comment: That is the whole problem.

My Response: What can you do?

Question: Is there no way to put them in kindergarten and let them fight it out there?

Answer: No! You cannot make grown-ups children completely.

Question: You just called them adult children. Is it not a slip of the tongue? Do adult children grow up like this?

Answer: Yes. They have to grow up, but they can only grow up if they cover themselves and each other with serious bruises.

Question: How can these adults be calmed down?

Answer: There is no need to calm them down. We need to exhaust them so they do not know where to run or find any kind of reassurance. We need to wear them out until their heads spin, they wobble as they walk, constantly feel like they are about to fall, and they do not know what to do.

Question: What would that achieve? We are talking about adults playing games.

Answer: This is fear of the next moment of your life. This is an important point.

Question: Do you mean that fear should be instilled in an adult?

Answer: We must even impose it so everyone is afraid for their lives.

Question: What will come of it?

Answer: One will reason more sensibly and plan the next step. This is better than being calm.

Question: Can this be done at the state level?

Answer: On the global level. That is, from one person, to many people, to the whole world.

Question: Can this stop all the madness that exists?

Answer: Certainly. I think we will come to this.

Question: But how can we do it? How can we wear someone out?

Answer: With horror stories, but only good ones, that is, with smart stories that explain where one is, what he is in, and how this leads him to a state where he will not find peace neither today nor tomorrow, before death or after death. That is the main thing. Because he thinks: “Well, at most I will die.” No, it does not end there. He will want to rise above death.

After all, we will explain to him that it does not end there. Therefore, you need to find a way out, how to deal with this situation. That is the main thing.

Question: And then one will think of how to take the next step?

Answer: Then, yes. I believe that without the fear of death, an ordinary person will not be able to live correctly. But there are those who do not care, who even before their death, before all this, want to know, learn, and reveal. For such people, everything is open. I am all for it.

Question: Is this how a person should feel?

Answer: It depends, of course, on the root of the soul. I don’t think this is for everyone, but it should be open to everyone.

Question: In that case, what game should we play?

Answer: We must understand that revealing the meaning of life is the most important thing we need in this life. That is all.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 8/24/23

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