Entries in the 'Dissemination' Category

The Purpose of the Kabbalistic Community

227Question: What does it mean to serve our organization?

Answer: Our organization exists in order to reveal the Creator or show the way to His revelation to all people on earth regardless of what is in each person. This is what we are doing and will continue to do.
From the Daily Kabbalah lesson 12/2/23, Writings of Baal HaSulamThe Arvut [Mutual Guarantee]“

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Implementation of Kabbalah
What Is Bnei Baruch?
What Is The Uniqueness Of Our Organization?

Unity Will Save the World and Each of Us

944A modern person seems to be moving further and further away from the Creator and becoming worse and worse, but this is because the advantage of light is revealed from darkness. Therefore, this distance is precisely one of the signs of approaching the Creator and a sign that we belong to the generation of the Messiah.

This does not mean that we will begin to reveal the upper light and soar up the spiritual ladder today or tomorrow. But it is clear that our world has entered a period where the upper force of nature is keeping a very strict account with us, and we need to hurry up and help this force with our advancement in every way possible.

We need to explain to people that only our unity will save the world and each of us; otherwise, humanity will come to self-destruction.

The era of the Messiah is a time when people become capable of better understanding the message conveyed to us by the wisdom of Kabbalah and The Book of Zohar. This message says that there is a force from above that wants to come closer to us and reveal itself. It seeks to change our feelings and minds so that we can discover, attain, and become similar to it.

“From above” means that this force is entirely directed at bestowal and not at egoistic reception as we are. From above means bestowal, and from below means reception.

Torah is a light that influences a person and develops all his desires, connects them correctly so a person can directly receive the message from above, be filled with it, and connect with the upper force.

To engage in the open Torah means to begin with the kind of work that a person is capable of, which is connecting with friends who want to discover the meaning of life and its purpose. To do this, we gather in a group that encompasses an ever-widening circle of people who act based on the principle of “each one shall help his friend” and who strive to achieve love for each other.

This war has clearly shown us that our entire right to exist depends on our unity. Today this is clear to everyone already.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar

Related Material:
All Of The People In One Infinite Circle
A Cure For Emptiness
Get The Tools And Don’t Expect Favors

Open Your Heart to Everyone

944Question: We all are trying to unite above our differences. Our goal for the connections between us is to reveal the force of the Creator, love, and eternity. How can we convey all this to the whole world, to the people of Israel?

Answer: You must try to connect through your hearts, and then what is in your heart will flow into the others’ hearts. You will feel it. Just work on it as a group.

Question: What determines the volume of our internal space where everyone can be placed for internal unification?

Answer: It is the size of the heart. And to work effectively with this thought, you need to open your heart to everyone.

Let us all embrace together and ask the Creator to bring us closer in a tighter embrace. That is how we arrive at a quick final correction. Baal HaSulam writes that we are already in the last generation, the generation of Moshiach (Messiah). What should we do? Just wish in your heart for this to come true for everyone.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/4/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “First Will Be the Correction of the World“

Related Material:
The Main Weapon Is Our Heart
One Common Heart Directed to the Creator
Reach Out with Our Hearts to Each Other

The Main Thing Is the Work in a Group

530Question: Will dissemination work allow us to receive the light of the Creator without feeling shame?

Answer: Yes, of course. After all, at that time you attract additional desires to yourself, place them under a common screen, and ask for them to be filled with light so that the Creator corrects them and raises them to His level. What more could there be? Therefore, it turns out that the most important thing is the work in the group.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 11/2/23

Related Material:
Refocusing The Work In The Group Of Ten
A Group And Groups Of Ten
The Secret Of The Group

The Need to Belong to Something Great

589.02Question: Let’s say a person invests in spirituality and does certain actions, what are the stages of his investment through these actions?

Answer: A person’s investment begins long before he begins to study Kabbalah.

In general, any action in our world, even if it is unconscious, forced, or directed only to maintain one’s body, is still recorded and taken into account. But it is taken into account not as personal, but as part of a machine that moves a person forward as a stage of evolution and instinctive development.

Then, when the person begins to act more or less consciously or even still forcibly, he looks at others and does the same; for example, the way it happens in our world group.

Look at what thousands of friends are doing. They are engaged in dissemination, are awake at night, translate materials from one language to another, and so on.

A person does not even understand why he is guided in this way from above. He feels the need: “I have to do this. This is how I feel that I belong to something big.”

Gradually, these actions become more and more conscious. There is a feeling in them that at first did not exist at all. Understanding arises in them.

After all, when you do the same thing all the time, you delve inside it. The action itself expands your perception, through your contact with what you are doing. You begin to feel the material that you are working with, the way it behaves, its response; Its model starts to be created in you. This is how we advance.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Congress Is a Spiritual Contribution” 11/29/11

Related Material:
Why Is The Study Of Kabbalah Paid For?
Prepare For The Convention—Invest In Your Soul
Your Addition To Gmar Tikkun

What Are We Correcting?

963.4Question: Where does suffering come from? What is its root? In Kabbalah, we study the light, the vessel, and the descent of light—the Creator’s desire to delight the creatures.

Answer: If you take part in the spiritual process, you take part in these pleasures. If not, the lack of pleasure drives you to participate in it. Look at yourself, the way you are spinning around in the world.

Question: Yes, I am driven by suffering. And the world? We can see where all this is leading it. Will people really understand anything based on the current events?

Answer: I do not know if they will understand or not. At the same time, the Creator gives the solution, He corrects the conditions of the problem. Then, it is even more difficult to reach a solution.

Question: We have learned that in the past, the Temples were destroyed as a consequence of breaking some degrees in the spiritual worlds. What are we correcting now?

Answer: Now we are correcting people. We must show them the way to the right state, then we will stop engaging the bad forces of nature, they will not crush or destroy us because we will act correctly. This way we will quickly come to a correction.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

Related Material:
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering
Why Do We Feel Suffering?
What Is The Meaning Behind Suffering

The Path to New Sensations

276.02Comment: You said that it does not matter what material you are given. For example, someone wrote something for you, and it is through the intention that you put power into this text.

My Response: Indeed, I do not care what kind of material. Who cares?

Let’s say we are in a forest. You tell me about a stump, another person tells me about a bird, a third about a flower, a fourth found a mushroom somewhere, and so on. You are trying to tell me or to pull a picture of the forest out of me. So, what difference does it make to me where you start?

After all, I want to tell you about that path in the forest that leads us to the hut on chicken legs. Therefore, no matter what you tell me, I will still transform this information in a way that it is useful for you, and you will be able to correctly navigate the forest.

Question: What I mean is that you put intention into the text. What is “intention” in this case?

Answer: It is very simple! You have a small desire—to find your way in the upper world in which you are practically not present, but your point exists there, i.e., your small desire is there.

If it is not present, then you will sit and listen to me like a cat who supposedly listens to a symphony orchestra playing. And if you have a point in the heart, the rudiment of your next external organ of sensation, then through my sensation of the upper world I include you in myself like a little baby. And you begin to receive some fulfillment, some vibrations that come to you through me.

Actually, you do not even receive them because you cannot have them since there is nothing to receive them in, but they begin to work around you, wash you like waves wash a stone on the shore, roll you around. You begin to gradually change. It seems to you that you are getting fulfilled, that you are changing, that you are beginning to imagine something. This is how you get new sensations.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Set an Intention?” 11/29/11

Related Material:
The Intention Determines The Act
Desire And Intention
Living In Intention Instead Of Desire

Sensory Transmission of Information

234Comment: It is very difficult to understand how information can be conveyed, not through words, but on a sensory level.

Answer: Words are general codes and nothing more. You are sitting in one place and I am somewhere else, and we transmit information through words. If we were connected, not by wires, but directly through our minds and feelings, then absolutely nothing would be required.

There are no words inside our brain. There are some forces, synapse switching, and electrochemical processes. What do they have to do with words? They add up to some images.

Baal HaSulam writes a little about it. Basically it all boils down to a very simple interaction of vessel and light.

Comment: Well that would be a programming language, and yet it is still a language.

Answer: We have to somehow express the program, retain it in a way, and transmit it in some form. But in fact, every time there is an image and you want to work with it outside of yourself, you have to express it in some way, convey it so someone receives it and understands it, and so on. But if you are connected with others on the inner level, as if you are one whole, no language is needed. Language is only a transmission.

Question: It is said that Baal HaSulam was ready to talk even to stones. Why did he want to articulate these words through language?

Answer: This means he was ready to talk to any person willing to hear even a little about the purpose of creation.

Question: It was important for him to convey information to his students; whether they understood him or not, it was important for him to bring it into the world. Why did the information have to be given verbally?

Answer: How else can you bring it into the world if the world is not yet able to understand it? The Kabbalist does this through his students. This information will exist in them and will gradually leak through them into the world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Transmission of Information Through Feelings” 10/31/11

Related Material:
How Do You Transmit Spiritual Information?
Transfer Of Information In Kabbalah
Annul Yourself Before The Teacher

Toward Fulfillment by the Spiritual Source

600.01When you rise above desire it is like you see it apart from yourself. Just like the Creator who created desire, you too look on it from your point in the heart, which is a point of the Creator in you. Just as He created this desire from nothing, so too are you observing it from the side and you operate on it in order to connect with others. Others are also merely just desires.

You include them in that you would want to help them connect together in one system. You reveal that it is really possible to unite here. To the degree that you begin to work for them, connect with them, and get them closer to the common unity, you begin to sense in this system some fulfillment that you could not find before. This is the fulfillment by the source.

When you connect desires of others on the condition that you are ready to serve and fulfill them, then you discover in this common connection that source, the Creator who created your original point in you. And all of this comes together: the humongous common desire and the one single fulfillment of it.

It is like a pot with soup. The pot is us, our common united desire, and the soup is the Creator, the light, the property of love.

As a result, when egoistic desires connect together and form the walls of this pot, then the qualitative and quantitative fulfillment of the pot becomes revealed precisely to the degree the walls are rising up. It is filled by the very source, by the light, by the Creator who is sensed above time and precedes everything that is created and exists.

This is not a psychological annulment of self. All of this remains, but it is perceived as the basis position that is necessary to start working on uniting, on revelation of the Creator—this field, this force, this “soup.”

I think that today we are very close to this state since there are all the preconditions and everything is becoming revealed in some way. The world is moving toward unity; people’s desires are subconsciously aspiring to it regardless that it seems to us that a person is still far away from it. He is not far away.

All his questions, all his searches, even the ones that come from the reason that he has nothing to eat, that water and air are polluted, and that there is no hope for anything good to come for children and grandchildren—still, in all this despair, there is a subconscious demand to achieve the spiritual level.

Everything else cannot fulfill people any longer. People do not want anything else. Of course, they wish to escape pain and reach comfort, but this is because they want to avoid suffering rather than they really want something.

This common descent is beginning to overfill the world. Chaos, confusion, powerlessness, and the lack of direction or any kind of solution add to this state. This is the moment that the Kabbalists were talking about. I can see it absolutely clearly today.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Master of Disguise” 9/29/11

Related Material:
The Creator And The Created Being—Light And Desire
Our Desire To Enjoy Was Created So That We Might Come To Know The Creator
From Animal Desires to Human Desires

The World Is Pushing Us Forward

963.5Question: Recently, there has been a tendency of the burdening of the heart. It has become much more difficult for those people who have always been active to do something. What is this process?

Answer: Today people who are studying Kabbalah are beginning to enter into a new system and understand and recognize it. I gave them so much information that they literally live in it. They understand that there is us, there is our system of interaction between us, between us and the Creator, and between us and the rest of the world.

We are an intermediate link between the Creator and the whole world, and we must connect all this into one common system. They begin to realize that they are in implementing this process.

It was difficult for them to accept access to the outside world. We have always been working on attracting more friends from anywhere so that they too would yearn for spiritual attainment, for the revelation of the Creator.

But here we appeal to people who do not need anything in life except for comfortable living conditions. Of course, this is very weakening and leads you astray.

But it is precisely the fact that people now have the necessary need to exist normally, and this can only be solved by creating a universal human community on the terms of mutual guarantee that gives us a huge push forward so that we finally receive the upper light, pass it through ourselves to the entire humanity, and correct the whole world. Therefore, now we are starting to study practical Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Why does Everyone Feel ‘Like crap’?” 11/5/11

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Via Internal Communication
Caring for Others Unites Us