Via Internal Communication

938.04Currently our main dissemination lies in the fact that by connecting with each other in the system of correct interaction and mutual guarantee, we create a prototype of the humanity of the future, within ourselves.

And since we are inside today’s humanity, we are like a leavening agent that is placed in dough and begins to ferment and swell. We are precisely such a part of the system.

Naturally not everyone agrees with us, but people speak in our words more and more, both because they are wising up in their own very slow way from the fact that they read our materials, but mainly because they absorb our energy and properties since we are all a single system.

We are all in one single humanity, in a closed common system, and therefore, this passes to them and suddenly begins to emerge. This most important dissemination system is via internal communication channels.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Healing Energy” 10/1/11

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