Rebuilding the World

294.2Today, scientists say almost the same thing as Kabbalists. Only they don’t have a recipe for how to fix humanity. But the fact that people should become global, integral, interconnected, and to unite according to the challenge of nature scientists are already exploring and revealing.

When people begin to see, feel, and understand this, they will have completely different thoughts, different desires, and a different understanding of what causes such events in the world and what the problem is with the real news that we hear every day.

And then it will be much easier for us to turn together with scientists and together with the masses to governments. For what? We need a system of global human education. People themselves must understand that if they do not change, then they will no longer live in this world.

For example, our body is able to withstand temperatures up to 40° C, and now a period is approaching when the temperature in the world can jump to 70° C. Our body is not designed for this.

So, it is here. We are approaching a state where the world is entering a virtual integral shell in which everything is interconnected. If you are not like this shell, you are not in balance, homeostasis, and harmony with it, and then you are simply unable to withstand it and you quickly die.

And then the next cycle will come when you will be born with different data. But you will come to the right understanding not just like that, but through wars, through problems. Why is this necessary if we can do everything quickly, well, and change humanity within a year or two?

After all, when huge masses are engaged in this, the very idea of correction and the possibility of unification for the sake of peace is in the air. At the same time, a person begins to feel the inner layer of the world, the force that controls us, one enters the level of control.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Rebuilding The World” 8/9/11

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