The One Who Fell and Did Not Get Up Is Dead

41.01Question: One student asked his mentor, “Teacher, what would you say if you found out I fell?”
“I would say: “Get up!”
“And next time?”
“Again: “Get up!”
“How long can it go on, this constant falling and rising?”
“Fall and rise as long as you live! After all, those who fell and did not get up are dead!”

Until when are we learning to fall and rise all the time? After all, we are growing and we do understand something.

Answer: But these descents and ascents grow in their quality along with my growth. Therefore, they are not the same, they are not equal.

Comment: According to this sage, this is life. When they stop, this is death.

My Response: Yes.

Question: Should we expect falls all the time?

Answer: I do not think it is necessary to live with this. But, in principle, the fact that they will be is inevitable.

Question: Is it possible to teach a person and humanity in a different way?

Answer: No, a person will not reveal himself in any way if he does not go through descents and ascents.

Question: What is the secret in these descents; what do they teach us? They can lead to extreme conditions.

Answer: So, what? They can bring us to any state.

Question: You are calm about it. This is life, right?

Answer: This is life and this is development.

Question: Can the fall be such that a person will not get up? To whom is this given and for what?

Answer: These are special individuals. I do not think this is given to people often. And some people really need this.

Question: You have said more than once that a person is given only what he can endure. What do you mean by that? We see that there are many things that people cannot endure, but they are given them. Or can they still endure them?

Answer: They can. What can people not endure? It all just seems to us that they cannot endure and cannot survive. No. A person survives everything, endures everything, and can work on himself so much that no other being can survive it.

Question: What does “endure” mean? Does it mean to agree with this blow? What is “to exit out of it”?

Answer: Even to agree and even to understand, realize, and survive. This is called getting out of a descent. The fall itself is when I just give myself to it.

Question: What should be the principle of a person’s life in general?

Answer: The principle of a person’s life should be very simple: I have to feel others instead of myself, I have to live not in myself, but in others. That is all. In principle, this leads to the correct result.

Question: So, are you saying that if I close in on myself, then a descent is inevitable, and if I am always open to others and live for them, then I quickly jump out of it?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why are we given these falls?

Answer: The descents are given in order to empty a person of the past so that he is ready to be filled with the future. Every fall and every rise is a renewal of a person.

Question: Until when can he be renewed? Which peak should he reach?

Answer: Until it completely renews itself. This is the state when he returns to the state of the first man, Adam, that is, to the root of his soul. After then, he no longer needs to change, so to say, internally.

Question: Does he then return to his permanent place, as it were?

Answer: He returns to his place in his original point in the soul of Adam.

Question: “Soul of Adam,” do you mean that this is a single soul?

Answer: Yes. He returns to his point in this soul. Each person has to go through this path of rises and falls in order to return to this point. We cannot run away from this.

Question: Do we know this point in advance? Do we know where we are going?

Answer: We cannot know it because we cannot feel it.

Question: At what point do I begin to feel it?

Answer: When you actually approach it.

Question: Why is it given to us not to feel it?

Answer: We do not have these properties of bestowal, love, connection with other souls, and so on.

Question: So, am I going to this connection, which will connect us into one? Is that where I am going?

Answer: Yes. Therefore, the commandment, that is, the main condition, is “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/5/23

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