The Path to New Sensations

276.02Comment: You said that it does not matter what material you are given. For example, someone wrote something for you, and it is through the intention that you put power into this text.

My Response: Indeed, I do not care what kind of material. Who cares?

Let’s say we are in a forest. You tell me about a stump, another person tells me about a bird, a third about a flower, a fourth found a mushroom somewhere, and so on. You are trying to tell me or to pull a picture of the forest out of me. So, what difference does it make to me where you start?

After all, I want to tell you about that path in the forest that leads us to the hut on chicken legs. Therefore, no matter what you tell me, I will still transform this information in a way that it is useful for you, and you will be able to correctly navigate the forest.

Question: What I mean is that you put intention into the text. What is “intention” in this case?

Answer: It is very simple! You have a small desire—to find your way in the upper world in which you are practically not present, but your point exists there, i.e., your small desire is there.

If it is not present, then you will sit and listen to me like a cat who supposedly listens to a symphony orchestra playing. And if you have a point in the heart, the rudiment of your next external organ of sensation, then through my sensation of the upper world I include you in myself like a little baby. And you begin to receive some fulfillment, some vibrations that come to you through me.

Actually, you do not even receive them because you cannot have them since there is nothing to receive them in, but they begin to work around you, wash you like waves wash a stone on the shore, roll you around. You begin to gradually change. It seems to you that you are getting fulfilled, that you are changing, that you are beginning to imagine something. This is how you get new sensations.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Set an Intention?” 11/29/11

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