Suffering is A Lack of Connection with The Creator

276.02Question: It is written in Baal HaSulam’s article “The Eighteen Prayer” that there is a commandment to pray for suffering. How can we do this correctly?

Answer: By suffering we mean a lack of connection with the Creator, with friends, with all of humanity. Praying for suffering correctly means that I am not asking the Creator to take it back, I am not asking not to cause it in me.

Through suffering He reminds me that I am not corrected. Therefore, I ask Him to correct me, and then, to the extent that I am corrected, I will begin to feel the world differently.

Question: What does a Kabbalist suffer from?

Answer: The Kabbalist suffers from the fact that he wants to love more, but is not yet able to. The point is that there is a limit to the extent his heart is in the intention of bestowal. I want more, but I do not have the strength yet.

Question: What do we pray for when the Creator already cancels suffering?

Answer: We pray that we correct ourselves and treat each other with love, and then the suffering itself will disappear.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/19/23, “The Eighteen Prayer”

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