The Need to Belong to Something Great

589.02Question: Let’s say a person invests in spirituality and does certain actions, what are the stages of his investment through these actions?

Answer: A person’s investment begins long before he begins to study Kabbalah.

In general, any action in our world, even if it is unconscious, forced, or directed only to maintain one’s body, is still recorded and taken into account. But it is taken into account not as personal, but as part of a machine that moves a person forward as a stage of evolution and instinctive development.

Then, when the person begins to act more or less consciously or even still forcibly, he looks at others and does the same; for example, the way it happens in our world group.

Look at what thousands of friends are doing. They are engaged in dissemination, are awake at night, translate materials from one language to another, and so on.

A person does not even understand why he is guided in this way from above. He feels the need: “I have to do this. This is how I feel that I belong to something big.”

Gradually, these actions become more and more conscious. There is a feeling in them that at first did not exist at all. Understanding arises in them.

After all, when you do the same thing all the time, you delve inside it. The action itself expands your perception, through your contact with what you are doing. You begin to feel the material that you are working with, the way it behaves, its response; Its model starts to be created in you. This is how we advance.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Congress Is a Spiritual Contribution” 11/29/11

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