Annul Yourself Before The Teacher

165Question: There are methods that affect the comprehension of information. It is said that when we listen to a lecture, we perceive about 5% of the general information that is quickly forgotten during the day. When reading, we absorb 10%, through listening 30%, through video – 50%.

We perceive 70% through role-playing games, seminars, round tables, and 90% when we  teach someone else. Do you agree with this?

Answer: This is usually the case in our egoistic world. And if one tries to “enter” the teacher and connect with him in spite of our egoism, then the perception will be 100%. Only it will be different in the scope of his internal capabilities, the so-called soul, different from the soul of his teacher.

The student must annul before the teacher, allow him to enter into himself, and then he will perceive 100% of the information. Very little depends on the teacher. It all depends on the student.

The spiritual teacher allows everyone to enter into him, and no one disturbs him. As it is said: the AHP of the lower connects to the Galgalta Eynaim of the upper.
From KabTV’s “Management skills” 7/24/20

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