Sensory Transmission of Information

234Comment: It is very difficult to understand how information can be conveyed, not through words, but on a sensory level.

Answer: Words are general codes and nothing more. You are sitting in one place and I am somewhere else, and we transmit information through words. If we were connected, not by wires, but directly through our minds and feelings, then absolutely nothing would be required.

There are no words inside our brain. There are some forces, synapse switching, and electrochemical processes. What do they have to do with words? They add up to some images.

Baal HaSulam writes a little about it. Basically it all boils down to a very simple interaction of vessel and light.

Comment: Well that would be a programming language, and yet it is still a language.

Answer: We have to somehow express the program, retain it in a way, and transmit it in some form. But in fact, every time there is an image and you want to work with it outside of yourself, you have to express it in some way, convey it so someone receives it and understands it, and so on. But if you are connected with others on the inner level, as if you are one whole, no language is needed. Language is only a transmission.

Question: It is said that Baal HaSulam was ready to talk even to stones. Why did he want to articulate these words through language?

Answer: This means he was ready to talk to any person willing to hear even a little about the purpose of creation.

Question: It was important for him to convey information to his students; whether they understood him or not, it was important for him to bring it into the world. Why did the information have to be given verbally?

Answer: How else can you bring it into the world if the world is not yet able to understand it? The Kabbalist does this through his students. This information will exist in them and will gradually leak through them into the world.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, Transmission of Information Through Feelings” 10/31/11

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