Is There Really no other Way with Us?

962.7Comment: Alesya asks: “You say that it is necessary to bow your head before the Creator and say: ‘I agree.’ But how do you agree with what He is doing? It is Him who is doing this! Is it really impossible to treat us in a different way, in a kind way?”

Answer: It is possible to treat us kindly, but we do not understand. And therefore, it is necessary for the Creator in His attitude of absolute goodness toward us to forcefully, gradually introduce into His quality of absolute goodness the quality of suffering, the feeling of lack; otherwise, we do not react.

Question: There is such an expression, “Attract with kindness and push away with suffering.” You say that “attract with goodness” is not enough? Which means, we do not hear this attraction with goodness?

Answer: We do not feel it. Every day, from morning to evening, every second, we have opportunities to treat each other with kindness: to connect, unite, and try to feel a good force between us which will eventually accumulate and manifest itself as the upper force, as a quality of kindness and love.

But we do not hear it. Maybe we connect for a minute and that is it. Then we disconnect from that and again jump into all sorts of quarrels between us.

Question: And that is why you say that actions of the Creator are only to enforce?

Answer: No. He acts all the same with kindness. But in this goodness, some actions manifest themselves more and they seem to us harsh, bitter, and so on.

Question: And what is it in us that turns these acts of goodness into apparent suffering? It seems that goodness is aimed at you, but you are suffering. What is it that we have in us?

Answer: Our egoism! The Creator wants to show us every second how the egoistic quality pushes us apart and away from each other and leads to all kinds of regrets and suffering. This is clear from every second of our existence.

In general, it is terrible when you see it!

Question: So, until He gets us to the point where we see it, it will not stop?

Answer: No, of course not. We must see this evil in us and everything will immediately start to turn around.

Question: We will want to get out of it, feel this good that is directed at us after all?

Answer: You have to imagine it even before you see it. You do not have to see anything! Imagine everything that is said, and this will be enough to break away from egoism.

Question: Imagine that only a flow of good comes to us?

Answer: Yes, that there is huge egoism between us and we need to somehow overcome it and connect with each other above the egoism. This is the main work of man.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/2/22

Related Material:
There Are No Wars in the Creator’s Plans
How To Successfully Beg The Creator
We Just Need To Say “Whoosh!”

I and the Universe Are One Common Whole

707Question: What is the difference between the current distorted state and the corrected state that we have to come to?

Answer: Our current state is corrupted, temporary, and unstable. It gives us suffering every second because it forces us to come to global harmony.

Global harmony is when all parts of nature are interconnected and absolutely complement each other. Today this necessity is beginning to unfold in our world.

Therefore the difference between the present world and the world of the future is that by correcting our desires from receiving, from egoism, to bestowal and love, we begin to feel our world, our universe, and all other spiritual worlds together as one common whole absolutely connected with us. Meaning, I and all this are one common whole.

Moreover, I feel it as “I and everyone else are connected together.” No one and nothing disappears; all these objects, all the properties, desires, and thoughts just become one common whole, an interconnected, complementary, harmonious single body called Adam.

This spiritual construction, in which everything is harmoniously connected, is called the world of infinity, the world of infinite, perfect, harmonious, eternal existence. We will come to it because all the parts of this system complement each other, constantly overflow, exchange, and so on.

There is nothing that would die, be destroyed, or act at the expense of the other. Everything is based on mutual addition, the same as in a healthy body.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Branch of Sakura” 5/15/11

Related Material:
Kabbalah Explains The Emergence Of Matter, The Universe And Humans
The Universe Is Within A Person
Adding The Universe To The Particle

In the System of Common Connection

557Question: I live in this world and I am connected with other people. How much do my wrong actions influence other people’s punishments?

Answer: They do. I cannot explain how much, but they do. And their incorrect actions influence you.

Question: Let’s say I understand the laws of nature, I try to observe them, I make efforts. However, there are several billion people who consciously or unconsciously do not want to fulfill them. Do I receive punishment for them?

Answer: Of course. We are all connected into one system.

Question: What can we do in this situation?

Answer: Try to correct yourself, and others through yourself.

Question: So not to correct them, but myself?

Answer: Of course.

Question: But they exist anyway. What is the connection if I correct myself and they are not corrected?

Answer: You should pray for them.

Question: Why should there be such a responsibility?

Answer: Because it is a common system.

Comment: But all these collective punishments have seemingly outlived their usefulness. A person should be responsible for himself.

My Response: Nothing has outlived its usefulness. This system exists and will always exist. The Creator created one single Kli, desire, and this desire must reach the level of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 5/31/22

Related Material:
The Potential Of Collective Consciousness
A Guide To The Book Of Zohar: The System Of The Upper Worlds
In The System Of Interconnection Of Souls

We Have Nothing to Fear

531.02Question: Once our lives were mainly based on physical communication, and there were psychologists who corrected this communication so that it would not be painful. Then this was blocked for us, and we began to master virtual communication. New experts appeared who specialized in communicating correctly virtually. But now we have a certain disruption, a failure in the system of relations, a war. What form of interaction awaits us in the future?

Answer: Love will support hate and hate will support love, and we will develop these two properties in a constant recurrence. Moreover we will do all this consciously: hatred comes, so love must come. Thus we will sail.

Question: What kind of breakage can occur in this new system?

Answer: None. If we know that love arises in order to then reveal hatred, and hatred is for the manifestation of love, then everything will be fine.

Question: What kind of specialists are needed there, at the next level?

Answer: I think these are going to be specialists who understand how to properly correlate love and hate. In our language, this is called “Aviut ve Zakut” (coarseness and purification).

This is already an upper psychology, which is still unknown to us in ordinary life, but we will have to master it. It will be necessary to learn this. There are courses, there are explanations. It’s not scary.

Question: How can such specialists be trained?

Answer: They come to our classes and they gradually get into this case themselves, and they learn on themselves.

Question: And what to watch out for?

Answer: To watch out? I don’t even know. I don’t see any problem with that.

In any case, a person develops himself, even if he does not understand quite correctly, he cannot correctly perform some exercises and tasks. It’s developing him anyway.

All this happens in a person in order to reveal one’s nature, which consists of two opposites, as does all of nature—coming closer and distancing, plus or minus, light and shadow, etc. So we have nothing to be afraid of here, we can’t ruin anything. We just have to come and study intensively.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/14/22

Related Material:
Evil, Hell, Love
Love Covers All Crimes
We Must Not Allow Love To Cool Down

Connecting to the Common Volume of Information

764.2Question: Memory is not the only brain function based on the holographic principle. Scientists have come to the conclusion that vision is also holographic. Moreover, the visual centers of the brain show an amazing resistance to surgical intervention.

Although 90% of the visual cortex of the brain was removed in experimental rats and 98% in cats, visual function was still preserved. This can be compared to the situation when an audience in the cinema is watching a movie on the screen with 90% of its area is removed.

What is, in fact, our vision?

Answer: Our vision is really built on the holographic principle, like practically all of our senses.

It is enough for us to receive a small piece of information from some integral picture in order to connect to information that is outside of us and receive a supplement. It depends on the “transparency” of a person, meaning on his attitude to nature, to the environment.

If he is not a hard, dark, egoistic area, then he is able to connect to this volume of information in such a way that he will receive an absolute supplement. He may even come to a state where he does not need his sensory organs because the heart (desire) has no sensory organs.

The brain has no sensory organs. The sensory organs are something external. We can connect to the external desire, to the great mind, directly with desire and reason and be included in this common whole, which precisely is the united humanity.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Hologram” 7/28/11

Related Material:
Material and Spiritual Memory
Why Animals Never Make Mistakes
A Movie Named “Life”

Difficult Times

285.01Question: The Academic Vernadsky wrote that we are approaching a great revolution in the history of mankind. Soon humanity will be given atomic weapons. Will it be able to turn this power to good? He spoke about the fact that scientists should be aware of their responsibility for the consequences of their research. Will humanity be able to turn this to good?

Answer: This is a big question because it is Kabbalah that claims that the third and even the fourth world war are possible: atomic, hydrogen, and neutron. Everything depends on us.

The current cataclysms are destined to reveal our interconnectedness and globalism. Therefore, we have no other choice but to come to equilibrium in a closed, global, integrated system, i.e., to the correct mutual connection in it where everyone takes his place and takes care of the whole system because otherwise it cannot exist.

Nature pushes us to realize this state, and it is very difficult for us. We are egoists, and we cannot act differently. But gradually, our interdependence will be revealed to us to such an extent that we will have nowhere to go.

And if we still want to run away, then, God forbid, there may be war, which in its critical form will still cause us to realize the need for correct unification and reach the noosphere.

Question: Does it not matter that practically the majority of humanity will die in this war?

Answer: It does not matter. For example, when there are problems with animals and some population decreases several-fold, then, on the contrary, it multiplies due to the changes in external conditions. The same is happening with humanity. We must look at humanity as naturally as we look at everything else.

But now we have the opportunity to enter the noosphere, this upper sphere, where we will exist at a level independent from our physical world. This is what we can achieve: eternal, perfect existence. This is why Kabbalah is revealed, and Vernadsky is helping us from below.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. Prophet” 11/23/11

Related Material:
Any Day Can Become a Turning Point
Nature Resists Violence
To a New Round of Humanity

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/24/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Shamati #153 “A Thought Is a Result of the Desire”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom” 

[media 5] [media 6]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot, Vol. 1, Part 3,” Chapter 5, Item 4

[media 7] [media 8]

Selected Highlights

[media 9] [media 10]