A Two-Dimensional World

537Question: The topic of hidden dimensions around us is widely discussed in social networks now. Many assumptions are made, based on evidence or not. What are the hidden dimensions from the point of view of Kabbalah?

Answer: There is only one hidden dimension that exists around us, the quality of bestowal, which we cannot simply emanate from ourselves. We live in an egoistic dimension, which is to attract to ourselves everything considered good, necessary, and useful to us. And the opposite, the quality of bestowal, is absolutely unknown to us. If we could add it to our quality of reception, then we would be able to clearly depict the full picture of the world.

Question: That is, a person does not feel these dimensions at the current moment?

Answer: He more or less feels the dimension of reception to a very limited extent. But the dimension of bestowal, no.

Question: Can we say that this is a two-dimensional world?

Answer: It is a two-dimensional world and no more than that: the world of reception and the world of bestowal. If they complement each other, then from them a person gets an n-dimensional space. Everything is felt only relative to a person.

Question: Can there be a world with dimensions where I am not?

Answer: No, it exists only subjectively, relative to you.

Question: Could there be a world with dimensions where all people are good and everything is corrected?

Answer: If they make it that way.

Question: So, everything still depends on man?

Answer: Certainly. Man is in the center.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 4/12/21

Related Material:
Where Does The Great Diversity In The World Come From?
The Opposite World
What Is The Essence Of Our World?

See And Find Out

235Question: When the law “Love your neighbor as yourself” is revealed, does it feel like an unshakable law?

Answer: The absolute law! The operational law of the entire universe—ours and the spiritual—absolute in all its power and amplitude. We must achieve this property and then we will feel that this law really governs.

For example, we have a property similar to the law of universal attraction, and we feel its influence on ourselves. And there are some properties that are absent in us and we do not feel their impact. But this does not mean that they do not affect us.

It turns out that the absence of their sensation and perception is the source of all our suffering. If we knew that the law of universal love exists around us and that those who do not obey it immediately harm themselves, then everyone would be righteous.

Therefore, the Creator specifically made us sinners so that we would want to rise to the level of these laws ourselves, to reveal and fulfill them.

He deliberately created us in such conditions and hid everything else from us. But that does not mean you are not suffering. You suffer because you do not know them, do not realize them.

Comment: This is cruel! The Creator put us in states of blindness and deafness. People are suffering!

My Response: You need to learn, reveal, and then you will understand why He put us in a state of concealment and made everything so horrible.

Question: And maybe later it will turn out how good it is that He did this?

Answer: Then you will see.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar” #11

Related Material:
Love As The Law Of Nature
Love: A Bridge Above Hatred
You Need To Disconnect In Order To Connect

Above The Speed Of Light

746.02Question: We learn that all desires in us are initiated by the upper light and transferred through the Reshimo (information record). In quantum physics, the so-called informational interactions without any carrier are now very actively examined. Some of these influences are transmitted even above the speed of light, practically instantaneously. Is it possible to say that the same mechanism exists in the transmission of the Reshimo?

Answer: That there is an interaction above the speed of light, I think can be understood even by our mind. In principle, if our universe, this gigantic space, could not instantly interact with each other from its different points, then this system would not function. It would simply not exist. There would be chaos everywhere.

So, we study this so-called chaos and see more and more clear laws in it. Moreover, such that we will grasp and understand what is hidden there. But nonetheless, these are laws! After all, laws are interactions between various causes, consequences, and conditions. Of course, they exist above the speed of light.

But in Kabbalah, instantaneous speed is not considered something inconceivable because it works not with matter, but with intentions and thoughts. It is an absolutely different space. There is nothing there that is restricted by matter, time, or movement.

Question: There is a long-standing dispute between scientists about short-range and long-range actions. Do you think that the correct approach is action at a distance, when the action is transmitted instantaneously to all parts?

Answer: Any small action evokes one instant reaction in all parts of creation. We have to nevertheless admit that, based on our practice of observing the cosmos, as we see that it is some incomprehensible small part. Maybe it is because we do not see the full picture. But this is only our initial knowledge. What can we talk about here?! We observe only the mechanical part of the universe, inanimate nature. Where is the rest of it? All this we have yet to be revealed.

But the fact that the whole system of nature is interconnected, Kabbalah talks about this from the first line. Kabbalah talks about the creation of the world, the creation of the universe, the creation of all matter. That it all comes from one root and these are all the forces of dissemination, which are in full connection and interaction with each other.
From KabTV’s “Meetings with Kabbalah” 3/22/19

Related Material:
Desire Is An Antenna That Receives Information
Information = Reshimo
Man—Receiver Of The Informational Field

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/27/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic “My Spirituality Is Revealed Outside of Me”

[media 3] [media 4]

Selected Highlights 

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To Perceive The World As It Is

214Question: Can we say that collective consciousness is a qualitatively new level and Kabbalah is engaged in teaching people to reach a new level of perception of reality?

Answer: No, I would not say that, because in this case the consciousness should be completely the opposite of the earthly one.

If we all receive everything within ourselves and in our primordial natural properties feel this reflection, as, for example, on a photographic film, then the Kabbalistic perception is completely different.

It remains by itself, and the person who cancels his egoism and can enter into the perception of reality without disturbing it, feels it as it is. That is, not in the egoistic properties, but precisely in the degree of similarity of its properties to all possible properties and actions that occur outside of it.

Kabbalah comprehends the world that does not pass through our senses. A person, developing himself, makes special efforts on himself in order to begin to feel the Kabbalistic world, to be able to enter a state where he is absolutely not an egoist and perceives everything not in himself, but outside of himself. In practice, he is removed from any interaction with the outside world.

Does the world around you exist by itself? Exists. I perceive it in myself, which means that I perceive it egoistically. We build our sciences on the basis of what we perceive, either by ourselves or with the help of devices we invent.

And Kabbalah says: “No, let us perceive the world as it is.” First of all, we need to reach a state when we, annul ourselves, begin to feel as if we do not exist, and, consequently, begin to feel the true world around us. And as we annul ourselves step by step, we begin to feel everything that happens in that world. This is the whole science of Kabbalah.
From KabTV’s “Meeting with Kabbalah” 3/29/19

Related Material:
The Objective Perception Of The World
Objective Reality or Common Misconception?
We Must Come Out Of The Aquarium

Audio Version Of The Blog – 4/26/21

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Going Beyond The Limits Of Earthly Sensations

709Question: The issue of aging has been of great concern to humanity all the time. A person in his youth and old age, are they two different people or one?

Answer: Whether we are young or old, alive or dead, these are just our depictions of ourselves. Of course, any reasoning is possible here, but until we rise above the egoism in which we feel ourselves and our world, we will not be able to correctly recognize what other possibilities there are to feel.

Question: That is, I depict myself as young, and after a while as old. Yet, I do not feel that way. Is this feeling imposed on me?

Answer: Yes, it is imposed. But still, it is imposed inside of you.

Question: Who imposes it?

Answer: The upper force imposes the entire picture of this reality on us. Each of us has his own picture imposed on him. And this is how we act.

However, at the same time, there are people who are given the opportunity to change this picture. It depends on how they work with it and this is where the interaction between people and their mutual development begins.

Question: What is the purpose of imposing this picture?

Answer: For a person to rise above it.

Question: All the people?

Answer: Eventually, all of them.

Question: Is this why we are given the feeling of the state of life and death?

Answer: Yes, of course. After all, they do not really exist either. However, they are given in order for a person to rise above and go beyond them.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 4/12/21

Related Material:
Old Age Is A Relative Concept
Eternal Life Is Possible!
The Secret Of The Passage To Eternal Life

From The Foot Of The Mountain To Its Top

741.02Question: Standing at the foot of Mount Sinai is an event that shaped the entire nation, or if we are talking about one person, then it is his spiritual development.

It turns out that they stood at the foot of the mountain for a year. Why exactly a year?

Answer: It is not a matter of years, all this is very figurative, and in general it is impossible to say if everything happened exactly in accordance with the way it is told in the Torah.

There is nothing sacred about Mount Sinai, everyone can climb it and graze their cattle there. This is not the mountain on which the Temple could be built. After all, the Temple is usually built in a place that is sanctified, that is, it represents corrected egoism.

Mount Sinai is just the representation of egoism that still needs to be corrected, and therefore there is nothing special about it. Jewish pilgrims do not go there. It is not even a tourist attraction.

Question: What does it mean that the people stood at the foot of the mountain and the Creator stood on the top of the mountains and as if spoke to them there?

Answer: This mountain symbolizes the great egoism that is in humanity, and humanity must correct it in order, as it is allegorically said, to reveal the Creator, who is on the top of the mountain, from the foot of the mountain.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 4/9/21

Related Material:
The Omer Count
Breaking Away From Egypt
Escaping Egoism

Amalek Points The Way To The Creator

547.02Amalek is a force that supposedly pushes me away from spirituality provided that I really strive for it. It forces me to strengthen my aspiration and look for a way to connect with the Creator so that He will give me the good force with which I can fight Amalek, overcome him, and come to the Creator.

Amalek is help against us. He helps me figure out how to reach the Creator by standing in my way and telling me that he will not let me enter the Creator. If it were not for Amalek, I would not even know that this road leads to the Creator and that it is possible to reach Him.

And suddenly Amalek appears and says: “I will not let you get closer to the Creator!” That is, he gives me direction, reveals that this is the way to go, but he simply does not allow me to move forward. Amalek shows me that I do not have the strength to advance yet and that I need to gain it that I need to turn to the Creator and strengthen myself in the group. I will thus gather my strength to step forward and fight against Amalek.

What is Amalek doing? He shows me the way to the Creator in reverse form! He says: “This is the path, but you don’t have the strength to walk it, you are not able to.”

Try to take a step toward the group, to really get closer to your friends, and you will see that you are standing in front of a wall that cannot be broken. There is no choice but to turn to the Creator. In this way, Amalek brings me closer to the Creator, he shows me that I cannot do it on my own.

Amalek appears only when I am already out of the desire to receive, out of the power of Pharaoh, and I want to come to the Creator. Amalek fights against my intention for the sake of bestowal. This is a very important force without which it is impossible to rise in spirituality. Only at the end of correction do we finally defeat Amalek, by correcting all our intentions for the sake of bestowal.

And if the evil forces would disappear before that time, I would not know where to go, just as is happening with all of humanity now. There is so much more to learn from such blows like the coronavirus pandemic, wars, and other problems in order to finally agree that it is enough fighting with each other, to destroy all weapons, and start living in peace.

This is very difficult to do because a person has nothing but egoistic desires, as it is said that the Creator created the evil inclination. And if I want to get out of egoism, I also need the Torah, the light of correction.

If I turn to the Creator, I receive the strength from Him to fight against Amalek. This is why the Creator awakens Amalek, he forces me to turn to the Creator for help. The Creator plays from both sides.

To the extent that a person strives to achieve bestowal, connection, and spirituality, he discovers an obstacle according to his level. Amalek are egoistic intentions. This is not just a preference for material fulfillment but a force that opposes the power of bestowal, the power of connection, the inner basis of correction.

Amalek is a higher Klipa than Pharaoh. Pharaoh is the general desire to enjoy, and Amalek relates to the individual path. When the people of Israel come out of Egypt and want to reach the land of Israel through the desert, Amalek appeared before them. That is, already being on the right path, in the right direction, with right intentions, an obstacle arises called Amalek, which means for the sake of egoistic reception (Al Menat Lekabel).

The more a person wants to be in the intention for bestowal, the more the “help against him,” the egoistic intention, manifests itself. It is a Klipa that protects the Kli, the spiritual fruit, by helping it to attain holiness. We see that all fruits grow inside a peel, which preserves them during ripening. Until the fruit is ripe, the peel protects it and prevents pests from getting inside. And when the fruit ripens, the need for the peel disappears and it becomes a part of the fruit itself.

Amalek appears at all levels of the development of the desire to enjoy and gives it the opportunity to grow properly. As we move forward, we will see that the Creator constantly guides us and tells us how to work with the states we go through. All of them are given to a person only to help him achieve his goal. Nothing harmful has been created in the world. There is nothing wrong with a person, but he simply does not know how to use what the Creator has given him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/18/21, “Amalek”

Related Material:
The War Against Amalek
Amalek, A Cunning Enemy
Amalek The Guard

“We’ve Got Vaccines, When Will We Be Healed?” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “We’ve Got Vaccines, When Will We Be Healed?

Since December 11, 2020, there have been FDA approved vaccines available for use. Since then, the virus has only spread further and broke record after record of new cases and deaths. Brazil, India, and even Sweden are seeing rising numbers of confirmed cases and their health systems are on the brink of collapse, if they haven’t already faltered. At the same time, some countries are emerging from the crisis. Israel, for example, has had a day without Covid-19 deaths for the first time in nine months. The US is also seeing diminishing numbers, though it is still not out of the woods.

Until we realize that the problem is not with Covid, but with us, and specifically with our relations, we will not be healed. Each country, even those that currently appear to have defeated the virus, will suffer their own blows. We will be healed only when we realize that our attitude toward each other is our real sickness, that this is the real plague. There isn’t, and cannot be a vaccine for human cruelty; we can cure it only through sincere efforts to build positive ties, to transcend our mutual alienation.

Nevertheless, even countries that now appear to be winning, have other blows waiting in the pipeline. The pandemic has landed on humanity for a reason: to force us to understand that we have to change our attitude—first toward each other, and then toward the rest of the world. But despite nearly 150 million cases, and more than three million deaths, we have not learned a thing. Until we understand that the problem is with us, and not with the virus, we will keep suffering blows. If we don’t understand it through the coronavirus, we will understand it through some other crisis.

Besides the illness, Covid has far-reaching consequences that are even worse than the disease itself, which is horrible enough. Widespread joblessness, other health issues, and social crises are all consequences of Covid, but there is more. The climate crisis is worsening, political tensions are rising, and the future of humanity seems bleak on all fronts. The initial lockdowns were actually helpful in moderating some of the adverse effects of humanity on the climate, but that moderation was short-lived and repeated lockdowns proved detrimental on other aspects.

Until we realize that the problem is not with Covid, but with us, and specifically with our relations, we will not be healed. Each country, even those that currently appear to have defeated the virus, will suffer their own blows. We will be healed only when we realize that our attitude toward each other is our real sickness, that this is the real plague. There isn’t, and cannot be a vaccine for human cruelty; we can cure it only through sincere efforts to build positive ties, to transcend our mutual alienation. Covid-19 is one way to convey this message to humanity, but nature can land plenty of other blows that will force us to acknowledge that we are dependent on each other. The sooner we learn that the healing is between us, the sooner we will overcome the virus.