My Thoughts On Twitter 4/7/19

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

#Zohar Vaera 205: And then the Creator will rise up against them and will sweep up the ends of the world and will drive the sons of Ishmael out of the land, and will crush all the forces above, and no forces will remain above against the eternal nation, #Israel, besides the one single force of #Israel.

Zohar Vaera 205: At this time one nation will awaken from the end of the world against sinful Rome and will fight a war with it for 3 months. And nations will gather there and fall captive to them. Until all the sons of Edom will assemble against it from all ends of the world.

#Zohar Vaera 481: And then an assembly of exiles will gather, the sons of #Ishmael—the right line, and Rome—the left line, with all the nations, will awaken and wage war against #Israel. But He who Sits in the heavens scoffs at them…

At this time the king Mashiach will awaken the whole world, will assemble many nations and the sons of #Israel will assemble in their places.

#Zohar Vaera 480: In the year 73, after the revelation of the Mashiach ben Yosef, the kings of the world will assemble in Rome, the Creator will send fire upon them and all will perish. Those who did not go to Rome will wage war once again.

#Zohar, Vaera 203: The sons of Ishmael will have to rule the holy land for a long time, when it will be empty. And they will delay the return of the sons of #Israel, until the right of the sons of #Ishmael reaches conclusion.

Inanimate nature: Dependent. Fully controlled by the Creator through the desire to enjoy. Working only for itself, it fulfills the Creator’s direct instructions, which is how He made it. It does not even realize that it is under full control of the Creator.

Vegetative nature: A little independent: bestowing a little, against the Creator’s direct desire. But everyone has one movement.
In spiritual development, there’re those who have power to resist egoism, to work in bestowal, but don’t yet have the power to resist the environment.

Animal nature: Everyone with his own nature, his own life, not dependent on the environment, feeling his own sensations, capable of bestowing against the Creator’s desire but unable to feel anything but himself, his own time, has no sense of others and thus cannot worry about them.

Worlds don’t exist relative to themselves. There’s only 4 phases of direct light emanating from the Creator, HaVaYaH. But as soon as the creature’s reaction appears to complete the Creator, the entire system of worlds immediately manifests in relation to the person attaining them.

#Zohar Vaera 204: And the sons of #Ishmael will have to incite great #wars in the world. And the sons of Edom will assemble against them and will fight a war with them: one in the sea, another on land, and one more near Jerusalem. And these will rule over those but the holy land will not be handed over to the sons of Edom.
#Zohar #quote #Israel

The land trembled beneath the maid who inherits the mistress—this is Agar, who gave birth to Ishmael, who brought misery upon #Israel, ruled over them, tormented and persecuted them. He rules over them to this day. There is no exile for Israel as harsh as Ishmael’s exile.
#Zohar, Shmot 289

The Creator’s goal is to delight the creatures by elevating them to His degree of eternity and perfection. Just as the Creator doesn’t think about Himself, so man shouldn’t think about himself at all.
This is the condition of the first restriction, Tzimtzum Aleph, the transition to faith above reason, LISHMA. After that he enters actions of bestowal.

In our time the crudest souls are descending into our world, which therefore couldn’t’ be corrected in previous generations. But they are the ones that complete the correction of the common soul of ADAM and elicit the complete upper light with their base desires.

#NATO was created as a collective defense from the attack of #Soviet #Russia. But today it turns out that the reason for the opposition lies in the character of the Russian people to conquer others, to grow through other #nations. Therefore, NATO continues to be necessary …
From Twitter, 4/7/19

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