Feel The Difference Between Malchut And Bina

laitman_962.4The problem is to achieve the correct discernment. After all, who knows how objective I am? It is said that “For a bribe doth blind the eyes of the wise,” and I do not know how it might affect me, whether my opinion is influenced or not. Initially, we try to evaluate things by other standards, like when we compare our children to others’ or our qualities to others’.

Egoism operates at all levels, which is why it is so difficult to discern the truth and objectively reveal the flaws in oneself. Therefore, we must ask for the ability to see things as objectively as possible in order to observe and evaluate not from our own perspective, not from Malchut, but from the height of Bina. To the extent that a person receives a portion of the Light, he acquires the ability to distinguish his own opinion from the opinion of the upper Light. Only then can he become a real expert.

Even if I try to pray for society and not for myself, I must demand the ability to remain an objective judge from above so that the Creator would shine through me. If not, then my opinion would certainly remain egoistic. In order for the prayer to be sincere, I have to rise above my desire to enjoy, see everything from the degree of Bina, and compare it to what I saw from the degree of Malchut. The revelation of the difference between these two degrees is called “recognition of evil.”

If I do not have the two degrees Bina and Malchut, and do not feel the difference between them, and thus do not have the recognition of evil. I do not know where I am, and I possibly keep wandering inside my egoism.1

Soon, the expertise in the spiritual work, the work of the Creator, will become the most popular profession in the world. This is what we are preparing for, and all this work consists of building a network of connections between us. We are ready to say anything with words, but we have no power over our hearts, which leads us to the recognition of evil.

Therefore, we must exert effort as if the heart has already been corrected, and the Creator will finish this work for us and correct our hearts. We only need to create the place where He can work. If we complete our preparations, then the Creator will fulfill His end of the deal.

We are required to do all we can, in the fullest measure, “until the cup overflows.” The moment the cup overflows with our efforts, the Creator will interfere and finish the job: He will change our nature.2
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/14/18, Lesson on the Topic “The Mutual Guarantee”
1 Minute 20:02
2 Minute 46:01

Related Material:
Spiritual Development And Growth Of Egoism
New Life #31 – Love Above Egoism
Between Malchut and Bina

What Is The Essence Of The Method Of Kabbalah?

laitman_264.01Question: What is the essence of the method of Kabbalah? Is it to instill a gene of spiritual altruism in as many people as possible?

Answer: The essence of the method is to unite the desires of all people into one common desire and for everyone to start feeling as one whole with others. Then a person will lose the feeling that he exists alone, separated from the others.

We cannot imagine how much our individualities, when merged, form one common individuality called “Adam,” which means “human” in Hebrew. This is what has been created.

Currently, each one of us perceives only small, partial fragments of this system. However, we should reach a state when we will perceive the entire system of Adam as a single whole and ourselves as existing together.

Imagine the transformation we need to go through in our feelings and understanding to feel ourselves merged with everyone, without any difference between us, in one common desire, in one common thought! And where is my personality, my past? I dissolve inside the others.

It is impossible to describe, but this is what we should eventually come to. We will see how our physical world gradually becomes ephemeral, imaginary, illusory.

We must actively transform ourselves from the current state to the new one. This new state is very real. It can be compared to how one cell, by starting to feel the whole organism, which consists of billions of cells, feels itself not in itself, but in all cells at once. Such a transformation takes place here; there are no analogs in our world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/24/18

Related Material:
What Does The Wisdom Of Kabbalah Give Us?
Puzzle “Adam HaRishon”
The Method For Discovering The Creator

Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 6/3/18

laitman_281.02Question: On the way to spiritual development, can what seemed bad to me yesterday seem good to me today and vice versa? If so, then what should I believe, what can I rely upon?

Answer: That is right. It is definitely possible that what seemed bad to me yesterday will turn out to be good today. And it may also be the opposite. It is possible to determine what is bad and good only in relation to your group, not in any other way.

Question: In order to enter into contact with the Creator, must I feel a blow?

Answer: Try not to identify with your egoism; that is how you will not feel blows.

Question: Is the left line spiritual egoism or egoism of our world?

Answer: The left line includes everything. The difference between spiritual and physical egoism is that spiritual egoism is explicitly directed against the Creator, while physical egoism is not explicit. But in principle, it is the same power of reception.

Question: What are the principles of spiritual forces being clothed in physical carriers?

Answer: In dealing with the wisdom of Kabbalah, we do not see physical carriers, we see spiritual forces. Instead of a person, we see the force he personifies and how he performs everything. The external appearance of a person has no importance for me, not even his actions: is he flying somewhere, traveling, doing something…what is important to me is only how this spiritual force works.

Question: Is seeing what the Creator has created the first attainment?

Answer: It is not necessary to see anything. We begin to feel the property of bestowal, the wisdom of faith above us, as a determining characteristic, and this is what manages us. Nothing else is necessary.

Question: Does a Kabbalist see the connection between the desire and the force? Is every force a desire? Is every desire this force?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to say that the desire and the force are the same thing.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/3/18

Related Material:
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 5/13/18, Part 2
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 5/13/18, Part 1
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 4/15/18, Part 2

New Life 103 – Pregnancy And Childbirth: After Birth

New Life 103 – Pregnancy And Childbirth: After Birth
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

The social environment that surrounds a family after the birth of a new baby affects the baby’s success in life. After being thrust into a new world, the baby needs to learn about connection through games, play, and stories. An atmosphere of connection needs to be created in the home. Even if the mother experiences postpartum depression and the father is nervous, they need to pretend that the situation is good and act in this way for the benefit of the developing child. All negative emotions come deliberately out of nature so that we learn to connect above them. Parents can practice through workshops at home such as speaking only about the importance of being parents and avoiding any negative comments.
From KabTV’s “New Life 103 – Pregnancy And Childbirth: After Birth ,” 11/13/12

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 11/27/18

Lesson Preparation

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Revealing The Creator In The Connection Between Us” (Preparation for the Virtual Convention 2018)

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, Newspaper “The Nation”, Title “The Individual and the Nation”

[media 5] [media 6]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 11/26/18

Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog
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My Thoughts On Twitter 11/26/18

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

The spiritual realm is ruled by the system 10=1; less than 10 doesn’t exist. The Creator said, “I came, but there isn’t a single man.” This means there are people, but they aren’t united as one. Hence there’s no spiritual quality and the group doesn’t exist in the spiritual sense.

The plan of creation contains the entire program of correction till the final state. But the system doesn’t get launched without our consent. We don’t create anything new, “There’s nothing new under the sun,” but we attain and launch the stages of correction.
The novelty in the system is me, who manages the correction.

In the initial state of the soul of ADAM, the capacity of the parts’ connection on the NaRaN degree is 620 times less than the planned final one since it was connected only by bestowing desires. Whereas we attain the full connection of all 600,000 parts of the soul …
… with receiving desires by the light of NaRaNHY.

In the beginning the system of the common soul of Adam HaRishon broke and disintegrated into parts. These parts are us, and we must look for ways to reunite. Inside each broken part, instead of light there is a part of the screen, a spark pulling us toward unity.
We must “fan” it and unite.

Moving toward each other, sparks of the parts of the soul unite into families, communities and nations, and then connections as well as quarrels arise between them. They invent religion, science and cultures. Eventually they start to feel that nothing allows them to connect properly,
and thus they come to Kabbalah.

Throughout all times people aimed to build a better future. This is why they got married, studied and built things. Most importantly, they had plans! Today the world’s finite nature is becoming apparent: terrorism is heroic and drugs are used to foster the imagination.

The #future is gone. This befits a beast, but not a human being…

The continually growing egoism is bringing Europe to the inability to find common solutions. Europe aspired to unite, but today nationalistic trends are manifesting. Germany is full of refugees and fears losing its stability and identity. Europeans are losing their place in the world.
From Twitter, 11/26/18

Related Material:
My Thoughts On Twitter 11/24/18
My Thoughts On Twitter 11/22/18
My Thoughts On Twitter 11/21/18

It Won’t Be Boring

laitman_571.03Question: What should be done with the animal within myself? If it reaches a certain goal, it loses interest in what it achieved, finds a new goal, and everything begins all over again? What is needed for the development of the point in the heart?

Answer: The point in the heart is the attraction to the meaning of life, to the attainment of something unknown. It exists in everyone. It all depends on how much it manifests itself: to a greater or lesser extent.

Question: What if a person gets bored? It seems to him that he hears the same thing and there are no changes.

Answer: We have a vast amount of material, so I doubt that anyone will get bored. The material explains many things in life that it is impossible to say that you know everything.

In addition, it is emotional material under the influence of which you change daily, become disappointed again, and then rise again. That is, these are states that do not cease in their metamorphoses until the final correction.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/1/18

Related Material:
Create A Human Within Yourself
Paradise For An Animal—Exile For A Person
Enough With Feeling Bored, Let’s Start Working!

How To Get Inexhaustible Energy?

Laitman_703.04Question: What is the energy balance of renewable energy sources? Do they supply more energy than is required for their production?

Answer: We use all types of energy received from nature in the amount of one or two, with the maximum five percent of their possible productivity. This is because we use nature egoistically.

But if we treated nature altruistically, if we could work with nature according to the same principle that it relates to us, in a balanced way, then we could receive 100% of the desired from nature in exchange for relating to nature 100% on the same level.

Nature treats us altruistically, and if we also related to the whole world, to all of humanity, in a reciprocal way, with love, according to the principle “love your neighbor as yourself,” then we could extract from nature much more energy, we would reach balance with nature, and would not feel lack in anything.

We would harmoniously and integrally join nature, and would receive a positive reaction from it instead of a negative one. Today, nature shares with us as if reluctantly, as if it is obliged to release a small part of its energy resources to us.

Yet, once we reach equilibrium with nature, we will be able to receive inexhaustible energy implanted in each atom. Thus, in essence only in this lies the correction of the existing methodology and solution for the future.
The Round table of independent opinions. Berlin 9/9/06

Related Material:
The Source Of Infinite Resources
Softening The Domination Of Nature
The Next Phase Of Human Development

Why Do People Suffer?

laitman_567.04Question: From the point of view of Kabbalah, why does a person suffer and what for?

Answer: A person suffers because he does not want to reveal the upper world he exists in but does not feel.

He suffers in order to develop his own desires in himself, because according to these desires, the capacity for its revelation will be disclosed. Therefore, we have no other possibilities to reveal the upper world without effort.

And for each attainment, it is clear what sort of effort you must make. At the same time, our ego will resist and force everyone to give a certain amount of effort. Without this, we will be unable to determine the size of the revealed picture, its depth, and all the colors and properties that determine this state.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/24/18

Related Material:
Why Do We Suffer? Part 4
How Does One Become Free From Suffering?
Be Thankful For Suffering?