Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 4/15/18, Part 2

laitman_283.02Question: What is the unit of measurement of spiritual distance?

Answer: Spiritual distance is measured by the difference in the properties between two objects. A unit of measurement is a parsec (a light unit).

Question: What is the difference between the spiritual properties of bestowal?

Answer: That depends on which desires form the property of bestowal.

Question: Is this whole world a reflection of the levels of my personal desires?

Answer: Yes, these are the degrees of your desires and properties. All that we see, we see within ourselves.

Question: What is ugliness and beauty in terms of the wisdom of Kabbalah?

Answer: The property of love is called beauty, while ugliness is the property of greed, receiving for oneself.

Question: What comes first: shame or envy?

Answer: Envy is the greatest property. With its help, we can achieve positive and good actions. We just need to know how to manage the envy.

Comment: You said that the Creator frightens us, yet He does not seriously hit us. But Kabbalists suffer the same sufferings as everyone else: aging, disease.

My Comment: Spiritual suffering is the suffering of love, when negative feelings rise in you so that you will later feel love and connection more deeply.

Question: If Kabbalists have become stronger and stronger over time, is it preferable to read the books of a later Kabbalist?

Answer: The books of Baal HaSulam and Rabash and our lessons are the best for spiritual advancement because they are expressed in a language that is very close to our souls. Books that were written earlier are difficult for us to grasp. Even though they were written by Kabbalistic giants, their style is far from us.

Question: What kind of reward would you wish for your students?

Answer: Revelation of the Creator, nothing else. I hope that this discovery is ahead for us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/15/18

Related Material:
Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 4/15/18, Part 1
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Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 4/1/18

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