Audio Version Of The Blog – 11/2/18

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Kabbalistic Associations

laitman_938.04Rabash, Social Writings, “According to What Is Explained Concerning ’Love Thy Friend as Thyself’”: And we see that in reality, there is love of friends among the secular, too. They, too, gather in various circles in order to have love of friends. What, then, is the difference between religious and secular?
The verse says (Psalms 1), “…nor sat in the seat of the scornful.”

There are countless numbers of associations in the world of men, women, mixed groups, children, etc., which are formed according to various interests and topics. However, these are all in order to somehow fulfill themselves and decorate their lives.

The associations Kabbalists gather together have the goal of exiting oneself, rising above oneself. Kabbalists seek to unite such as to attract a special force of nature that would elevate them above their original egoistic essence. While doing so, completely new relations arise between them, called “Arvut (“mutual guarantee“).

Their goal is to endeavor beyond our world, beyond our nature. Such people are very unusual in their associations, which are different from all other communities in humanity.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 4/18/18

Related Material:
Unity For The Sake Of Society
The Difference Between An Egoistic And Altruistic Union
Unified By Love Or Hate

How Can One Be Neutral?

laitman_546.02Question: If I am born an egoist and my whole “self “is egoism, how can I be neutral?

Answer: The fact is that when a person is led to the goal of creation, he is given conditions in which he is somewhat neutral. He has freedom of choice and is given the exact states in which he can choose. This, however, as a rule, is only in a group.

There is no evil in our world that Kabbalah discusses. This evil manifests itself only between friends seeking to unite, and the evil—their selfishness—prevents them from achieving the goal.

Outside of Kabbalah is evil at the level of animals in the forest. It is necessary only to bring humanity to the group.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/17/18

Related Material:
The Difference Between Spiritual And Corporeal Egoism
Get Down To Pure Egoism
The Beneficial Revelation Of Hatred

Why Does The Creator Lure But Does Not Allow To Enjoy?

laitman_551Question: If the Creator gives a desire and gives a filling, why does He only lure, but does not allow enjoyment?

Answer: Imagine you were tied to a table covered only with sweets and left this way for the rest of your life. So, what’s next? A person needs a contrast. It is known that people working in the confectionery industry are very fond of herring, and vice versa.

We feel neither sweet, nor bitter, nor salty, nor sour if it has no contrast. Therefore, it is only through good and evil, through the right balance between them, that we begin to develop and attain the Creator.

Good is the absolute property of the Creator, and evil is the complete opposite of Him. We must create their correct combination in ourselves, which will let us feel the Creator.

In principle, good and evil are given to us in order to first attain the outer side of the Creator, and then Him Himself: His intentions regarding us, His original thought, the purpose of creation, and then even deeper—where secrets already begin to be revealed.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/17/18

Related Material:
Why Did The Creator Make The Evil Inclination?
The Purpose Of Creation And The Development Of Desire
Two Sides Of The Thought Of Creation

New Life #90 – Understanding Depression, Part 1

New Life #90 – Understanding Depression, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz


Depression is like a virus that stems from existential questions we cannot seem to answer. Physical pain can result from mental pain and depression. We can’t find a solution to the growing feeling of emptiness inside, and old ways of coping through sports, entertainment, and hobbies are no longer effective. We feel cornered because we are closed inside of ourselves. There is a single remedy for depression, a new human program based on the principle “And you shall love your friend as yourself.” In other words, we need to exit our bodies and feel our desires and thoughts inside others. We can learn how to exit depression by considering what is good for others instead of what is good for myself. This can be achieved via discussion workshops in groups.
From KavTV’s “New Life #90 – Understanding Depression, Part 1,” 10/25/12

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