The Fate Of The World When A Servant Is In Power

stateWhen the knowledge about the science of Kabbalah reached the nations of the world, it stimulated the development of the world and, at the same time, caused great damage. Until this time, Kabbalah had only been revealed to special chosen individuals among the people of Israel. Once it was revealed to the world however, people began to egoistically attain the system of the construction of the universe, to study the laws of Nature and to brutally exploit Nature and their neighbors in order to use them for their own interests.

This has led to all the destruction that has occurred and continues to occur in the world, in spite of the fact that Kabbalists hid the science of Kabbalah.  It still remains so concealed that a person who is not ready for it is incapable of understanding anything in the books of Kabbalah. One must first correct his qualities into bestowal and love for his neighbor, and only then will the great forces of Nature be revealed to him.

However, over the span of mankind’s search for knowledge, we obtained and were able to use the ordinary sciences to learn about the external forces of Nature. This led to technological development, which we see has obviously been to our own detriment.

As a result, we see that the entire development of the whole world, built by us throughout all of human history, has not been to our benefit, since it has served only our egoism. All the knowledge that we have received about Nature, all the laws and examples that we attained and tried to implement for our own benefit, turned against us in the end. This has been a cumulative process that has led us to the global universal crisis that is occurring on all the levels of Nature and in all areas of human activity.

Everything that human beings have done for thousands of years in history is today being revealed as evil. It is as though we are drawing a line between the entire former development of human civilization and the present. From this point on, we must honestly tally up everything we have done and decide how we should develop in the future.

It turns out that the direction of our future development is quite simple. After all, if all our knowledge about the laws of Nature and all our sciences, have proven to only bring us harm because we had turned them into a servant for our egoism, then let’s turn everything around! If we use science and all our knowledge on the good path, truly for the benefit of humanity, it will become our helper and bring us genuine prosperity. We will no longer destroy Nature, our environment, and ourselves, putting ourselves in danger of self-destruction. On the contrary, we will rise to a completely new level.

We use the forces of Nature and its examples either to our detriment or for a noble purpose.  These two opposites are called the “servant” who is in power instead of her mistress, or the “mistress” who rises and reveals herself with the help of the servant. The “mistress” is the science of Kabbalah, which teaches us how to correct our nature, and by using it correctly, to reveal another part of Nature and its enormous forces. All of this is given to us for our use and eternal existence.

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Kabbalah for the Student: Time for Spiritual Attainment:”A Handmaid that Is Heir to Her Mistress”

The Quality Of Bestowal Brings Vitality And Universal Respect

laitman_2009-05-28_0041_wA question I received: You said that if a person begins to bestow, he or she will be filled with vitality and confidence. What will change, precisely?

My Answer: Such a person will be accepted and appreciated by the world and will receive tokens of respect. It will serve him or her as a stimulus for the egoism to rise even higher, to bestow even more, to take even more pride in it.

The place of evil competition will become benevolent and people will gradually begin to appreciate the quality of bestowal for what it brings them: respect, importance in the eyes of society and a feeling of dignity. People will sense that the quality of bestowal is the source of vital strength and universal respect because this quality brings goodness. A person will then be motivated to aspire to it.

You are concerned that those who bestow will be used? But we are talking about a society that feels that there is no other choice to save ourselves from annihilation, than by making the mutual connections.  Nobody is asking such actions from you today – they have no value nor are they necessary. In a short while however, society will be faced with such problems that any person capable of helping others will be valued.

Nobody needs your bestowal right now. We are separated: You don’t need me, and vice versa. If you want to help me, it seems suspicious to me. But if I can’t move on my own and someone is ready to help me, he is a savior in my eyes! That’s why we should wait, since realization comes only after necessity.

Related Material: Post: Bestowal Can Fulfill Us More Than Anything Else Post: Correction Can Happen By The Power Of Public Opinion
Kabbalah Today Article: A Requiem for Utopian Dreams
From Chaos to Harmony: Chapter 3 – Altruism is Life’s Law

A Shift To The Right Is Dangerous In Times Of Crisis

laitman_2009-04_9109_wIn the News (from The Wall Street Journal):EU Voters Shift to the Right” – Europeans punished their governments and boosted conservative and far-right parties, as voters spooked by the economic downturn registered their unhappiness in European parliamentary and local elections across the Continent. Turnout fell for the seventh straight time, to a record low of 43.4%, according to preliminary estimates.

My Comment: In 2004, the elections were also won by the right.  Kabbalah views this as a dangerous tendency, especially in times of crisis, since it could lead to the explosion of mutual hatred, emergence of Nazi regimes and to wars.

Related Material: Post: Humanity Is Tired Of Wars Post: Fear And Suspicion Will Vanish If Everyone In The World Will Unite Post: Hope for Peace
Baal HaSulam Article: “Building the Future Society”
Baal HaSulam Article: “Peace in the World”

We Really Can Do Something About The Weather!


In the News (from The New Scientist):North Atlantic is world’s ‘climate superpower‘” Today’s climate is changing most dramatically in the far North Atlantic, with record warming and ice loss in recent years. If the climate’s “tipping point” resides in these waters, then nature’s synchronized chaos could unleash unexpectedly sudden and severe consequences.

My Comments: Weather is controllable. It is a negative reaction that reflects our non conformance with the Common Nature – the Creator and His law of balance.  The law of balance means that we are to be equivalent to Him on all levels of our existence, expressed by such behaviors as consumption of only the necessities and in aspiring to benevolent connection between us as well as the surrounding Nature. Finally, we will wise up after having experienced the myriad of troubles coming our way, reaching an understanding that this is the Creator’s intelligent treatment of us – and we will then unwillingly correct ourselves.

Related Material: Post: The Creator And Nature Are The Same Post:The Crisis Is A Step Toward Eternal Harmony Post: Climate Change Impacts Human Lives, The Economy, And… The Holiday Season Flights
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose”

Freedom Comes From Being Able To Bestow

laitman_2009-05-28_8354_w1A question I received: How can you explain the meaning of freedom to a person born into slavery and sitting in a cell? How does it feel to be free?

My Answer: You can feel freedom only when that you want to bestow, and you are given that opportunity. If someone doesn’t let you bestow, it means that he robs you of freedom and oppresses you. Lack of freedom doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything you want.

It’s written, that we will be a “free people in our land.” In our land means “in our desire” (land – aretz, from the word ratzon – desire). Freedom is prepared for us precisely within desire to bestow.

Related Material: Post: The Only Point Of Freedom Is Your Reaction To The Creator Post: Our Brains Are Slaves To Our Environment Post: For The First Time In History, We Have The Conditions To Realize Our Freedom Of Will
The Path of Kabbalah: Chapter 1.11.”Freedom of Choice – To Operate Above Nature”

The Most Important Task In Life

profit1Today, all of humanity is operating in a global system. If we correct the ties between us in that system, it means we correct the souls to reveal the Creator here within that bond, in this world and in our lifetime.

The science of Kabbalah states that the breaking of the souls happened in their descent from one of the exalted spiritual degrees. Before that descent, all of the souls represented one common soul, called Adam.

Adam split into many separate parts, and absolutely all of them fell into this world, giving rise to all of humanity. There is no difference between the common soul and any person in this world. All we need to understand is that we are inside a closed system, where everyone is stuck in his ego. Thus, there are now seven billion separate parts. Each of them has been growing, influenced by their own unique ego until this time, a special time when the broken connection between us is being revealed: billions and billions of connections – linking each person.

People say that each person knows everyone else in the world through no more than five or six degrees of separation. However, we have yet to reveal that everyone of us is literally connected to everyone, since the link is corrupted and each one relates to the others based on his ego. It’s not our fault that ego is inside us – we had it to begin with. However, the fact that it has become revealed means that we must correct it. Besides this one task there is nothing of greater importance or meaning that we must do in our lifetime. For if we correct the ties between us, we discover the World of Infinity itself.

To the extent that a person reveals the true bond with others by his correct attitude towards them, he begins to feel the Upper Force – the force of bestowal and love. He then transcends the boundaries of his perception of the world and begins to see the world around him as it really is outside of him, and in this way, he reveals the Creator.

That is precisely what we must achieve in this generation. All the conditions are laid out before us; Kabbalists wrote about it and outlined the entire method for us, and all we are left to do is to realize it. We have been given every opportunity to do just that.

Related Material: Post: Humanity Is Like Fish Caught In Nature’s Net Post: Our Planet Is Only As Big As A House!
A Guide To The Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “Ten Kabbalah Lessons / Lesson 6”
Lesson on Baal HaSulam Article: “Thou Hast Hemmed Me In Behind and Before”

Lessons From The European Congress

logo_europe_09-05_Uniting Europe_grey

Below are video and audio links to the lessons given at the recent European Congress in Berlin:

Games Help Children Form Their Correct And Desired Future Condition

chess2A question I received: What is your opinion regarding the use of video games to teach and educate children?

My answer: I consider the use of games for the purpose of educating a person to be a positive thing, as the sole method of growth. Both children and adults learn only from games, from the simulation of the correct and desired future condition. Even the vegetative and animal kingdoms develop this way, by forming in themselves the future state according to a set of examples.

Games are a serious matter. They form the future of man. A child learns from games. He is drawn to the desire to know, to take apart, to break and to reassemble. A child sees the opportunity to learn about the world in every second in his life. We are mistaken in calling this undertaking a game. Children see these actions as an opportunity to learn about themselves and the world. Adults are the ones that waste their time in vain, not children!

This is why our task is to use all the modern means available to us to develop useful games. We invite everyone to take part in the realization of this method of education.

Anyone who feels he can develop games, write books or create anything else in the realm of education for the new generation should contact us. We have a dedicated center precisely for this and would be happy to work with all who want to take part.

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Article: “From Generation I – to Generation We”
Kabbalah for the Student: Spiritual Attainment.”Association of Mercy with Judgment”,

An Article About Me In The News

Here is an article about me that was published at, a major Israeli web portal:


Below is the translation of the article:

How did Rav Laitman become such a popular disseminator of Kabbalah and one of Israel’s foremost new-age ambassadors to the world?

Is there really anyone out there crazy enough to wake up at 3AM every morning in order to study Kabbalah? Turns out there are plenty of people who are, including a number of Israeli celebrities, who all rush to gather inside the study hall of their teacher, Michael Laitman.

In the past Michael Laitman was a researcher, scientist, philosopher and even a mechanic servicing military aircrafts. But his restless soul could never find peace. In the late 70s, on the outskirts of Bnei Brak, in a solitary one-story house, a group of sages sat and studied Kabbalah. One fine evening Michael Laitman entered the house and asked to join their study. The group was headed by the renowned Kabbalist, Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag. Before long Michael Laitman became Rav Baruch’s personal assistant and merited to become intimately involved in the Kabbalist’s daily life, including his spiritual life.

After the death of his Rav and teacher in 1991, Michael Laitman undertook the mission of disseminating Kabbalah. Since then, he teaches Kabbalah in a reasonable, logical matter, as a science and a philosophy. For “normal” people everywhere who are living in times of crisis, and who take years of experience to upgrade their principles, the world only becomes more and more uncertain with every passing day, despite all the scientific achievements. In contrast to this approach, those who engage in the Kabbalistic wisdom develop concealed senses of perception. A Kabbalist is essentially a person who has revealed the purpose of his existence, and therefore, he has answers to questions no one else does.

Michael Laitman exerts tremendous efforts toward the dissemination of Kabbalah. He has founded the Bnei Baruch organization, which means, “The Children of Baruch,” named after his teacher. The organization is entirely focused on creating and upholding a vast, complex education system that illuminates the wisdom of Kabbalah to anyone. Just some of their offerings are a television channel, an Internet site translated to over 30 languages, a wide array of books and even a film company that produces video content.

Of course, Michael Laitman has his share of critics, who claim that the study of Kabbalah must be accompanied by an Orthodox, religious lifestyle, study of the Torah and rigid observance of commandments. They say that without these things, Kabbalah is disconnected from its holy roots and turns into just another new-age method. However, Laitman pays no mind to the critics and continues to bore his way ahead. Over recent years, he has gained massive popularity as a lecturer in the USA and Europe, published over 30 books and became a member of an organization called the World Wisdom Council. Michael Laitman is undoubtedly one of the most eminent and inspiring people living in Israel.

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Kabbalah Worldwide

Banks Continuing Egoism Will Deepen The Crisis

russiaIn the news (from The Wall Street Journal):Germany Blasts ‘Powers of the Fed’”  German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in a rare public rebuke of central banks, suggested the European Central Bank and its counterparts in the U.S. and Britain have gone too far in fighting the financial crisis and may be laying the groundwork for another financial blowup.

My Comment: Whether they like it or not, if the financial systems remain completely egoistic as they are, it cannot lead to anything other than the deepening of the crisis. This descent will continue, possibly with some fluctuations, until we come to the complete realization of the need to change our relations among each other to being good and trustworthy.

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