The Quality Of Bestowal Brings Vitality And Universal Respect

laitman_2009-05-28_0041_wA question I received: You said that if a person begins to bestow, he or she will be filled with vitality and confidence. What will change, precisely?

My Answer: Such a person will be accepted and appreciated by the world and will receive tokens of respect. It will serve him or her as a stimulus for the egoism to rise even higher, to bestow even more, to take even more pride in it.

The place of evil competition will become benevolent and people will gradually begin to appreciate the quality of bestowal for what it brings them: respect, importance in the eyes of society and a feeling of dignity. People will sense that the quality of bestowal is the source of vital strength and universal respect because this quality brings goodness. A person will then be motivated to aspire to it.

You are concerned that those who bestow will be used? But we are talking about a society that feels that there is no other choice to save ourselves from annihilation, than by making the mutual connections.  Nobody is asking such actions from you today – they have no value nor are they necessary. In a short while however, society will be faced with such problems that any person capable of helping others will be valued.

Nobody needs your bestowal right now. We are separated: You don’t need me, and vice versa. If you want to help me, it seems suspicious to me. But if I can’t move on my own and someone is ready to help me, he is a savior in my eyes! That’s why we should wait, since realization comes only after necessity.

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