Entries in the 'The Creator' Category

Behind the Veil of Concealment

294.4Question: Many things are hidden from us, i.e., the potential of man himself, our future, divine governance, the governance of nature, etc. Which concealment is the most important for us?

Answer: The general force of nature, which is called the Creator, is hidden from us. It includes everything and draws everything there is in nature, all parts of it (inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human) to some goal.

We would like to find out where our part is, what our fate is, but unfortunately it is not yet possible to reveal this.

We reveal a little from here, a little from there, but, in principle, the more we do it, the more we realize that something very grandiose, general, and integral is hidden from us, and we ourselves are not in it.
From KabTV’s “Preface to The Book of Zohar” 5/21/23

Related Material:
Concealment of the Creator
A Shadow Over The World
Until The Shadow Clears Away

The Role of the Creator

610.2Question: Everything in the universe has a certain role. What is the role of the force called the Creator?

Answer: The role of the Creator is unequivocal; it is to constantly educate the creation created by Him so that it comes to perfection.

The upper force is everything. It includes the force of desire, will, knowledge, and decision. Everything that exists in nature at all is just the single upper force.

The desire to enjoy is created within it. This single, great force of the field works on the point of the desire that develops under its influence and becomes equal to the force of the field. The desire as if swells to the size of the field, then bursts, collapses into many parts, and then begins to work on itself in order to gather together.

Gradually, it gathers into that single new whole that fits into the same field. The Creator and the creation like two flatbreads stick together and penetrate each other by diffusion.

Although they are different in their original nature, they have come to a state where they are absolutely similar to each other in the quality that now comes from them—the quality of bestowal and love. For the Creator it is primary, for the creation it is secondary, acquired.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is the Creator?” 2/21/11

Related Material:
The Creator Is The Upper Quality Of Nature
Prepare To Perceive The Creator
The Creator Is The General, Integral Force

There Is Only Grief Around, but the Creator Is Good?

284.05Comment: Alexander writes: “Michael Laitman, when you say that the Creator is good and does only good, what do you want from an unfortunate poor person? If there is only grief around him, then the fact that the Creator is good sounds like a mockery of him.

Your house is destroyed, this is good; your loved ones have died, this is good; you are forced to leave everything you have earned, this is good. We have to convince ourselves that all this is for our good, that the Creator is kind and does good, or how should we understand you?”

My Response: It is very simple to understand me. We must try to understand the laws of nature, and try to fulfill them and disseminate them. These are the laws of the Creator.

Comment: There are thousands of questions like this, especially in our time, and you continue to say that nature is connection and good and the Creator is good and does good. These questions multiply in conjunction with what is happening in the world. How can a person renounce what is happening in front of his eyes and in his feelings?

My Response: What he sees before his eyes is done by people, not by the Creator.

The Creator set conditions, and if we had fulfilled them, we would have lived completely differently. Otherwise, what do you do?

Question: These laws of nature, as you say, the Creator, should I know and fulfill them?

Answer: Never mind fulfilling them, but at least know them.

Question: Can you name the main law?

Answer: It is very simple: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Comment: We run into this formula all the time. But it’s not easy. You immediately say that this needs to be achieved.

My Response: You are talking about the law. I gave you the law. If this formula is not easy, what will you do?

Comment: So you are saying that we all need to know about this, all of humanity does.

My Response: Yes. The whole world is built on it. If you act in this way, you will be closer to the Creator and to fulfilling His law, the global law of all nature. What’s next? See for yourself.

Question: So I know that I can’t do it yet, I understand that I can’t, and you call this advancement already?

Answer: Of course!

Question: The fact that I understand that I cannot fulfill this law?

Answer: It doesn’t matter. But you understand that such a law exists, and in the end, ideally, if you followed it, you would be at the degree of the Creator.

Question: And who are you more for, for those who say and even write to us: “I am fulfilling this law” or for those who say: “It is impossible to execute it”?

Answer: Of course, it is impossible to execute.

Question: How can we fulfill it in this case? Do we have to think about it?

Answer: If we gradually connect for the sake of fulfilling this law, then we begin to acquire in ourselves within our connection qualities that begin to feel this law on ourselves, and gradually, gradually we approach it and its fulfillment. That is all.

Question: Are these qualities in us, or are they somehow given to us? You say, “They weren’t in us. There is no love in us.”

Answer: They weren’t in us, absolutely. We attract them. We attract them from above, so to say. From an upper degree.

Question: So there is our degree and there is a higher degree. It is here. Is our task just to reach out to it?

Answer: To draw it to yourself.

Question: Do I have to live with this thought that I want to draw this quality to myself?

Answer: Yes, to live for this.

Question: Is this the goal of life by and large?

Answer: Of course. It is to pull up to the love of one’s neighbor is the meaning of life.

Question: Tell me, will we ever reach a state when a mass of people…?

Answer: We can’t wait, we have to do it on ourselves. Then it will happen.

Question: Then will I stop seeing, let’s say, the way Alexander describes, that everything around is terrible?

Answer: I will see that everything is terrible, but it can all be fixed.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/30/23

Related Material:
Why Is the Creator So Unkind to Us?
Has the Creator Declared War Against Us?
What Will Prevent Nuclear War?

Why Is It Forbidden to Pronounce the Name of the Creator?

294.3In the News (ati): “Interesting Words From Other Languages We Wish Existed In English” “Mamihlapinatapei, Yagan (language of Tierra del Fuego)

“This word is mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most succinct word, and is also considered the hardest word to translate. Roughly, it means ‘the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start.'”

Question: What is the depth of the word?

Answer: The word is the universe, the word is everything. “In the beginning was the Word.” In general, this word is “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey.

This is the four-letter name of the Creator that explains the four steps through which the upper emanation descends on His creation. And everything else comes from this word.

Question: If you say that everything else comes out from it, then is this word in every word, in every action, in general, in everything?

Answer: In everything! “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey” includes absolutely everything.

Question: What is this magic? What kind of secret is it? What are these four letters that are in everything, in absolutely everything?

Answer: This is the name of the Creator. That is, it includes the four stages of the expansion of the light from the Creator Himself to all creations.

Question: Does the light exist practically, in every word, in every action, and in everything?

Answer: Yes. And this word, the name of the Creator,  includes all the words, practically everything, and everything that happens.

Question: These are four letters. What does the first letter “Yod” – “י” mean?

Answer: Yod” is the source of the light. “Hey” – “ה”is the expansion of the light. “Vav” – “ו” is its descent downward. And the last “”Hey” – “ה” is the clothing of the light in the lower ones that already exist.

Question: It is said that it is forbidden to pronounce the name of the Creator. What is meant by this?

Answer: In principle, you cannot pronounce it in any way. No matter how hard you try. This is because they are letters. And the word itself is not a word. It is just a code. “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey” is a code.

Question: And when it is said that it is forbidden to pronounce the name of the Creator?

Answer: It means that it is forbidden to try to name His action. Because, in principle, it is hidden from a person. So do not try to do it. Forbidden means impossible.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/23/23

Related Material:
“May My Name Be Upon You”
The Creator’s Name Is Four Letters
The Secret Of The Creator’s Name

Laws of Advancement

537The Creator is the single law of the universe, of all worlds. The single law is the only one, one, unique, and unified. And all other laws are subordinate to it.

This law is absolute bestowal in complete connection of all parts of the universe, which are tightly connected into one single organism. One! There are no divisions, groupings, nothing. This is the single law. We must come to it according to the following law, which is under it, “the similarity of qualities,” where all parts of creation must be similar to the most important quality, equal to it, and together fulfill this law.

No matter what state you are in, you are obliged to realize in yourself absolute bestowal, absolute connection with everyone, and absolute love. This is what nature rushes us toward.

The next law is the gradual purposeful development to the very final state, that is, full compliance with the quality of bestowal. You are being urged on in accordance with the measure of development that you have to manifest. You are given all the conditions to develop yourself.

If you, by using all these conditions and the means given to us, develop yourself, you move comfortably, well, and quickly.

If you cannot implement these conditions, including everything that is given to you (and it is absolutely clear from above what is given to you, who you are, how you are, absolutely everything is taken into account by this whole closed system in which these conditions are turned on automatically), then you move uncomfortably. Everything depends on the measure of compliance with these conditions.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Damage One’s Destiny” 1/21/11

Related Material:
The Law Of Communicating Vessels
Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)—The Spiritual Law
Corporeal Activities and Spiritual Advancement

The Creator Is the System in Which We Exist

610.2Comment: Your students believe that they are closer to understanding the upper force and closer to the Creator because they are on the path.

My Response: Yes, my students are closer to the Creator than anyone else. The rest of the world is terribly far from the Creator.

Question: But don’t you say that everything around is a manifestation of the Creator?

Answer: It is the entirety of nature! The Creator is a common law of nature, a common force. We are inside Him. If we say “There is none else besides Him,” then you cannot point to one thing.

The Creator is all of nature, including my “I,” except for the awareness that separates me from Him and which I must also connect with Him. This is our movement toward nature.

In principle, what are we created for? What is the current crisis? It is in order to connect our consciousness and our understanding with this very nature. Only in this we are different from it and, by identifying ourselves with it, we bring ourselves into full equivalence, into full integration, with the entire system.

This integration is called the complete correction of a person. This is what we have to come to. The current crisis shows us the reference points in which we have not yet reached integration.

The Creator is everything. This is the system in which we exist.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Be Closer to the Creator?” 12/3/12

Related Material:
Everything Is Included In the Creator
The Creator Is the Basic Force of Nature
There Is No God

Return to the Creator

935Baal HaSulam writes that since the word “nature” is equivalent to the Creator, it is possible to call the laws of the Creator the commandments of nature, and vice versa, the commandments of the Creator are the laws of nature, since they are the same thing. In other words there is nothing but the system of nature, which is the Creator.

This is how we should treat everything that surrounds us, our influence on the world where we exist, and its influence on us, while we recognize ourselves as an integral part of this system of nature, which is called the Creator.

There is only one upper force of the Creator, which desires to bring us to adhesion with Him, not forcefully by coercion, but by a conscious way of good. To the extent that we understand the Creator, feel Him, and attain Him as good who does good, to this extent we will be able to get closer to Him and connect with Him. In this way we will return to the Creator—to nature.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/23, “Connecting the World in the Last Generation”

Related Material:
To Taste or to See?
All The Laws Of Nature Are The Creator’s Attributes
Taste The Creator

How Can You Meet God?

962.3Question: There is a Jewish parable about a young man who asked a sage: “We hear that in the past, in the good old days, people used to see God with their own eyes. People used to meet with God. God used to call people by their first names. God was very close. What happened now? Why is He hiding from us? Why doesn’t He hold people’s hands anymore? They stumble in the dark without Him.” The sage looked at the student and said: “My son, God is still where He was, but people have forgotten how to lower themselves low enough that they can see Him.”

He says you must lower yourself. What is it to lower yourself?

Answer: Annul yourself. Your mind, your strength, your superiority, your egoism overall. Then you will see the Creator.

Annulling myself means I don’t want to decide anything. I want only one thing: to bow before the force of nature, which claims that only for the sake of others, only in connection with others, and only in mutual support can we exist. This is called lowering yourself.

The law of nature says it very simply: we are all interconnected. That is, if I think about others, and care for others everyone will be fine and so will I.

Question: Is this lowering my “I”?

Answer: Yes. But this lowering toward others, this egoism cannot be broken through. It is possible only if we convince each other that we have no other option and lower ourselves together.

Question: This word “lowering” does it frighten you, push you away? Not really you, but someone proud?

Answer: Of course, we will have to put away our pride somehow, and deal with it.

Question: How would we make purely corporeal decisions and some plans?

Answer: Precisely by lowering ourselves toward each other. We won’t survive any other way.

Question: So we cannot build one strong country. Do we also have to take care of everyone else, the whole world, everything? You give us such difficult tasks. Or can we do it?

Answer: I think this is not a difficult task. Our development will lead us to feel that we are one nation on Earth, and there is no escape from the fact that we must support each other. This will become the main law. Nature will force us.

Question: Is this the future?

Answer: Yes. I think it is not far off.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/5/23

Related Material:
The Wisdom Of King Solomon: “God Made Man Straight”
Annul Yourself Only Before The Friends Along The Spiritual Path
Choosing The Good Fortune For Yourself

What Does Love for My Neighbor Give Me

527.02Comment: There is a very clear Jewish parable in which a scientist came to a sage and asked, “They say that you, sir, give people amazing medicines and know how to heal. Give me medicine that will teach me to fear God.” “For the fear of God,” the wise man replied, “I have no medicine. But there is a medicine that will help you love God.” “I desire this even more,” said the scientist, “give me that one.” “This medicine is, love of one’s neighbor,” answered the sage.

That is such a simple formula: If you love your neighbor, you will love God.

My Response: Yes.

Comment: There are always questions, I see my neighbor…

My Response: We do not see our neighbor either. In principle, he is just as incomprehensible and hidden, as the Creator.

Comment: But for an ordinary person, I see my neighbor. Here he is in front of me. But I do not see the Creator.

My Response: What does it mean to see the Creator? What is the question here?

The Creator is everything that is around us. Absolutely everything that is around, everything that I exist in, that fills the whole world around me; all this is the Creator.

Question: Is it possible to fall in love with everything that fills the world around us?

Answer: Yes. Connect with Him and desire to be afloat in Him all the time. That is all.

Question: Does the fact that I do not tear myself away from Him mean that I accept everything?

Answer: Absolutely.

Question: And do I also accept the worst thing?

Answer: It does not matter what.

Question: All this is from You, and I accept it?

Answer: Yes. This is what adhesion is.

Question: Then why does love for one’s neighbor lead to love for the Creator?

Answer: Because we can better direct ourselves this way. Otherwise, how can we do it? For me, as an ordinary person, the Creator is something distant, incredible, other-worldly, and so on. And if I accept everything around me that it is the Creator, then how can I get close to Him and direct myself to Him? Only through my neighbor.

Question: That is, I am trying to love my neighbor and understand that this is …

Answer: Everything around me.

Question: This very thought must stay in me all the time, that all this is from the Creator?

Answer: Yes, this is the Creator. And this is called, from the love of one’s neighbor to the love of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/12/23

Related Material:
From Love Of Created Beings To Love Of The Creator
The Battle And Unification Of Opposites
Kabbalists Are Souls That Revive The Generation

Letters—The Impact of Light on Desires

526Question: Why are Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey called the name of the Creator?

Answer: The Creator is the light that depicts itself against the background of black desire. Therefore, all kinds of figures that the light draws on a black background are letters that make up the name of the Creator. Meaning, we perceive His actions in this way.

Question: Does it mean that someone felt the influence of light on their desire and thus depicted it in the form of letters or text?

Answer: Yes, this is how the Torah is written.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 1/15/23

Related Material:
The Creator Is What Is Revealed in the Desire
The Creator’s Name Is Four Letters
The Secret Of The Creator’s Name