There Is Only Grief Around, but the Creator Is Good?

284.05Comment: Alexander writes: “Michael Laitman, when you say that the Creator is good and does only good, what do you want from an unfortunate poor person? If there is only grief around him, then the fact that the Creator is good sounds like a mockery of him.

Your house is destroyed, this is good; your loved ones have died, this is good; you are forced to leave everything you have earned, this is good. We have to convince ourselves that all this is for our good, that the Creator is kind and does good, or how should we understand you?”

My Response: It is very simple to understand me. We must try to understand the laws of nature, and try to fulfill them and disseminate them. These are the laws of the Creator.

Comment: There are thousands of questions like this, especially in our time, and you continue to say that nature is connection and good and the Creator is good and does good. These questions multiply in conjunction with what is happening in the world. How can a person renounce what is happening in front of his eyes and in his feelings?

My Response: What he sees before his eyes is done by people, not by the Creator.

The Creator set conditions, and if we had fulfilled them, we would have lived completely differently. Otherwise, what do you do?

Question: These laws of nature, as you say, the Creator, should I know and fulfill them?

Answer: Never mind fulfilling them, but at least know them.

Question: Can you name the main law?

Answer: It is very simple: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Comment: We run into this formula all the time. But it’s not easy. You immediately say that this needs to be achieved.

My Response: You are talking about the law. I gave you the law. If this formula is not easy, what will you do?

Comment: So you are saying that we all need to know about this, all of humanity does.

My Response: Yes. The whole world is built on it. If you act in this way, you will be closer to the Creator and to fulfilling His law, the global law of all nature. What’s next? See for yourself.

Question: So I know that I can’t do it yet, I understand that I can’t, and you call this advancement already?

Answer: Of course!

Question: The fact that I understand that I cannot fulfill this law?

Answer: It doesn’t matter. But you understand that such a law exists, and in the end, ideally, if you followed it, you would be at the degree of the Creator.

Question: And who are you more for, for those who say and even write to us: “I am fulfilling this law” or for those who say: “It is impossible to execute it”?

Answer: Of course, it is impossible to execute.

Question: How can we fulfill it in this case? Do we have to think about it?

Answer: If we gradually connect for the sake of fulfilling this law, then we begin to acquire in ourselves within our connection qualities that begin to feel this law on ourselves, and gradually, gradually we approach it and its fulfillment. That is all.

Question: Are these qualities in us, or are they somehow given to us? You say, “They weren’t in us. There is no love in us.”

Answer: They weren’t in us, absolutely. We attract them. We attract them from above, so to say. From an upper degree.

Question: So there is our degree and there is a higher degree. It is here. Is our task just to reach out to it?

Answer: To draw it to yourself.

Question: Do I have to live with this thought that I want to draw this quality to myself?

Answer: Yes, to live for this.

Question: Is this the goal of life by and large?

Answer: Of course. It is to pull up to the love of one’s neighbor is the meaning of life.

Question: Tell me, will we ever reach a state when a mass of people…?

Answer: We can’t wait, we have to do it on ourselves. Then it will happen.

Question: Then will I stop seeing, let’s say, the way Alexander describes, that everything around is terrible?

Answer: I will see that everything is terrible, but it can all be fixed.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/30/23

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